Epilogue (Suho)

The Twelve Protectors




Each time it’s different. Or at least I think it is… I can never really remember specific details. This time, it’s purple and hazy, and I can’t really find solid ground. Instead, I walk in the air, my boots connecting on solid nothing. I vaguely remember going to sleep without wearing boots, but I’m distracted by the beautiful orange-yellow clouds as they blink in and out of existence, above and below me.


I hear the familiar voice sound behind me, and before I can turn around, small arms warm around my waist and I feel the Tree’s soft face against my back.

“It’s been ages! Where have you been?”

“I didn’t realise the link was still up!” I chuckled. “We figured out that we could only get a good connection when there’s a good link from the earth to the moon, Luhan figured it out.”

The Tree span around me, her eyes glittering with happiness.

“Omo, Telekinesis is so smart! I wouldn’t have thought of that! So clouds are like interference, or something!”

It had been one entire month since the attack of the ‘evil Dark blob moon’, as Sehun had dubbed the events. The entire ordeal had left us a little lost. We barely were able to say goodbye to the God of Light, and in about one second, our entire purpose as protectors were gone. No more slimers, no more reason to slice black evil beings apart with thinly spread water blades.

I held the Tree by the shoulders, stopping her from jumping around so much.

“Tree! You’re… you’re not a tree? Whatever happened to missing your old body?”

“I was a tree for a while, and yeah I missed my normal form while was in your world. I realised that I missed moveable joints more than I had missed my roots, so I gathered my strength and changed myself to this.”

She gestured to herself, looking a lot more beautiful than what she was last I saw her. Her black smudged face was gone, as were the dark clothes and the belt filled with flash grenades. It was a good change.

Her hair was straightened and had no messes, as if it were constantly brushed and shampooed. Her perfect skin was void of black smudges and splattered food or poorly applied makeup. She wore a white dress, identical to the one she wore when Yixing dragged her into my apartment for the first time, except I could tell it was a different dress; there were no rips, broken straps, dried blood or black goo stuck to the hems, and it seemed to bounce in her step. Her legs were covered by knee-length socks, pulled up as far as they could go, and her black shoes had white bows stuck onto the buckles like tiny butterflies resting on her feet.

“And, what happened to the Dark? Is everything okay? We… we couldn’t really tell what was going on after you disappeared.”

“Oh that grumpy fart, he’s good. He’s locked up somewhere, I made this little prison and he’s very well contained. Well…. Not contained as such but I have him subdued so he can’t get out. Bits of dark keep seeping out and all, but that keeps my powers… balanced. But enough about me, what’s up with the other eleven? I’ve missed you all”

So the tree and I, we sat down on invisible seats and talked about the others. She swung her legs under her seat like she normally does, listening intently.

I started by explaining about Kyungsoo and Kai. Kyungsoo, or ‘Officer Do’ as his nametag suggested, had retaken his job as a police officer. Of course, he never actually became a real police officer, he just donned his old jacket with a new nametag made by Kai, and joined whatever police force he was near. When he is found out, Kai would take him to a new area where he would join the next police force. We always crowded around the TV as a group and watched the news whenever they covered a bizarre story about the rock formations jutting from the ground whenever a criminal is caught, and laughed at the many bizarre conspiracy theories.

Kai had dedicated his life to becoming an explorer. He pulled all his money together and bought a new and expensive camera and began touring the world in search for the most beautiful scenery he could find. Those of us still at the warehouse apartment (yes it survived!) regularly receive emails of his latest adventure, as well as many selcas of him and Kyungsoo living in their various homes. Kai had always been a photography-addict, and  it became apparent to him that it drove him too far when he accidentally sent us a photo of him and Kyungsoo taking selcas of themselves kissing in bed instead of the ‘green onion pancakes’ that Kyungsoo had apparently cooked. Sehun said he also received more accidental photos of the two of them doing worse acts and refuses to delete them, instead using the photos as blackmail to make Kai become his own personal chauffeur.

I told the Tree about the success of Baekhyun and his music. With enough encouragement from his boyfriend Chanyeol, he auditioned and was signed for a small Korean music company and is working on released his first album. So far he has worked with himself and his own piano playing, as well as Chanyeol’s rapping, Chanyeol and Yixing’s guitar skills and Chen’s voice, and is working on summoning us all together to collaborate and sing his song for him.

Chanyeol and I work closely together, we both decided to do ‘a Kyungsoo’ and ‘volunteer’ at a firefighting service. By firefighting, we turn up to fires before the real services show themselves and try to subdue the blazes before it could cause major damage. Our powers mixed together are perfect for that type of task.

In times in between firefighting, Chanyeol takes a more dangerous path. Like Kyungsoo, Chanyeol becomes a fighter of the night. Chanyeol teams up with Chen, both of them dedicating their nightlives to protecting youth on dangerous walks from various clubs to their homes. I’d gone out with them a few times, and more than once I was taken aback as Chanyeol and Chen lurked in alleyways, their powers lighting up and fizzling from their fingertips to create hauntingly beautiful shadows and strike fear in the hearts of attempted murderers, thieves and rapists. The group learned that in order to identify criminals that were not turned into the police we should look for men who were missing their eyebrows or had electric-shock hairstyles.

