Chapter 28



When Hana nad Jonghun stepped on the scene everyone were waiting for them already. Thay both took their instruments and the next song, the one choosen by JJ, cover noone knew how he came up with.

Jaejin stood in front of the mic and said:

-This song I want to dedicate to newly weds, especially for Julia... - he blushed a little then blinked his eye and said – I'm joking, you will soon find out why... And the they started to play. ( )



I'm so rushed off my feet 
Looking for Gordon Street 
So much I need to say 
I'm sorry that it's on her wedding day 

Cos she's so right for me 
Her daddy disagrees
He's always hated me 
Because I never got a J.O.B 
Now she's mine 


And I'm glad I crashed the wedding 
It's better than regretting 
I could have been a loser kid 
And ran away and hid 
But it's the best thing that I ever did 
Cos true love lasts forever 
And now we're back together 
As if he never met her so looking back
I'm glad I crashed the wedding

The neighbours spread the word 
My mom cried when she heard 
I stole my girl away 
From everybody gathered there that day
Just in time 

And I'm glad I crashed the wedding..


After that they performed few of their own songs as well. Wedding party lasted till the morning and suprisingly, despite the situation wirh Jake before, Hana had fun. But still she keeped it on mind and when she found out Julia siting somewhere by herself, probably tired, she joined her.

-It's a great party – said Hana and smiled.

-It's thanks to you – Julia smiled back.

-We are friends, so we should help each other... - Hana answered – Do you have your phone with you?

-I do... Why?

-Give me if for a second...

Julia passed her phone and Hana wrote something on it.

-Done – she said – I saved my full contacts there. If you ever need any help feel free to contact me... Or when you feel like talking with me as well... You know, I can provide info about boys none fanbase would ever have – she blinked.

-I believe – Julia started to laugh.


When the party ended they came back to hotel. On the evening they had a flight back to Korea, but before that they were invited to eat a lunch in Hana's grandparets restaurant. Just when they came to Poland, Hana's grandma called she has something important to pass to her.


Althrough boys complained to wake up before noon after sleepless night they all reached the place at the right time. Two elders welcomed them – woman was short with long, now already white hair and blue eyes, very similar to Hana's and handsome older man. They hugged the girl tightly and welcomed boys, speaking in English.

-This is my grandma, Mary, and my grandpa, John – said Hana and then introduced boys and Jiao to them.

As the lunch were served Hana's grandma asked her to go upstairs. There she passed her a bog box.

-What's inside? - asked a girl.

-See yourself.

Hana opened the box. Inside were countless of envelopes.

-Letters... - she took one of them, looking at the stamp – From US.... Don't tell me...

-After your father forced you to come here from USA he also asked me to keep the letters, becouse he knew you gave them your new adress. He explained they had bad influence at you that's why... I didn't asked back then even though two of them were your relatives... You know how your dad were back then... Only his mind was right...

-So why are you giving it to me now?

-You father asked me to before you came to Poland... They are in date order.... Last one came like half year ago... They were important to you, right?

-Yes, they were... - said Hana as the hand in which she holded an envelope started to tremble.


When Hana joined the rest of the group, holding a box, they asked what's inside. She just explained it is some of her stuff she left behind before and her grandma kept it. And that explanation seemed to be enough to stop their questioning, even though Jonghun, who Hana sitted next to, seemed to notice that her hands are still trembling a little, yet he hadn't ask further and girl was grateful for that. She was still not sure what to expect from the letters and what feelings would they wake up in her, once she read... As for now some memories seemed to appear in her mind, recollections of the past, when, just like now, she though she found her place and people who she want to be with... Yet back then it was destroyed by two things, her weaknes towards music and her father's disapproval for her to do it...


As the meal ended it was the time to go, Hana hugged her grandparents and her grandma seemed to look at her with even more care when she saw her reaction on letters. And her grandpa whispered to her ear:

-I know what you get from Mary... I hope you reunite with those fellas. You don't have any siblings and becouse of you father you couldn't keep in touch with your cousins... But I couldn't oppose him back then...

Hana just nodded lightly and they all said last goodbyes and headed to hotel to pick up their things and straigth to the airport right after. Knowing they sitting arragement in the plane before Hana intentionally picked the only one sit which was single, without anyone from the band by her side, wanting to catch this opportunity to read some of the letters. She already prepared herself, putting oldest ones on her handybag, while all the rest she packed together with the rest of her baggage. She also predicted the rest of the team would ask why she wants to be alone, but she prepared the answer as well, explaining she need to do some paper-working thingy with managing so won't be a good company, while any other person might be really bored sitting alone.


