
Just the Way You Are

Byun Baekhyun is desperate. She is probably the only breathing in the entire city of Seoul. She might actually feel slightly better if she is a prude type of girl, but being void of penile penetration isn’t her choice. She did not vow to keep her body free from scorching touches or being held with lusting animalistic grasps. She doesn’t gasp in disgust or runaway from carnal conversations. No, being untouched is not by all means an entry in her bucket list. She has been single in her entire life, it’s not supposed to be that big of a deal but for this certain Byun, she diagnoses it as a life and death situation. She is not even exaggerating; she read in a health brochure that nulliparity could increase a woman's chance on developing certain types of cancer. That being said, not only does she experience a magnified ual frustration but also, she is a candidate for a terminal disease. So really, she is just thinking about her health (as a normal health-conscious individual should), satisfying her ual need just happen to be on the way. She tries to keep that out of her mind (am I really that ugly, that no one, absolutely no one found me desiring?), but then Luhan almost had an abortion and she suddenly feels alone and ugly and miserable, what is wrong with her?

She watched as Sehun practically begged Luhan to not get their baby aborted, Oh Sehun the blank-faced jerk was on his knees as he asked her to marry him in that clinic where their baby was supposed be murdered. Luhan being the impulsive woman that she is, said yes.

Luhan vowed during their senior high that she would never get married. She took a blood oath, she will not settle for one guy who will treat her like his own personal e. Luhan's level stretches beyond the graph of iness, sleeping on different beds every night. Until Sehun finally manned up and tied her to his life (and his bed and pole and chair on anything that is sturdy). She took another blood oath on their senior year in college that she will not bear a child. But then being a promiscuous woman with an equally promiscuous lover, rationality and common sense are bound to be distorted. Calendar methods, birth control pills and condoms were forgotten in one heated evening (most likely involving handcuffs). Baekhyun began spitting at the thought of blood oath ever since.


Four weeks later, Baekhyun is now here. She is wearing a beautiful canary yellow dress, her curves outlined and milky white skin exposed. She is drowning out her sorrows by disdainfully eating a slice of wedding cake.


“I can’t believe that brat is married!” says Kai glancing at Sehun as he blissfully feeds his new wife a cake. “He is basically an overgrown baby without a diaper, how’s he gonna raise a child?” Kai is an impatient lust-driven evil warped in toned tan body of a dance instructor. 

“People do crazy things Kai,” Kyungsoo says, she is Kai's first and forever girlfriend. She used to be up tight like a teacher (which she is) but then Kai happened. The bottom line is everyone in Baekhyun's circle is either naturally promiscuous or induced to be one.

“Yeah, like someone against the mirror in a dressing room so they can see themselves ing kind of crazy, not get your-girl-friend-pregnant-agrees-to-get-an-abortion-then-not-get-an-abortion-then-propose-then-marry-in-four-weeks kind of crazy,” Kai says in a matter of fact-ly. 


“Tell me that you’re not talking about you and Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun asks even though she already knows the answer.


“I’d tell you that if you agreed to the we’re offering you,” Kai says right in her face.


“The third person has to be a stranger, that's like the number one rule in threesomes. I've known you guys since diaper days, that doesn’t spell out stranger,” Baekhyun says expertly.


“But you always talk like you are willing to do it with anyone so why not do it with us instead? Seriously, Baek, you are like the most-unlike . Where did you even read that? guideline 1-oh-1?” Kyungsoo asks before gulping in a big slice of cake.


“I learned that from gossip-girl. I learn a lot from that show. I’m 24 and I haven’t been ed like I want to,” Baekhyun answers her, glaring at no one in particular.


“Correction. You are 24 and you haven’t been ed period. Just ask your best friend/roommate/boss to do it for you? Chanyeol might even give you a raise,” Kyungsoo says, prude facade long forgotten.


