
One step closer

Why was this thing called 'love' so hard to deal with? 

Whenever I see her, she was busy fooing with her friends, many boys who would touch her casually. I would grind my teeth quietly, cursing under my breath, and hoping she would notice me as well. Of course she has many friends (some could be thinking her more than a friend), she was in a popular group, seriously hilarious, has a good body and really pretty on and off stage. She woud be one  of the topics among my co-workers, who never took my compliment about her seriously. After all I was Byun Baekhyun, the one and only Baekhyun of Exo. I was expected to stay clean and have no interest in any girls. But at the same time, I was a humanbeing who can easily get attracted to many girls. 

One day I saw her fooliing with Kyungsoo's bestfriend, Hyunsik from BTOB. They were in the same agency so it was likely they knew eachother very well. I stood far from the two, and earvesdropped their conversation, getting annoyed everytime they smiled and laughed at eachother. I saw him leaving as he waved goodbye, and she would smile and started walking, in my direction. 

She frowned when her eyes met her, and she slowly bowed with a confused expression. She greeted me politely and treied to walk past me before I quickly greeted back, maybe too loud because she flinched in surprise and looked at me in shock. I felt my cheeks get red and looked down in embarassment. I apologised for shouting and she quickly shook her head as she chuckled and told me 'fighting Baekhyun shi' before she rushed to her members who were standing by the corner, waiting for her to come. 

That literally made my week, she knew my name eventhough we met only once and in this industry of thousands of idols and celebrities. My band mates would tease me whenever I talked about the incident in the van and in the dorm, telling me to have more guts so I can ask her number next time. 

It wasn't that long after that, we had the same schedule, for music broadcast. As I walked down from the stage with a trophie in my hand, I saw her talking with one of the staff, struggling to get her mic off her. It was tangled in her hair, somehow and the staff was in a hurry to get it off snce they needed for another show soon. I looked at her when she turned around with a pout and caught my eyes. She smiled shyly as she looked away, standing patintly for the staff to get it off. 

I walked closer to her with trembling hands and hearing 'wooo's from my members as they saw my move. She looked up as she saw my feet in front of her. I smiled and asked what she was doing here, eventhough I knew it. She sighed and told me that her mic was stuck in her hair because she was joikng behind stage and doing some random dance that required powerful dance and that made the mic get tangle in her hair. I laughed as she talked about it embarassingly, and got red. She smacked my arm as I didn't stop laughing, mostly the laugh consisted of happiness of baing able to talk to her. 

She then asked me what I was doing here which took me off guard. I was not her 'friend' yet, and I was standing here when all my members were gone. I stuttered and looked around, and saw the trophie in my hand. I told her I was going to give this to her, eventhough that dind't make any sense. She looked at the trophie and then at me with a confused expression. She asked me why, and I just shrugged. I told her she deserve this since her performance was amazing and that it was for aPink and that exo agreed on this. She burst out laughing, as she shook her head. 

She pushed back the trophie, telling me she didn't understand me and that they don't need any mercies. As she did so, her hand touched mine, which instantly gave me a electric shock. She then thanked the stuff because the mic was free from her hair and walked to the corner as she pulled my wrist. She looked up at me with her phone out. She asked my number, eventhough I wanted to be the one asking that, and told me I was funny that she wanted to text me since she had to go for her next schedule. I quickly put my number in and gave it back. She smiled and tapped my shoulder before walking pass me. 

I, not giving her any chance, called her name. She turned around, her hair nearly hitting my face as she did so, and smiled as she tilted her face. 

"can I be your friend?" 

she looked at me surprissed, and walked a bit cloe to me. 

"of course, Baekhyun oppa" 

she chuckled. Her members came in though, interuppting our conversation and pulling her since she was late for her next schedule. I stood there dumbfounded with how she called me, and smiled to myself, feeling that we got oone step closer. 


She was hugging a guy, Ilhoonie, and said something that made him red. I saw everything, and I stopped my step in the middle. She noticed me as she looked around and waved her hand to me. I smiled weakly, before turning around so I could go to the bathroom to heal my wound from what I just saw. I never knew she had a boyfriend, but it wasn't surprising. I wondered what she told him, something that made him red was obviously something personal right...? 

Realising I had been in the bathroom for quite long, I decided to go out and forget about her, nonetheless of course it was never easy. I bumped into Ilhoonie. He apologised and looked up as he saw who he bumped into. He told me why he dind't come and talk to Bomi, that she was wanting to talk to me but saw me quickly turn around when she waved at me. I told him that it was none of his businss, and that I was happy for him. He tited his head and asked me how I knew. I told him I saw him hugging Bomi, and then he started laughing while holding his stomache. 


I ran towards Bomi who sat with her members on the bench by their waiting room, and talking to some other idols. I snatched her hand and pulled her away from the people. 

"It might sound crazy but I'm deeply in love with you, Bomi ah. I can't bare watching you with other guys, nor hugging them. You and I, we are both idols but I want you to know that I love you and would like to step a new step towards deeper relationship. I want this to be forever." 

she looked at me and burst into a huge laughter. She asked me if this was a prank and if it was, that was really good. But I kept a poker face on, staring only into Bomi's eyes. She stopped laughing and stared back at me. 

"are you serious? cause if you are, there's no turning back" she mumbled as she looked down 

I nodded and waited for her answer

"I don't know if this is called love,  but I always look for you in the crowd. I always feel hurt when I see you cheering for other girl groups, and that includes your company idols too. It's weird cause whenever I'm around you I can't be like the other time, my body gets warm and I stutter a lot. But I don't hate taalking to you, I enjoy it more than talking to others. It's funny how you can make me smile even when I'm tired, your like the source of smile these days. If this is what people say love, than I think the answer is a yes" she smiled and looked up

I guess my wish was granted. Idols can be in love, even when you're an exo member. And this is only the first step for us. 

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yoonlovebomi #1
Chapter 2: authornim please update soon
Chapter 2: THIS IS DAEBAK!
7missbeauty7 #3
Chapter 1: Please update
Chapter 1: omggg my feeeels, why he come out from nowhere and suddenly giving her the trophy, tho. haha i wonder a nervous baekhyun is really nervous when he's around bomi :D
rinrinrinny #5
Wow wow! Really nice:)
Chapter 1: omggg !!! Butterflies flying around here !!
Can you make a sequel? this is too precious! omg
Khanbunnie #7
Please update soon
Exopink31 #8
Chapter 1: Aaa so sweet >.<
can you make a squele for this?
twish96 #9
Chapter 1: Sweet baekmi
eyethelaw #10
Update soon cant wait gosh I this couple is too cute