Forever (final)

Unending Love



Byun Baekhyun was 5years old,cheery little boy with slim figure,milky white skin and who believed only when there was scientific explanations for everything.That's why he found funny with the boy infront of him who thought sphinx and basilisks were real.It was great family picnic day for the farmers and while the parents are busy with preparations,the kids went out to play near a small pond.Baekhyun's mother told him to take care of her close friend's son_6 months younger than him and now he was stucked with that kid.Baekhyun rolled his eyes as the boy with plump cheek and big ears kept telling that unicorns were golden at birth and became sliver at who-know-what years and blahblahblah.And he couldn't stand any more.

"I'll tell you one thing Park Chanyeol.You are so dumb!"

But the said boy didn't seem to be angry with Baekhyun's words and started digging the ground to find the hidden treasures,he said so.

"Baekhyunnie,come here.I caught many fishes"

"Impossible!there is no fish in that pond",Baekhyun snorted.That Park Chanyeol was always bluffing.but instead of speaking,he made his way to him.And what he found in Chanyeol's hand were

"Tadpoles?seriously?Chanyeol,they are not fishes.They are tadpoles!They'll become frog or toad later"

But that kid didn't seem to believe him.He just put those-so-called little fishes in a can."I'll keep and feed them"

"Oh My God!That dummy"

Baekhyun shook his head with annoyance but he didn't have a clue that certain dummy would become his best friend later.




In the early morning,he could hear the rain as it lashed the windows.He hated thunderstorms but Chanyeol always told him that thunders are just fireworks from Heaven, and baekhyun was forced to believe his words for the past years!Baekhyun arose and dressed up for school and yes since such a lazy he was,he hated school,he hated to get up early.But things he sure loved were tyrian purple asters blooming along the country lane,and one and only Park Chanyeol waiting for him at his usual place.Despite his usual smile,baekhyun noticed unusual thing along with Chanyeol

"Oh my God,yeol…you got a BIKE!"

He looked at the younger boy,that dummy yeol was no more a child with plump cheeks,and he had grown rapidly during the past few years,now his height was taller than him,much to the envy of Baekhyun.

"Yep.Dad gave me yesterday.Come on Baek,get on!" Chanyeol replied happily.

"Do you even know how to ride properly?you know,I'm too young to die",he tried to get on the bike as Chanyeol started to paddle.

"Of course I know…I'm 12years old",Chanyeol grinned,"Well,I'll protect you so you can't die from falling off or may be you'll just get some broken bones"

Baekhyun pouted.He held the latter's shirt firmly as a precaution.He really liked the younger's smell,it was like he just came out from the laundry.Surely Chanyeol would always be in his life.He was as comfortable as an old hat despite the fact that their natures are completely opposite.Chanyeol was slow,deliberate,more settled and thoughtful while he himself was ebullient nature,jovial,light-hearted,inquisitive and alittle devilish.

When they passed over a wooden bridge built across a small stream,Baekhyun got a plan.

"Stop yeol,I dropped my book!"

Baekhyun hurrily got off the bike and jumped into the stream.

"What are you doing,Baek?you can't go to school like are all wet!"

Baekhyun smirked.He came up out of the water like a playful dolphin."Really?Then I won't go"

He a sheet of water to Chanyeol,"Come on in yeol.Let's play"

"Oh,no!Father'd thrash me"

"Even if you fell in?"

Baekhyun seized his ankle and yanked.Chanyeol yelped and fell into the icy water helplessly and then came to the surface gulping and sputtering.The older boy swung his open hand across the water and giggled and they both ended with laughing and splashing water with each other,indeed,skipping school for the day.


"Baekhyun.what have you been doing the whole morning?"

His father's voice wass serious.*Did he know about skipping school?* He thought.

"I..I went to school.why?" *…why am I stuttering*

"Don't lie to me!I know you didn't go to school.Mrs. Park came here early.She told me you pulled his son into water!"

*I'll kill Park Chanyeol*He facepalmed himself internally.