Chanyeol’s gigantic ears perk up at the mention of his name. "I don’t mind ing Baek, I’ve only been dropping hints since Kindergarten, I know that her s are a beautiful shade of pink, her are non-existent, she's seen my junior so I don’t really know what's stopping her. Baek we’re basically siblings with different parents. If you’re so damn ually frustrated just bounce on my ," Chanyeol says to everyone on their table, eyes securely fixed on his best friend. No one bats an eye. Chanyeol is just being his ually forward – self.


Said best friend excuses herself to the comfort room. She just had some visual bouncing on Chanyeol, beads of sweat decorating her forehead, nails digging against his back; rough hands bruising her hips.  She is , and she would die if that reaches Chanyeol’s ear. She gets that all the time, that uncomfortable feeling between her legs, squirming on her seat to relieve it. This is what Baekhyun has to go through for having a best friend with no mouth filter. Little did she know that a surprise awaits for her there. She screams out, because public is just too much especially when it is her little brother pounding on his high school teacher is what she sees.


“My brother told me that he is aual, he has a purity ring and I’m sure letting his teacher him in a comfort room in a wedding is illegal.” She realizes that she isn’t upset about all of that (what kind of a sister is she?).


“I used to change his diapers and I haven’t even kissed anyone,” Baekhyun exclaims to her circle of friends.


Chanyeol is about to retort but Baekhyun raises a finger on him. ‘’No Chanyeol a flying kiss or an indirect one is not a real kiss.”


Baekhyun is failing Erick Erickson’s Psychosocial Development Theory. According to the said Danish (or is it German?) dude, Baekhyun is under the stage of early adulthood. During this stage, she is under the challenge between intimacy and isolation. She is expected to form and keep intimate relationship. The closest she ever got to an intimate relationship is to herself. Baekhyun believes the old man Erick because why else would he be so remembered if he wasn’t telling the truth. Byun Baekhyun is so screwed.


Baekhyun prides herself for being tough. She never lets anything or anyone get to her, she has gone through college without giving her parents any problem, she is a keep it together person. She has friends, an apartment and a nice paying job. She is hot, single and ready to mingle but so far, nobody has noticed that because if someone did, she would have lost her V-card years ago. It is those models fault for setting a standard for beauty. A superficial measurement that is unattainable for short girls like her. Society dares to say that physical outlook doesn’t matter, it’s the biggest redundant lie she has ever spoken. Life has stopped turning for Baekhyun, she is dead tired of her nondescript daily activities. She has been living with her guy best friend since college. Chanyeol is her boss, to a company that he inherited from his parents. She is too dependent on Chanyeol. Baekhyun believes that she is dragging him down. Chayeol is supposed to be hosting a party with the Park family yet here he is listening to Baekhyun as she whines about her life not going the way she planned even if she did played by the rules since the very start. Needless to say, this is not how she imagined her life to be. She knows that life does not give you what you want, but couldn’t life just go easier on her?

“I know what I need Yeol!,” Baekhyun says pointing straight to the tv monitor. They are on their shared apartment watching Emily Owens MD (Baekhyun secretly has a kink for hot surgeons).


Chanyeol turns his head to the television and shrugs. “What? An overrated make over?”


“A change, I need it and I need it now and I’m not reaching 25 a . I will succeed that psychosocial theory so Erick Erickson can kiss my ,” she’s on her feet, hopes sky-high.


“What theory? Chanyeol concentrates his attention to his best friend. “If deflowering you is the problem, we can have Baek, casual best friend . I like it rough but you seem to be the vanilla type so I can tailor my preference down to your level. I can be as slow as the heart beat of a blue whale,” Chanyeol says enthusiastically; delight b to a disturbing grin, almost maniacal.


“Ewww! I do not want STD from you Yeol. Your has been drilling lots of holes. I’m not letting yours anywhere near my tight ,” Baekhyun dismisses him. She stares at him as she analyses the end of Chanyeol’s statement.  “How can you tell that I’m vanilla? I could be a rocky road.”