Once the plane was starting she took out the letters and opened the oldest one with a care... She immediately recognised the hand which written it... After tooking a deep breath she started to read.



What were you thinking, leaving so quickly without an explanation?! Leaving only post adress to your granparents, and saying you're not sure you will be really there? Did you lost your mind?! And actually you wanted us to forgive you?!

Okay, we (exept this fella who called himself your „boyfriend” - he is still mad with you after quarrel before your leave, but don't worry, it will pass soon and he really misses you) forgive you, since we know this all was yoir father's doing... You always mentioned he wouldn't be happy knowing what you do together with us, but we never imagined it would be to that exent... Yet we also feel responsible for encouraging you to continue and luring you to this world...

Anyway we hope he will forgive us quickly and we will reunite again. We aren't complete team without you, who put us together as we are now (and we are afraid of this still mad fella to fall into despair – right now he only sits and sights...) 

And then was a part written by someone else:

Don't listen... He literally said to us he don't care about you and you can do whatever you want, since he won't cry after you... 

And the person who wrote at the beginning came back to writing.

Sorry, my pen was stolen... Don't listen.... Actions spoke more than words! Actions! And I can see he is really hearbroken.

So, back to the topic – you should try to persuade your father. He is owner of music company, he should understand it... But do it slowly to not make it worse. Take your time, becouse we will wait for you. Until the day we will be togeter as a team once again.

With love

You two favourite oppas ;)

PS: We hope you will answer as soon as you will be able to.


Hana smiled remembering two boys, both her cousins, one from mothers, one from father's side who became like her brothers once they met for a first time. Yet her heart felt heavy thinking about her „ex-boyfriend”, althrough their relationship wasn't exactly a couple one... They became called so after hanging together all the time and somehow started to behave as one... Yet she liked him... Maybe it wasn't this burning everything feeling like she once had to Jake, yet she still remembered this gentle warmness and wordless understanding they had...

She shaked her head to free herself from those memories and picked second letter and opened it. And at the moment she saw this handwriting she freezed. This one was entirely written by him. She gathered her whole courage and prepared herself to find out he will hate her till the end of his days, then started to read.

I don't even know how to start this letter... I was never good at such things... When you left, right after we quarreled so much I came to realize how wrong I was... Stupid, always first say, then think... In the and I didn't tell you the things I meant to and and just spoke the ones which you never whished me to say... „Would you disappear from my live entirely then? I won't stop you, just go” - how much I regret each word from that time, each letter...

You asked us for forgiveness... It's not you who should ask for it but me... For venting my anger on you, who were already hurt same as I was... One week ago in the same room I sit alone now I kissed you and you agreed to be my girlfriend for real... Five days ago you left without a trace... All this time since were like a century for me... I miss you... I'm still not sure of this feeling I've got to you but I miss you...

When I think about the past now, from the very beginning you were my sun. I just shined with the light I reflected from you. And as for now I am not sure for how long this light from you would last... I hope it would be enough until you come back. We will wait for you. All of us since you are a 'glue' that sticked us together.

I will also wait for yoir forgiveness... I hope you will forgive me...




Tear flown for Hana's eye, falling on the place the name was written, causing ink to wash away... For now she was unable to read anymore, with her sight blured with tears. Another memory she hidden deep inside for not causing herself more pain came out and re-cherished itself. She similed making up her mind to read all the letters then finding them and renew their friendship once again if possible.


Author's note: With this chapter I reached the story I wrote so far... Of course I will keep updating, but I can't tell how often, becouse a lot depends of my schedule and inspiration...

Anyway are you courious who wrote the letters? :D Still some time will pass until they'll reappear in Hana's life again....



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blauen #1
Chapter 29: You make such a beautiful story. Hope you are going to continue it.
dimplesyororo #2
eva..kkkk.sorry Ive just comment..LOL..I read all of chapter..kkkk 1-29 :A: Im
okay as im said before...the interesting part is the member's love problem.. hurhur..I wanna you solve jae's and minari's too~~
I really like SH and jiao couple..kkkk..but I wanna SH go wild to jiao..^^ this my request. read all of this..I really feeling Jonghun's feel toward hana..but can u show more how Hongki's feeling too?
28 chapters! i'm only on chap 13 -.- it's nice so far eva ^.^ hehe it's fun reading about seunghyun and jiao right now, i'll comment more later...when i finish reading more