Luhan and Xiumin, or Xiuhan as we called them, were the usual lovey-dovey couple. They ran around the apartment in their underwear (I complained but Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn’t) having waterfights (which I always stepped in and won). They made coffee together, forcing us to drink their experiments even if it was late at night, and they could often be found entwined in each other in various positions, reading books from weird angles. They were a little less careful about hiding their powers; sometimes Xiumin would freeze lakes and take Luhan on ice-skating adventures. Later, a ‘mystery’ tweeter would tweet about the frozen lake and children would go ice skating on it, Xiumin would make sure the surface is frozen solid without a chance of the ice breaking.

Yixing lives with Sehun and me. He was the only person who decided to make their power known to the public. His reasoning was that ‘my power isn’t a threat and can be used for good; as long as I don’t tell the people about the whole concentrating my power to make parts of myself immortal part.’ So far Yixing has been visiting hospitals all around the world, not only healing people but contributing strongly to the development of cures for cancer. The medical world and the media have dubbed him ‘the unicorn’, a majestic and magical creature that brings happiness in its wake. He also works as a teacher, training doctors on better ways to heal their patients and perform difficult procedures. Yixing believes that even with his power he is going to die someday, and he wants as much information from his gift to be passed on as possible so the medical world keeps moving forward.

We can’t get rid of Sehun, not that we want to. He likes to stay in the background, he’ll go out shopping for groceries with me, and he’ll accompany Chen if Chanyeol is too busy with Baekhyun to patrol the night, he takes weekend visits to Kaisoo’s place, and he keeps us together. Sehun has become the best person for cheering people up. Before you have even said you are sad, or that you miss the Tree or your cake didn’t bake right, Sehun knows that you want some comforting. His favourite and most efficient method of creating happiness is to take you out, buy you whatever food you want (usually with my wallet) and sit on a bench, using our powers to mess up people. Too many times we’ve laughed as Sehun lifts a long skirt over someone’s face, or forces a man to chase his flying papers down the street as they fly away in the sneakily controlled wind. So many times I’ve sat with Sehun and watched in fits of giggles as puddles fly into the air as cars drive over them, splashing people on their way to lunch or dinner, or as people curse themselves for spilling their own drinks on their shirts, or even, (only once) run for cover as a fire hydrant exploded over their early morning smoke out the front of a large company building.

As well as being completely annoying and fun, Sehun has taken up dancing. He’s so good at it; he’s even considering auditioning to be a backup dancer for a Korean music industry. I’ve heard that it’s very difficult to get in but I have high hopes for his success.

Tao has gone back to his normal life; he wins a lot of wushu competition and swears that he didn’t use his powers, he drags us off on little missions to explore new sights like a tourist, and he has clocked up over a quarter of the hours he needs driving to get his driving licence. I don’t get to see Tao that often. His main task, his mission, is to cheer up Kris. Kris has been very depressed lately.

Kris often spends his time on the roof, as close to the skies as he can get. He lost his powers. He says it was a necessary sacrifice, and he is grateful it was his powers that defeated the Dark rather than someone’s life, but I don’t need to have Sehun’s special power to see that it eats him up from inside. We’ve tried everything, meditating, tea ceremonies, even Yixing’s power, but his flight will not come back to him. It’s really quite painful watching him stay grounded. He seems detached, away from the others. His mark is still there, I haven’t seen it but Tao confirms that the dragon is still imprinted to the skin on the side of his stomach. Tao says that the mark still gives Kris hope that his powers are still somewhere inside him, he just needs to unlock the power inside him. The rest of us, although we won’t say it, believe that Kris needs to accept that the power is gone, and stop letting it destroy him.

Myself, I still am the leader. I stay at the warehouse, making sure that everyone is okay. I’m often the one to call Kai and Kyungsoo over, as well as Yixing if he is off travelling, and we would all go out and do something. Sometimes we’d go bowling, or have dinner together, and there are plans in the mix for a secret Santa coming up. I already have plans for presents for everyone.

The Tree and I talk for a little while longer, eventually I start to feel a small tug on my body.

“You’re waking up,” The Tree explained “Your body in the mortal world has finished its rest. It’s time for me to go. Say hi to everyone for me! I miss you all!”

I woke up.








Fifteen days later, I gathered everyone together for another catch up. Well, I didn’t gather everyone; it was Xiumin who begged me to assemble the crew.

After a large dinner in the warehouse, we were all assembled around the table, filled with delicious food. It was a rare occasion that we were all at the same place anymore, Kris was often off wandering the streets to mourn, Tao winning medals in his wushu competition. Chanyeol and Chen would often go away at nights to protect the streets, and Kaisoo was living around the world, exploring and joining police forces. Yixing was often away on healing business and doctor classes, and he also had to follow the adoring fans and media. Baekhyun and Sehun often went away practising, as well as taking away his various musicians for nights of rehearsal and recording. In short, there weren’t many evenings like this.