“You’re missing half of your life Baek; your fingers will not be enough nor are your s and s. You’re gonna want the real deal and because I’m your best friend who has seen you at your worst let me help you lose your intact hymen. You are a wimp; there is no way that you are a rocky road. ” Chanyeol is persistent but she knows his statements are nothing but empty.


Baekhyun’s been verbally molested by Chanyeol that she’s beginning to get immune to it, scratch that, she is immune to it. Chanyeol’s remarks have stopped making her blush in embarrassment yes but she can’t deny the fact that she has a female being . (That is what her s are for). But to hell if she is ever going to tell her ert best friend that.


Baekhyun needs a change. She needs a new apartment, a new job, a new wardrobe, a new hairstyle and to top it all a new guy. And she’s gonna get that all within the week.


She moved out to New York (well she wished she did).


She moved out to a new apartment a few blocks away from Chanyeol (he demanded for a spare key); resigned as Chanyeol’s secretary (he threw a fit) and got a job in a toyshop where she purchases hers (a change is a change!). She dyed her hair red (Chanyeol was surprisingly pleased since he is doing the eye-twitching thing and the ever-creepy all-teeth grin). She even bought a Filipino-Korean dictionary (and learned to say Mahal ko Kami in just one day). She (jokingly) suggested getting a new face but Chanyeol just frowned at her.


Everything is set; all she needs is a new guy, fall in love, fall apart and everything in between. It doesn’t matter, she just want to experience something rather than not at all. Baekhyun is young, way too young to rot all by herself especially if she doesn't have to. Not, if she can help it.


She meets Lay; he owns the ice cream parlor across the street where Baekhyun works. She can’t stop talking to Chanyeol about his deep adorable dimples, that she keeps imagining dipping her tongue in (however she will only do it once Lay kisses her first). Baekhyun tells Chanyeol that his pink plump lips are probably as sweet as the ice cream that he sells. The flavor of his tongue might depend on what they decide to use for (Baekhyun fantasizes like a pro).


It is Baekhyun’s first night in her new apartment when Chanyeol comes knocking on her door demanding for food and his good night hug.


Baekhyun scolds Chanyeol and goes on about letting his girlfriend to the grocery and cooking for him instead of driving all the way there. She lectures on how he should ask her to give him the hug that the giant hug monster needs while she prepares his dinner. Chanyeol has a new girlfriend, although Baekhyun has been accustomed to his pattern, she still has to close her eyes. She still has to take a deep breath before flashing Chanyeol her congratulatory smile that defeats its purpose.  She learned how to act calm; it is just a change in the weather.


“I just miss your hugs Baek. Your hugs are one of a kind,” he says to Baekhyun, he dropping his chin on top of her newly dyed magenta hair.


“I miss your big ears Yeol.”


“I miss pressing my chest closer to yours so I could feel your ies flush against mine but I’d remember you don’t even have a cup size.”


“I take it back. I don’t miss you at all, good night and go home,” he pushes the giant cuddle monster out of her place.


Baekhyun meets Junmyeon, he’s an AA, he lives one floor below from her. It inspire Baekhyun to actually meet someone who needs fixing and she totally doesn’t mind if he would try to kiss her either but she doubt that he’ll ever try. Jummyeon is more of a platonic relationship kind of guy.

It’s a Saturday morning, Baekhyun just finished cleaning up her place.  She is weary and sweaty, deciding that a bubble is what she needs, she starts stripping off.  She plays with the bubbles as she recalls the conversation she had with Junmyeon involving her current job. She needs a real job; she never meant to work there for long in the first place. It’s time to start sorting out her priorities to get her life back on track. The door suddenly flies open, she screams her lungs out. Leaning against her doorframe is her best friend, all goofy smile and handsome face temporarily making Baekhyun forget that she’s . She closes the shower curtain abruptly as the realization strikes her.

