
Secret Admirer [LONG HIATUS]



Bomi P.O.V




I was lost in thoughts, seriously?




“Bomi, snap out of it”


I could feel a slap on my hand before turning myself into an angry woman. I just wanted to punch that guy’s face right about now.


I cleared my throat as I slapped him back. He was quite stunned but the atmosphere became normal again. Thank goodness.



“well, you agreed to accept the condition, so you are going on a date with me”

“I agreed BEFORE you even said that you wanted me to go on a date.. with you”

“No cancelling. We already started the operation”


I was about to explode but he zoomed outside of our dorm without any thank you or whatever people should do when they are visiting. I twitched, looking outside and I could see Naeun from the parking lot.

I rummaged through the closet, pushing everything out of the way. I wore just a simple sweat suit and ran outside of the dorm.


“What’s her problem?”

Naeun thought, locking the doors before pushing the elevator button. She looked round the lobby and saw a few TV’s which connected the CCTV. One thing caught her attention making her eyes pop.


Oh no


Naeun thought as she ran back to the parking lot, trying to start the car engine. She could see an angry me coming towards the car. She shrieked as I was right beside her with the car window between us. I growled, looking at her angrily


I spotted the car door at the back was not locked. I tiptoed to the back of the car quietly as she was busy burying her face in fear.


“Hye Naeun”

“Bomi? How did you--- AHHHHH”


“next time don’t let anyone in especially Luhan”

I growled leaving her memories scarred




Suho P.O.V


I kinda miss her right now

When will she text me?

Or I should text first?

She agreed for us to meet again though

I’ll just wait for her to text yeah





I could feel a slap on my face leaving a red mark on it. I couldn’t help myself to see a plastered smile on innocent little Luhan’s face.I slapped his making him groan in anger.



I shouted before continuing back to my fantasies.


“Hey do you still like that Chorong girl?”



I coughed, shooing him away before it gets intense.


Please don’t talk about her


“So for your info, Chorong likes you”



Is he being serious? You can’t fool me this time Luhan


“HAHAHAH. Very funny. Now get out”

I pushed him forcedly, slamming the door using my foot


Luhan P.O.V



Okay phase one is a fail -.-

Now time for phase two, if I do have a phase two


Umm.. how can we even discuss this plan if I don’t have Bomi’s number

Forget about the operation first, I gotta go get steal her number.






“Hey chorong, I got a favor to ask you”

“What is it? You’d better hurry before Bomi knows”

“Don’t you think it’s better if Bomi knows? I really want to make her jealous”

“Brother-in-law, Bomi is still mad about yesterday”

“Okay okay, I don’t want to make her erupt again”

“Now tell me quickly”

“Can you give me her number?”

“You’re his boyfriend but you don’t have her number? How weird”

“well Bomi didn’t acknowledge our relationship”

“I know, oh Bomi’s coming, I’ll text the number see you”

“okay bye”


Here’s her number: 013xxxxxxxxx

Have fun texting her ~


Oh I will


I saved the number and saved the name as Baby. Hahah! My baby Bomi :D


When should I text her?


I pondered for a second and tried to think of what I should text first.


“Hye Bomi?”

No not that, too general


“Hye Bbom! It’s me Luhan”

Okay that would be TOO obvious ==



Too cool though


“Arghh! I can’t think of anything !!!”

I threw myself towards the bed ,throwing my phone as well while I was at it.  I should just text normally. I started to type in ‘Hey Bomi’ but sadly..


“Damn! I don’t have enough money!!!”


I took the car keys and dashed through the living room leaving Suho surprised again



Suho shouted as he grabbed my collar


Suho P.O.V


“Suho let me go before the phone store closes”

“Why are you going there so late?”

“It’s not late, It’s still 9 p.m.”

“It’s late” I cleared my throat looking him in the eye

“If you don’t want me to be kidnapped or whatever your fantasies are, why don’t you just FOLLOW me to the store”

Luhan whined as he struggled to get out of my grip.