Kris and Tao came down from the roof; Kris was holding a poster for piloting lessons in his hand, a gift from Tao. He finally seemed to be happy. Kai and Kyungsoo teleported into the middle of the room just in time to help Xiumin set the table, and Yixing was driven up in a limousine, waving his driver off for the night.

We danced to many songs and drank a few beers, but Xiumin made sure that none of us got too drunk. Eventually we found out why.

“Guys, can you all stop for a moment, I have something to say” he called out, tapping a spoon on the side of his glass.

We waited for him to start his speech, all of us gathered around in anticipation. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still holding hands as they stopped their dancing, and the music was turned down to a slow, quiet song of Xiumin’s choice so we could hear him speak.

Xiumin walked over to Luhan and held his hand.

“As you know, Luhan and I are the oldest of all of you, as well as the oldest couple” Xiumin started, “So essentially we are your parents, even though Suho acts more like our mother. What I’d like to say, is how much I love my Luhan.” Xiumin turned to face Luhan and took both his hands in his. “Lu, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I met you I was alone, confused, and not really sure about what I was. You changed that. You showed me that I was not alone, and you helped me find all of the others and a purpose. I love how you love books, I love how you love coffee, I love everything about you. I love your doe eyes, your wake up smile, your uncontrollable laugh, your kisses. When I woke from the ice, it was you that helped me open my eyes. You’ve saved my life a million times, although technically you also tried to kill me but you were possessed, so I don’t count that. So in short, I love you.”

Xiumin knelt down on one knee and reached inside his jacket. The entire room gasped as we all knew what was coming.

“Luhan,” Xiumin continued, holding a small navy blue velvet box before him “Would you stay with me forever, until I die, as my husband?”

He opened the box, and through the tears welling up in my eyes I could see the glint of a shiny ring.

Luhan covered his mouth with both his hands, forcing back tears. Then he surprised us.


Luhan took Xiumin’s hands and lifted him onto his feet. We were all speechless. This had to be the most awkward situation I could imagine. Xiumin stood with his mouth open in shock, still not fully registering the response.

Luhan opened his hand with his arm outstretched and his jacket flew to his hand from his seat. He reached inside the pocket and pulled out his own box. This one was red, a deep royal colour. With tears forming, Luhan lowered himself until he was on one knee, looking up into his boyfriend’s eyes.

“Xiumin, will you marry me?”












Okay happy ending! you guys deserved it :3 (I actually originally had Kris dying after being so depressed from the whole quitting SMent thing, but i changed it to the sacrifice of his power to be nice)

So start with Suho, end with Suho!! It seems fitting. 


Anways, I still have so much i want to write about but I'm saving it for another fic, I'll keep you guys updated when thats up, it'll be a Kaisoo supernatural fic.


So thankyou for reading, and for being such dedicated readers to actually make it to this part, and I really appreciate all your comments they're so lovely ^-^


keep in touch for my next fic!




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xoxo_haina #1
Chapter 34: Hopefully this gets updated *cross fingers* 🤞
Been reading this since 2016 ❤️
Fenris #2
Chapter 34: omg. this is so good i recently found this, but it is perfect. i love your ot12♥️ pleeease,maybe,update?
beatrizpms #3
i miss this TT
Y u no update? Are u alright? I miss this.
Plesse update
beatrizpms #6
</3 come back please
Chapter 34: I think all of them are strongest... With basic element earth,water,air,fire are the most powerful. I hope that when they defeat darknest, their eyes changes and their hairs too ~~ hahaha.. For example Xiumin turn to white blue, Chanyeol red, Baekhyun white, Kai black, Chen grey and so on... Sound like avatar now~~ hihi... I love ur writing about lovey dovey time especially xiuhan and chanbaek. Saranghae authorinim ;D
Chapter 34: i loved this chapter, i am glad they are fine
but i think bap did not retreat because they could not fight anymore, they kris is posessed, they know the dark plans
Chapter 34: YESSSS OMG I don't know if I have been commenting on this story, but HOLY FINALLY A WIN! ONE BLOODY WIN! But there's still the little matter of Kris being possessed DDDDDD:

As to answer your question, in terms of raw strength and destructive power, all the elemental guardians have such potential (right now Suho and Chen just stick out the most to me because of Suho bloodbending and Chen's overflowing well of power), but in strategy... , Kai owned that last fight. From teleporting knives, bullets through shields, grabbing almost every protector and moving them where they needed to go ESPECIALLY CHEN TO LET LOOSE LIGHTNING... Kai truly is the master of space, understanding your surroundings, and how to creatively take control to gain that advantage over your enemy. That was just such smart, quick, effective, tactical fighting.

beatrizpms #10
Chapter 34: I don't know but I feel like. Suho is bound to be one of the strongests, and Luhan too