“Are you hiding something Baek? Are you using the shower head for another purpose?” Chanyeol chuckles, he can still see the outline of Baekhyun’s body. “You should hurry up. Luhan is probably throwing a fit now.”

Oddly enough, Baekhyun doesn’t answer, Chanyeol assumes that she’s on her period. He knows how moody Baekhyun is on her red days.

They pick up Luhan on her house; Baekhyun still hasn’t uttered a word. Chanyeol keeps glancing at her, Luhan’s eyes darting back and forth between the two. She asked them to accompany her on her pre-natal visit to provide as a distraction. She cannot stand looking at Sehun, maybe it has something to do with her pregnant hormones.

“What is wrong with you two?” She finally breaks the silence inside the moving vehicle it pisses her off.

“Baek is having her period.”

“I am not.”

“You’re worse that Luhan, worse than any moody pregnant woman.”

“She’s not going to get pregnant unless you marry her first.” Luhan pipes in from the backseat.

“Do you want to get pregnant Baekhyun? You can have my babies. Little byuns and little parks. They will be cuter than Luhan and Sehun’s. I have good genes and you don’t look that bad.”

“Shut up Chanyeol! I don’t want to wake up and see your face first thing in the morning.”

“But you want to look at my face just before you sleep at night. Oh! I heard that having during your menstruation helps you achieve your faster, it has something to do with the blood supply being more concentrated on your pelvic region.”

“You got that one right Chanyeol, we did it once. Sehun was grossed out but you can’t get Baekhyun pregnant during menses so. All you need is proper timing.” Luhan interjects from the back seat. She could always count on the two for distraction and entertainment. Baekhyun stores the information in her memory. Clearly, her knowledge is still lacking, nothing really teaches as well as experience.


Chanyeol comes again that night demanding for dinner, disturbing his best friend’s peaceful evening. Baekhyun tells him that she will do the grocery for him so he won’t have any excuse to come over.

“I’ll come for your free hugs instead. We can do the grocery tomorrow.”


Baekhyun can’t accompany him because she has a date with Lay and she squeals like a hormonal adolescent. She’s excited and nervous all at once and she’s really glad that Chanyeol is there to talk to. Chanyeol’s always there, he is like air, sunshine, the sky, the world would stop making sense, the world would blur without Chanyeol. Those thoughts are surfacing again, the ones that Baekhyun is not supposed to have, the ones that invoked her need for change.


“Date is overrated. Go on a grocery date with me instead,” Chanyeol suggests but Baekhyun just laughs at him. She needs a change and it involves going out with a really sweet guy with an adorable dimple and a bizarre fascination with unicorns.


“Why do you need to change? Change is constant, maybe you’re changing now and you’re just not aware of it because you are too focused in the change that you think you want rather than the change you need.” His deep voice demanding Baekhyun’s undivided attention hoping that it could knock some sense in her.


Baekhyun just urges him to go home. Chanyeol gets his hug and says to her, “I miss your head Baek, my chin just fits perfectly on it and it smells like vanilla. I slept in your bedroom last night. You’re bed still smells like you by the way in case you actually decide to comeback.”

“You called Dara like I told you?” Chanyeol asks unexpectedly. Baekhyun frees herself from Chanyeol’s hug and gives him a nod.

“What did you tell her this time?”

“That you have Cryptorchidism.” Chanyeol just stares at her, as if his silence is an unspoken indicator that she has to elaborate further and to continue talking.

“It means that you only have one ball.” Baekhyun inches away from her best friend, ready to bolt. Chanyeol glares at her but doesn’t begin attacking Baekhyun as the latter expected.

Disappointed, Baekhyun lets her guard down. “You’re not mad? I told her that you cant find your other ball Chanyeol. Why aren’t you freaking out?”