“Okay fine just to prove you wrong”

I took my coat and pushed his chest

“You’re driving”

He just rolled his eyes as he locked the door and rushed to the car in the basement. He started to sped off, I suddenly feel too old for this. I can’t believe that -..-


Soon, we arrived at the store and Luhan ran out of the car. I just sighed as I turned off the engine and walked to search for him. Suddenly, I felt a bump


Bomi P.O.V


“Bomi come on!”.

People were looking at me being pulled by Chorong. She really wanted to go shopping but since everyone else is preoccupied, I was her victim. Chorong is a real shopaholic these days.

Since she was kinda mad about that Suho never texted her thing. She started to waste her time buying pink and girly clothes which I prefer not to be involved with. First reason is because I hate pink and girly stuffs and secondly, I was just born to be lazy.

“Oh come on Bomiiiii”.

 Doesn’t she feel embarrassed at all? I mean look at her, she’s hugging my knee right now and it makes me look like a bad guy.

“Yaah people are looking at us”

Chorong stared at the crowd and stood up dusting off her tutu, dragging me away from the scene to a quieter place for instance the toilet. Yeah seriously the toilet but why?!

“You are already in the mall Bomi! You can’t go back”

Aish this girl. Seriously?

“Okay fine”

I gave up as she gave away her puppy eyes. She dragged me away from the toilet and searched for any discounted stores nearby

Suddenly, I spotted someone familiar and it was Luhan. Oh no. I quickly hid before he could spot me. Seriously, I just don’t want him talk to him. I’m still holding my grudge after that incident which made Naeunnie scarred


Chorong looked at me weirdly but she decided to go back to what matters more, shopping. Chorong finally took interest in some clothes so she occupied right now. Too busy with her fantasies I suppose.


“Hey Chorong, I need to go somewhere”

She just nodded violently as she continued to look around. Did she even hear me? Whatever


When I was walking, I bumped into someone and both of our clothes were wet. And with that color, I’m guessing that’s coffee. Thank goodness the coffee wasn’t too hot.


“Ah? Sorry really sorry miss”

“Ahem? Miss you say?”

“My apology, I didn’t mean to”

“It’s okay”

I forced a smile and raised my chin up and guess who? It was Chorong’s complicated crush. My brother in law? Maybe?


“Hey you are Suho right?”

“Well y-yeah why? Do I know you?”

“I know you because of my friend”

“Who’s your friend?”



He was deeply flustered after hearing the name. He bit his lips and looked at me.


“You must be an Apink member, am I right?”

“Oh yes, so both of our clothes are dirty”

“Yeah sorry again”

“No worries Suho”


We went to sit down on the bench and talked to each other while we were wiping the dirty stain off. He insisted in helping but that would cause a scandalous issue since I’ve heard he was the school president.


“Did you come here alone?”

“ah nope, a friend of mine is here with me”

“Why aren’t you with your friend”

“She’s too busy with her shopping fantasies”


“Hey I better go back inside before my friend gets all sulky”

“Oh! I gotta back too. Let’s go back together”


We stood up and talked again as we were on our way to back inside the shopping complex


Chorong P.O.V


“Where is Bomi?”


I looked around everywhere and suddenly, I spotted Luhan.


He spotted me and waved as he walked.

“Chorong? What are you doing here alone?”

“I’m not alone, Bomi was with me just now”

“Bomi is here?”

His cheekbones were as high as ever and there were wrinkles everywhere. He jumped joyfully and asked to help find her as well. Bomi will erupt if she knows but if the other half is happy, I’m okay with it.

Both of our jaws dropped as we saw Bomi and Suho!!?? And what were they doing? Suho is currently touching Bomi’s hair to take something? They looked so cute... T^T



Luhan looked closer. Suho waved at him and he was in shock as he saw me standing beside him. I avoided eye contact. Bomi looked at us and took us away from Suho and Luhan. Luhan did the same and took Suho away.