"What a shame Byun Baekhyun!You are grounded.Now go up to your room"

He went back to his room angrily and found the one and only Dummy Chanyeol trying to open his bedroom window, he obviously climbed up the tree to reach his room.

"Baek…are you angry with me?"

Baekhyun didn't reply but instead he just ploped himself down on his bed.*Did you know a slient Baekhyun was scarier than a shouting Baekhyun?*

"I'm so sorry.I...I just don't know how to lie my mom.Please…can you forgive me?"

Still no reply from the older.Chanyeol pulled a book out of his jacket.

"Do you like Tagore's poems.I got this for you" Chanyeol saw Baekhyun closing his eyes tightly.He sighed.

"I'll read to you then"


"I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times...

In life after life, in age after age, forever.

My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs,

That you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms,

In life after life, in age after age, forever."


And that night,Baekhyun realized that he could never angry to Chanyeol more than 5 minutes.




"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"Go away Chanyeol.I'm still sleeping"

Baekhyun groaned as he felt his blanket was pulled down to his feet.A cold air wrapped around his leg and Baekhyun knew he could no longer sleep.He opened his eyes lazily and found his bestfriend beside the bed with a creepy grin on his face,watching him.

"Why are you even here at this early"

"Come on,it is Christmas!I came here to help you with decorations.Now get your lazy out of the bed and come down.Ok?"

When Baekhyun walked down the staircase to door of the living room,he found chanyeol decorating the Christmas tree,humming a song.Learning against the door frame,he found himself being drawn into Chanyeol's world,a world of beauty…a world he couldn't live without.He didn't even realized the song stopped and Chanyeol stood beside him.

"Now..Now.sleeping beauty has awaken!"

The dark eyes met Baekhyun's own ones and the latter became uneasy under those intense eyes and some sort butterflies in his own stomach.He didn't even know why he had been alot like this lately.

"Listen Baek.I'm sorry to make you upset yesterday.I didn't mean it"

*What was he talking about?* Baekhyun thought to himself.Was it about that Chanyeol went to Prom with that Heyri girl?They seemed so happy that night and all Baekhyun wanted to do was to wipe off that wide grin on her ugly face.yes!ugly face.She didn't deserved to be with his Chanyeol.*ugly with ugly face*.He cursed mentally.

"Hey Byun Baekhyun!can you hear what I'm saying?"

Chanyeol's voice snapped him out of his thought.The reality him.What had he been thinking?A pink flush spread over his cheeks and he tried to hide it.

"Y-Yes.but why am I upset with what?"

"Me.And the fight with that Kim Jongin guy"

Baekhyun finally remembered.Yesterday prom night was , Chanyeol was with his date and he felt so lonely,not that kind of lonely since he had so many friends,but it was not Chanyeol beside him and he felt empty without his bestfriend.The all started when one of his friends introduced him with a guy named kim jongin.He was a year younger than Baekhyun and well,he couldn't deny the fact that kim jongin was y as hell,with a tanned complexion,tall stature,a handsome face,with sharp mouth sensual,sculptured and attractive.They talked about things_he didn't even remember now_ and all he could remember was Chanyeol ended with some bruises on his face.

"I was embarrassed.Because you acted like a 10year old kid.We are in high school for god sake!I can't imagine you fighting with others.It is not even you"

"But he tried to flirt with you",Chanyeol replied with hesitation.

"while you were flirting with a girl",Baekhyun reminded him,trying not to sound like some jealous girl.

"I don't see why I can't flirt with someone yeol"

*Because you care about me?*

"No you can't!"

"Then tell me why I can't",Baekhyun said firmly,looking directly into the taller's eyes.Chanyeol stared back him,a glimpse of sparkle passed though his dark eyes.He remained his poker face as he leaned down towards the older.His face was dangerously close to and Baekhyun could feel a hot breath on his face.Baekhyun felt again those certain butterfly sensations in the stomach.He closed his eyes as he felt a soft peck on his forehead.He frost on his spot.His mind became blank,his knee weakened,breathing almost stopped and pounding in his heart was too much.Did Chanyeol kiss him on forehead?He felt his skin burned,the touch of Chanyeol's lips sending a flame of fire to his heart and his knee became all jelly.Seconds or minutes_he thought the time had stopped_when he opened his eyes and came in face to face with Chanyeol;that dumb yeol was smiling!