Chanyeol smirks at her making Baekhyun’s suspicion grow. “Well I just proved that you’ve been spying on me. Byun Baekhyun you are a ert. If you wanted to see my Baek, you could have just asked me. You don’t need to watch those videos that slow down the wifi.” Chanyeol fumbles with the button of his jeans. Baekhyun’s eyes widen. “Park Chanyeol! Don’t freaking strip.”

A faint plop is heard as Chanyeol’s pants falls to the wooden floor. “Ooops.” Chanyeol laughs at the flustered look on Baekhyun’s face.  Baekhyun dares not to look down as she catches a brief glance of Chanyeol’s gray boxers. “Put your pants on Yeol.” She demands, eyes glaring intently at Chanyeol, lips pursing in a thin line.

“You might have peeked wrongly Baek because the last time I check I have two. The one slightly smaller than the other, which is perfectly normal. ” They engage in a starring battle. Chanyeol plays with the hem of his boxers, Baekhyun gasps as the male playfully pulls it away, glancing down at it.

“I know that you want to see it Baek.” Chanyeol teases her, confident that she won’t do it. To his surprise, he strides backwards as Baekyun walks to his direction. He freezes as she takes the hem of his boxer and peeks at his clothed manhood.

The morning after, Baekhyun finds a cup of coffee on her doorstep with a note.


Welcome neighbor!        

-Kris Wu



Baekhyun thinks that it is a little late for a welcome gift so he searched Kris Wu on facebook, she also asked around their building(apparently he lives across the hall, directly in front of her and she is blown.


“Yeol he is gorgeous!”


“This means you’re not going on a date with that ice cream freak again right? You have a perfectly hot neighbor to flirt with.”


BaekHyun goes to another date with Lay, it is going smoothly, she is with a funny guy who can’t stop talking about alien invasion. Baekhyun ends up telling him about Chanyeol’s ears like Yoda. Lay asks her who Chanyeol is and that it’s really rude of her to talk about some other guy while they are on a date.  Lay leaves and Baekhyun just sits there obtunded. She receives a call from said Yoda-like ears, she hates that he is calling at the right time, when she actually needs him and at the same time not. Chanyeol would have laughed at the joke, sure he’ll act pissed at first but he’ll laugh at it anyway. Chanyeol laughs at everything she says even if it isn’t remotely funny. When she’s with Chanyeol, Baekhyun can’t use her “kkaebsong”, (what a waste! she thinks!).


“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. It’s like I’m not even part of your life anymore! All you ever talk about is Junmyeon and Lay, Taeyeon has cancer Baek that’s why I’ve been calling you all day, she needs you, her hair is starting to fall out. If you haven’t been out flirting, you could have talked to her. I know that she isn’t your office mate anymore but atleast she’s your friend still,” they are on Baekhyun’s apartment. Chanyeol has been waiting inside (he garnered a spare key the moment Baekhyun decided that she‘d live there). He is angry and he is nowhere near from hiding that fact.


“I’m sorry Yeol. I get it I’m the worst friend, so you can stop saying it to my face because my mind is telling me that already,” Baekhyun began crying. Fresh tears trickles relentless from her eyes. Chanyeol’s guilt eats him so he rushes to her, enveloping her into his arms.


Chanyeol hugs her while whispering endless sorrys. Baekhyun rarely cries, Chanyeol feels like the biggest jerk for being the reason for it.


“Did you know that your pubic hair is the first one that falls out if you have cancer? She ignored that Baek, but I’m sure you’ll never get cancer because you play with yourself all the time and you’ll notice when the bush there starts thinning.” Baekhyun pushes him laughing. Chanyeol feels the guilt on his chest dissolving. Jaws open, pupils constricting. Chanyeol just stares at her like she’s the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on. 


“Would you stop starring at me like I’m  the most beautiful girl you ever laid your eyes on.”


Caught red-handed he makes fun of her instead, “Stop with this self-flattery Baek. You laugh like a hyena.”

“When you laugh my face takes a shower of your saliva.”

“But you want my saliva mixed with yours.”