“Chorong, it’s not what you think”

“No.. I really understand what happened, leave me alone”


Bomi P.O.V


Chorong looked really sad. I could hear sniffles and her hands were rubbing her eyes and I’m guessing she has started to cry. I didn’t mean all of this to happen. Suho was just helping me to get the yarn out of my hair.


Chorong really likes him

I tried to find the missing girl and looked who I’ve met. I gave a glare at him and walked past him but he pulled back my hand. I struggled to let myself out of his grip but surprisingly, he was stronger


“Where’s Chorong?”

“I don’t know, she went missing”


I pulled my hand as I had the chance. Luhan chased me back and grabbed my hand again.


“Suho went to search for you guys but since you’re here, let’s just leave him to do his job”

“so he’s searching right now?”

“Yeah so our operation has just started”


I just nodded and we decided to sit down at the bench outside and wait for good news from those two lovers.


Suho P.O.V


“Chorong must’ve misunderstood”

I whispered as I ran around the whole place. It was quite tiring since the place was HUGE and not to mention ENORMOUS

Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure sitting down munching some waffles. I walked upon her relief and sat beside her without her noticing my appearance.

“I can’t believe that just happened”

She whispered as she sniffles. Was she crying? Was she jealous?


“That waffle looks delicious”

She turned her head and choked and maybe some waffle bits were on my face since she splattered them all. I just wiped it with a tissue and faced her.

“Chorong, why are you crying?”


I wiped her teary eyes. She heaved and looked at me with those red yet sad eyes.


“Have you ever liked me since we first met?”


I was at loss of words. I stared at her. It took a lot of time for me to response. She just looked away and took all of her things but I pulled her hand and inter whined our fingers. I squeezed her soft hands.


She was still in the process of understanding what I’ve done.


“Chorong, I love you”


She looked back. I was rubbing my neck embarrassedly before turning to face her.


She giggled but tears were formed at the same time. Tears of joy.


“I was just jealous about you and Bomi cause I really missed you”

“No need to be jealous, Bomi and I are just friends”


“Thank you Suho”

“No thank you Chorong”


Both of us giggled loudly and continue on a ‘date’ together


Luhan P.O.V



Oh it’s Suho


“Hey Luhan, you can go home without me”

I read out loudly and shifted towards Bomi


Seems like she got a text as well


“Bomi, I’m sorry for doubting you before, see you at the dorm v^-^v”

Bomi read out and laughed happily as she slumped herself at the bench.


“what a surprise, you’re laughing, that’s the first time”


She just pushed my head causing me to slump just like her.


“Please don’t ruin the mood boy”

She smirked as she looked at the stars


“So beautiful”

I whispered. I meant that for Bomi but Bomi thought differently

“Yeah the stars are a piece of art”


She mumbled as she rested her head and crossed her arms. I just smiled and looked up too


How fun *^-^*





Well yeah it's short I know :P

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See you in the next update heol~~~






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84 streak #1
Chapter 4: I like chocolate bubble tea
SofiaTan082201 #2
Chapter 3: Yes i love bubbletea , i like taro or chocolate bubbletea....please make more HanMi fanfic hehehe...
Chapter 7: update soon~~
sunlight_ #4
More hanmi please
sofya_fya #5
haha.. you're welcome.. btw ur story is very attractive.. annyeong!!!
brokenhearts26 #6
Chapter 3: Haha. I dont care bout the flavor. I just drink it. Haha. But favourite for sure is choco and strawberry
Byungchan_angel #7
Chapter 7: Cute >.< Update soon!
mswhisper7 #8
Chapter 3: Hello!I like you story.
ExoSnsdBtsPink #9
Chapter 3: Yeah.I do like bubble tea.Any flavor suits me-,-Btw u've such an amazing imagine:)hehe