"Ya.what's that for?"

"You are standing under the mistletoe",Chanyeol replied with amused tone as he walked back to the living room,"And I respect the tradition"

"Park Chanyeol!!!!"


That Christmas,Baekhyun recieved a lovely guitar from Chanyeol,and he promised on teaching guitar lessons since Baekhyun didn't know how to play.And that second they made a pinky promise,Baekhyun realized he had fallen for that Dummy so hard.




"I also want to come with you"

"But you have a high fever,Baek"

Baekhyun wanted to argue but his words halted at the half way as he sneezed incessantly.His small nose was all red due to running nose and rubbing himself.Chanyeol hugged his arm around the older's waist.Yep,they had been together about eight months.When Chanyeol confessed his feelings for Baekhyun,he couldn't believe his own ears and he thought he was going crazy.The past months were purely Heaven.Everyday was filled with golden rainbows and silver unicorns;well,he now did believe that miracles could happen when you were with the one you love.And he couldn't imagine his life without Chanyeol.

"Really,Jeju-do is not that interesting,you are not even there.If it is not school trip,I wouldn't even go.I would stay beside you and take care of you.but Mr.Choi is breathing down on my neck",Chanyeol placed a soft kiss on his lips and the latter blushed madly.

"Then,get Grandpa stone keychain for me?"

"Anything for you,my princess"


Baekhyun stood in the early dawn with the aching muscles and weary bones,glancing at the bees exploring the cool,sweet depths of his mother's dahlias.His fever had already down but there was something about the stillness of this particular morning,a breathlessness as though the world were awaiting a climatic event.He felt the presence of something ominous and somehow it frightened him.Could that be what his senses were anticipating?

He finished his lunch slower than usual,he knew he must dismiss the dreadful feeling.One could not get on with the work under such a cloud.He traced his step to the living room _ may be Mickey Mouse could make some relaxation.As soon as he switched on the TV,and that was when he saw the terrible news.


The remote fell to the floor and Baekhyun,with his hand over his face,fell with it.He lay there for a long time,stunned and crushed.Hours,perhaps,or may be only minutes and then he started runing.…running to the mother of his love….running for his life!Tears rolled down on his pale cheeks.Dead?No.Missing!Unaccounted for!That was unthinkable,but why……why?There had been time enough for that…and what could all that mean?Could he be among the dead whose remains would be forever lost?Or this was just a ing stupid fanfic written by a stupid writer?May be he could still see Chanyeol at his house,with a usual sweet smile,wearing an old baggy T-shirt.May be he could still feel his touches,kisses,hugs and may be he still had thousands of days and nights to spend with dummy,HIS DUMMY.

The moment he saw Mrs.Park face with red eyes and dump cheeks,he just knew that he could never see Chanyeol again.



Have you ever heard about an angel sent from the Heaven?Yes,Baekhyun met a handsome angel with big ears during one summer thirteen years ago and fell deeply in love with him.And he still……


"In life after life, in age after age, forever……yeol"


Grandpa stone keychain




A/N : I'm so sorry for my failure U_U 

I didn't mean to write an angst for this story but Sewol ferry incident made me like this.It is heartbreaking situation,still I'm not even a korean T.T 

And here is Grandpa stone keychain that Baekhyun wanted.

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I'm so sorry for my fail story T.T I'm still trying English is not my first language .But I really want to write baekyeol story.may be with long chapters^_^


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baekkie_sone #1
byal.....after i've read,i feel :(:(:(
but such a great fic,i appreciate u (y) baekyeol forever!!!
Chapter 1: My Chanyeol :'( :'( besides,that poem is so beautiful!!!I love it