Chayeol pushes a box of cake in front of Baekhyun; the familiar note from Kris is stuck into it. He claims that he saw it outside Baekhyun’ s apartment so he decided to pick it up.


“It’s the fourth welcome gift. I think he is trying to say that he wants to sleep with me.” Baekhyun says eyeing the note in full concentration.


“What is ual about: you look tired lately, take a bite. It’s the best thing that you’ll ever put in your mouth?” Chanyeol asks bemused.


Baekhyun wonders for a moment how Chanyeol said that without even looking at the note, like he knows what is written there by heart.


“He is indirectly implying that I should him. Ever heard of reading between the lines Yeol?”


“You’re nuts Baek I swear. Keep your ual fantasies on the low sometime.”


Kris Wu hugely intrigues Baekhyun. The guy is a model but he doesn’t really strike her as the mysterious, tip-toeing around type of guy. No Baekhyun sees him rather as the straight forward, the type who wouldn’t think twice if he really does want someone. They see each other on the hallway, on the elevator, even in the morning while jogging. But he never really talk to Baekhyun, not even about the gifts and notes the he is giving him. It is as if he doesn’t even know Baekhyun.  Deciding that Kris probably doesn’t know how to approach girls like Baekhyun, (she is one of a kind after all) and is probably not aware that he is giving her mixed signals, she takes the initiative to ask him out, she bakes him her infamous (they are to die for according to Chanyeol) blueberry cheese cake and places a note notifying the details of their date.


Chanyeol came over as usual, eating the left over cake that Baekhyun baked for Kris. Chanyeol chokes when he heard who the cake was for. He immediately rushes out mumbling excuses about the office. He left without asking for Baekhyun’s hug, it disappointed her. For the first time since forever, Baekhyun went to sleep without giving her best friend her one of a kind good night hug.


Kris is running late. He forgot his phone so he needed to go back at his apartment but then he also forgot his keys so he asked for a spare key from the weird guy in the lobby. Said weird guy was nowhere to be found so Kris is going ballistic roaming the floors in search for him. Or maybe Junmyeon’s dog ate her cake so he never got it in the first place. Baekhyun head is swarming with all possible scenarios on why her date is late for 44 minutes. Maybe Kris isn’t really into her, maybe she read the signs wrong, that the notes are simply as they are, no reading between the lines and all that she strongly believes in. The pitter-patter of the rain staining the window is the final signal that Baekhyun needs to conclude that Kris stood her up, she gets on her feet and walks through the rain. Byun Baekhyun isn’t crying, the rain is simply tasting real salty that afternoon.


Her heart almost leaps out of her rib cage when she hears her name being called; she turns around so fast, the colors blending as one, that she does not even register doing it.


A man with a shaved head came running towards her, umbrella in one hand. It’s Chanyeol, it has always been Chanyeol. By the time he is already in front of her, he is a panting mess.


“I’m sorry Baek.”


“Why are you saying sorry Chanyeol? You might have shaved your head but you’re not the Kris Wu who stood me up.”


“Baek, you’re going to hate me.”


“What are you talking about Chanyeol? Why would I hate you?” She’s asks, confusion screaming in her brown eyes.


“Kris, he isn’t coming. He never got your note. I took it.” He answers her brief but appalling.


“Why would you do that Park Chanyeol? Don’t you want me to be happy? Why do you keep interfering with my life Chanyeol. I never said anything with your girl friends! While you! You interfere with Lay and Junmyeon. Now it’s Kris! What the Park Chanyeol!” She is raising her voice, tears trickling out of her eyes. Disappointment, anger, disbelief and several unpleasant emotions bubbling in her chest.


“There is no Kris Wu! At least there is no Kris that is interested in you because he has someone and I didn’t know that before today. Baek I’m sorry I was the one who gave those gifts and notes. I’m sorry. Im sorry. I’ve done the tiest thing that a best friend can do. I’m sorry Baekhyun.”


