At the Club

⁎✿⁎ MBLAQ Click n'Drag Game ⁎✿⁎
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1. The bartender

2. The one who bought you a drink

3. The one who checked you out

4. The DJ

5. The one you danced with

6. The one who flirted with you

7. The one you checked out

8. The bouncer

9. The one who got kicked out because he started a fight

10. The drunk who hit on you

11. The creep who wanted to take you home, but you're too smart for that!

12. The one you took home (^_<)~☆


My results:
1. The bartender - G.O
2. The one who bought you a drink - Joon, I usually don't accept drinks but I'll make an exception for you...
3. The o

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Chapter 5: 1. The bartender - G.O
2. The one who bought you a drink - G.O
3. The one who checked you out - Thunder
4. The DJ - Thunder
5. The one you danced with - Thunder
6. The one who flirted with you - Joon
7. The one you checked out - G.O
8. The bouncer - Thunder
9. The one who got kicked out because he started a fight - Joon
10. The drunk who hit on you - G.O
11. The creep who wanted to take you home, but you're too smart for that! - Mir
12. The one you took home (^_<)~☆ - Joon
Chapter 3: 1. You live in the same dorm (pick 2) - Seungho and Mir
2. He usually makes dinner - G.O
3. He always takes hours to get ready - Seungho
4. He walked in on you while you were changing - Mir
5. You walked in on him while he was showering - Joon
6. He never cleans his room and leaves a mess everywhere - G.O
7. He's the one that usually cleans up after everyone - Seungho
8. He usually falls asleep on the couch, because he works when he doesn't study - G.O
10. He wakes you up everyday - Joon
He likes to make you breakfast - Thunder
12. You end up dating him - Seungho
Chapter 2: 1. You bump into him on your first day at University - Mir
2. The one who helped you when you were lost on campus - Seungho
3. The Kingka - Joon
4. You end up being in the same club as him - Seungho
5. The one you sit next to in class - Joon
6. The one who keeps staring at you in class - Joon
7. You work on a project together - Joon
8. The one that parties too much and never studies - Seungho
9. The one you flirt with - Mir
10. Your study group (pick 2) - Joon and G.O
11. You eat lunch with them (pick 2) - Thunder and G.O
12. The one who walks you home everyday – G.O
Chapter 1: 1. He was your neighbour - Thunder
2. The new kid in town - Joon
3. The one who moved away - Thunder
4. Your childhood bestfriend - G.O
5. The one your parent(s) always forced you to play with - Mir
6. The one played house with - Mir
7. The one you promised to marry when you grew up - Seungho
8. You got lost in the woods with him - Thunder
9. The one who broke your favorite toy - Thunder
10. You sat next to him on the school bus - Joon
11. You played with them at school (pick 2) - G.O and Thunder
12. He shared his candy with you – Joon
stromata #5
Thank you for these. I like them. :D
Chapter 4: 1. The one you asked for directions: cheondung ( im not very good with directions :/)

2. He ran you over with his bicycle...: mir ( aah how dare you! you better appoligie)

3. The one who found your wallet and returned it: lee joon ! (thank you ssooo much :D)

4. The handsome guy who was reading a book in the park: cheondung (secretly stalking you)

5. He asked you for directions, but you were just as lost as he was...:cheondung (told ya! i'm not good with directions..XD)

6. He helped you up after you tripped and fell: lee joon (XD i'd be a blushing mess..)

7. You lost your phone so he lent you his: seungho (ok...that's weird but thank you :))

8. The creep who hit on you: seungho ( that's why you lent me your phone!? aaah.. well i like it, who can say no to him anyway XD9

9. The one who intervened: lee joon (:D well hello there~!)

10. The jogger who ran into a pole because he was checking you out: cheondung (OMO! i would be laughing soo sooo hard if i saw that XD)

11. The one who took you to his favorite restaurant: lee joon ( well thank you!)

12. The one who helped you find your hotel: lee joon! (again..want to come in? :D no?)

this was really awesome lady_acid i really like your click and drags :D
Chapter 3: 1 G.O, Seungho (whoa~><)
2 Cheondung
3 Mir (lol ><)
4 Mir
5 Cheondung (aww~ ;D)
6 Cheondung (it should be
7 Cheondung
8 Mir

10 G.O
11 G.O (aww)
12 Cheondung (/faints/)
Chapter 2: 1 Seungho
2 Seungho (Aww, uri leader :*)
3 Mir (lol XD)
4 Seungho
5 G.O
6 G.O (aigoo~lol)
7 Cheondung (aww~ couldn't be focus on the
8 Seungho (lol nappeun leader)
9 Mir (lol the kingka~)
10 Cheondung, Joon (*o*)
11 Seungho, G.O
12 Joon (aww~~^^)
Chapter 1: 1 Mir
2 G.O
3 Joon
4 Mir
5 Mir
6 Mir
7 Mir
8 Mir
9 Seungho (bad
10 Mir
11 Cheondung , Joon
12 G.O
Why do I keep getting Mireu?! Is this fate? lol /slapped/ :p
Chapter 3: 1. You live in the same dorm (pick 2) - Mir and G.O! YAY!!! Oppa and dongsaeng! aaww~ we are family :3
2. He usually makes dinner - Seungho...are you my dinner? YES!
3. He always takes hours to get ready - Mir-eu, need a help from nuna??
4. He walked in on you while you were changing - Seungho...okay, I won't be too loud, I promise...
5. You walked in on him while he was showering - Joon... thank you for keep it unlocked sweetie..
6. He never cleans his room and leaves a mess everywhere - Seungho, least throw that rubber, that's our secret, wut?
7. He's the one that usually cleans up after everyone - Seungho, I'm waiting quick!
8. He usually falls alseep on the couch because he works when he doesn't study - Joon.. *snuggles; hugging tightly* you don't need any blanket, you will be fine..
10. He wakes you up everyday - Joon. I thought it was me who make him up everyday, no? yes!
11. He likes to make you breakfast - little brother is soooo nice c:
12. You end up dating him -'s okay, Seungho will sneak in later..