“Why did you do it Park? For fun, was it fun? Were you laughing with Kris while I go on about those stupid notes?” Baekhyun couldn’t believe that her best friend is even capable of doing such thing.


“I did it because you were happy with Lay and I didn’t want that. I want you to be happy with me,” Chanyeol says, desperation palpable in his deep voice.


“I hate you Park Chanyeol. Don’t follow me home and I would really appreciate it if you’d stop being friends with me,” she ran until she couldn’t hear Chanyeol calling after her, until she could hear her heartbeat ringing in her ears.


Baekhyun isn’t crying, the rain is simply tasting real salty that afternoon but she can’t pretend any longer.


Chanyeol will come, she knows that so she went to the place where he wouldn’t come looking.


A tall guy with feline eyes opens the door after knocking three times. Baekhyun doubts that she is in the wrong door but she lived across the hall for almost a month now so she is pretty sure who lives beyond the door.


“Is Kris here?” Baekhyun asks unsure.


The stranger opens the door for her, Baekhyun pushes herself forward.


“Kris! there’s a poor thing here. Tell me you didn’t molest her or something,” he shouts, he disappears into what looks like a bathroom and comes back with a towel for Baekhyun.


“What the are you talking about Tao, I didn’t ing molest------------Baekhyun?” Kris who is half-, widens his eyes when they land to her wet neighbor’s puffy ones. Normally Baekhyun would take her time to ogle at Kris partial , but her head is filled with Chanyeol that she couldn’t bring herself to care. 


“This is Park Chanyeol’s Baekhyun?” Tao exclaims in the background. Baekhyun connects the dot in her head. There are three of them in this, Tao, Kris and Park, Baekhyun’s eyes begin to water again.


“ I made her cry!” Tao panics.


“Why’d you do this Kris? Were you laughing the whole time? How do you even know Chan---Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asks in tears, her voice quivering.


“To answer the first, Chanyeol did this to you; he used my name so I’m neither an accomplice nor accessory. Secondly, the three of us met in Tao’s wushu class.”


“It’s Chanyeol’s fault for being an idiot. Who doesn’t have a clue on what to do the moment the girl he is in love with starts to get a life that he isn’t part of,” Tao interrupts.


Baekhyun’s heart stops.  Chanyeol is in love with someone. Chanyeol’s been with a lot of girls sure but the giant wasn’t in love or even remotely like them.


“Who is Chanyeol in love with?” Baekhyun asks, the words taste bitter in her tongue.


“Oh God! The girl is even a bigger idiot,” Tao exclaims.


Kris finishes the sentence for Tao, “You Baekhyun. Park Chanyeol is in love with you but he is a big enough idiot not knowing it himself. He doesn’t even know that you like him back. But you’re the smart one and you know that you love him right?”


Baekhyun nods. She is in love with Chanyeol. She has always been for as long as she can remember.

Baekhyun is in love with his broad shoulders, his rough hands, the color of his eyes, his pink lips. She is in love with his abnormally large ears and his creepy grin. 


She’s in love at how he listens to her stories, how he reaches up for the things the she couldn’t reach, how he knows how to lift her mood when she is down. She is in love at how he belts into a song that she is singing until their throats go sore.


Baekhyun is in love with Chanyeol’s height. How Chanyeol is the embodiment of Dobby's ears and the way Baekhyun embodies Dobby's height (Kyungsoo has dobby's eyes). How people thinks that they are too different but they don’t know how similar they really are. Almost as if, they are one person, instead two.


She’s in love with her best friend but she can’t say the same for him.


“Chanyeol is not in love with me. I don’t know what he sees when he looks at me but I know it’s not love-love.” Baekhyun knows better than to get her hopes up she defies their assumption. If Chanyeol loved her, she would know.

Tao throws her a bunch of questions.

Does he laugh at your jokes?

Does he make fun of you?

Makes time to hang out with you?

Compliments you indirectly?

Does he listen to every non-sense things you say?

Does he fart comfortably around you?


Baekhyun nods to all of them. She wonders where Tao got all of that. As if he could read Baekhyun’s mind, Tao answers her. “I would know because Kris does all of that and a lot more.”


Kris reacts in the background. “You’re the one who keeps barging in my apartment Tao! That was one time, you fed me something nasty."


“Well, look at that Kris, I’m in love with you too,” that pretty much shuts Kris up.


Baekhyun’s eyes amplify at the realization that Kris is gay because he looks like a straight dragon not a gay dragon (don't ask). 


“That’s why Chanyeol said Kris has someone but he didn’t know just before today. How wouldn’t he know that when you guys do your wushu thing together?” Baekhyun asks.


“I think I already mentioned that he is stupid and oblivious so good luck for falling in love with that guy. He even asked if it is customary to kiss your guy friend in China,” Tao scoffs.


Baekhyun borrows some clothes from Tao. She knows that there is a fat chance that Chanyeol is waiting for her in her apartment. She isn’t ready to face him just yet. She begs Kris not to call Chanyeol and she only left when it is nearly midnight where she is sure that the giant must have gone home.


She has never been so wrong because the moment that she pulls Kris’ door open the door in her apartment door opens too revealing the person she is avoiding.


They both stand on their ground not breaking eye contact.


“Baek,” says Chanyeol as if he is looking at her for the first time in years. He is about to step out when Baekhyun tells her not to.


“Keep your foot inside Chanyeol, if you step in the hallway I will slam this door on your face,” her tone is serious and firm.


“Okay, okay Baek just please let’s talk. You worried me, the weird guy in the lobby almost kicked me out. I was asking him Junmyeon’s place because I thought you were with him. I also went to the ice cream freak and he just tells me that I do have yoda ears.”


“Chanyeol I’m going to ask you one question, Tao ed with my mind saying things about you and me. I want to believe what he said but I can’t because I wanna hear it from you .I don’t want to wait around for something that might never happen in the first place. Park Chanyeol are you in love with me?” Baekhyun’s voice squeaks at the end.


It takes seconds before he could respond. The wait feels like eternity for Baekhyun. 


“I didn’t think that I was. But then you left, you met other people. I realized that you are the best thing that ever happened to my life. I don’t know how to act without you because you not being beside me? I never think about it. If that is called, love then yes Baekhyun. I’m in love with you.”


There is a long pregnant silence. Chanyeol wants to slam the door and rot inside Baekhyun’s apartment. He just practically poured the insides of his heart out, veins, arteries and septum included but Baekhyun is being unresponsive. How long would it take before his knees give up, before he would curl in a ball and cry like a baby?


“Why did you shave your head Yeol? You look like shrek. Except thinner and not green, obviously,” Baekhyun says, a smile creeping on her face.


“The whole office is doing this for Taeyeon,” he scratches the back of his head.


“What are still standing there for Yeol?” she asks


“Am I allowed to step out now?”


“Do I have to tell you everything Chanyeol? Do I really need to do everything myself?” that being said Baekhyun crosses the hall, locks her hands around his necks, tip toes and kisses his unsuspecting lips.


“Baek can I have my good night hug before I go?”


“You could have your good night kiss too, you ogre.”


“-“ “-“


“Well I should get going.”


“Can’t you stay? I want to try a new good night ritual.”




Chanyeol didn’t just get a good night hug and good night kiss. Not that a good night greeting was even needed.  They ended up being fully awake until the next morning.


Baekhyun was too happy to announce that Erick Erickson can kiss her .


Chanyeol decided that Baekhyun needed a punishment, only he is allowed to kiss that piece of jiggly .

A/N : Yehet! I finished my first ChanBaek, my first genderbender and my first best friend story too. I love bestfriend stories, gets me everytime no matter how cliche they are. 


Tnx for reading.

girl-Baek is is just so .....                    .

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