

I leaned on the railing of the roof and sighed at the beautiful view of Seoul at night. It's so peaceful here, no fights and no arguments. At least I could think straight now not after what happened. I shook my head since I didn't want to think about it yet, not when I've finally calmed down. I sighed when a certain memory suddenly hit me.

"Luhannie sweetie come downstairs because dinner's almost ready!" I heard my umma shout from downstairs. I sighed and held on to my Hello Kitty plushie then ran downstairs. I saw my umma trying to get something on the top shelf but he couldn't reach since his height prevented him to do so, so my dad went to help him. I smiled when I saw my dad give my umma a kiss on the cheek. I giggled at my parent's lovey dovey moment and they turned to me and was about to say something when the door bell rang. My parents headed to the door and when they opened it, I saw a man with a little boy hiding behind his leg. 

"Hello. I'm Choi Taemin from across the street. I just wanted to introduce myself since you've just moved here." the man smiled.

"Oh that's nice of you. I'm Wu Zitao, this is my husband Yifan and our son Luhan." Umma introduced and I bowed at Taemin. Then I suddenly heard someone behind him and suddenly a tall man with tanned skin appeared with a boy that looks like Taemin in his arms. 

"This is my husband Minho and this is our son Jongin and Sehun." Taemin said pointing to the boy in Minho's arms and the other boy hiding behind his leg. Jongin started to move in Minho's arms, so Minho put him down. Jongin then grabbed Sehun's hand and they both walked over to me with Sehun looking down on the floor and Jongin grinning widely. 

"Hi! I'm Jongin and I'm 5!" he said with a smile. Then he looked at Sehun who was still looking at the ground. Jongin nudged him and Sehun looked at me. The first thing I thought of when I saw him was 'He's so cute!'.

"Hello. I'm Thehun and I'm 4." he said smiling at me slightly so I grinned at him. 

"I'm Luhan and I'm 6 which means I'm your hyung!" I introduced myself and that was the beginning of a great friendship. 

I unconciously smiled at the memory. I remember when Sehun used to be so shy around other people and he barely talked to other people other than Jongin and I. However that changed when we got to high school and that's when I realised I was in love with him. I don't know how but all I know is that my heart beats fast when I'm with him and I can't help but blush whenever he hugs me. But then I thought that he isn't the Sehun I knew because he bullies the people who are less popular than him. He also dates other girls and breaks their heart a week later. I never in my life would've thought that Sehun would become a heartless person and hurt other people. 

As I was walking down the empty corridor of the English department I heard someone cry for help in Mandarin so I looked around and saw no one. Then I heard it again which was followed by a whimper so I decided to follow where the noise was coming from. I ended up in one of the classrooms and looked inside to see a sight I've never expected to see. The new Chinese transfer student Yixing was cornered by Sehun and his friends Chanyeol and Baekhyun. I looked on as they taunted him and made fun of him and he looked confused and scared. I shook my head telling myself that it couldn't be Sehun and that Sehun wouldn't do this, however, I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Sehun about to kick Yixing. My eyes widened and I slammed the door open. Everyone looked at me as I entered the room and stood in front of Yixing. I glared at Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun then helped Yixing up. 

"STOP! Sehunnie, I don't even know who you are anymore. Ganging up on a defenceless person who can barely speak Korean is just not you. You shouldn't be doing this. It's just wrong. Making fun of him because he can't speak Korean properly is like making fun of me." I said and he looked at me with wide eyes. He was about to say something but I cut him off. "Remember I was exactly like Yixing once." And with that, I left after helping Yixing. 

That was the first time I ever yelled at Sehun. I stopped talking to him after the incident with Yixing and I barely got to see him anymore. I hung out with Yixing more and I even introduced him to my firends Joonmyeon, Minseok and Jongdae. I still missed Sehun though until one day he came to my house after school and started apologising for everything, he even told me that he's apologised to Yixing. He told me that he had a reason for what he did. He had tears running down his face and I couldn't help but give him a hug because he looked so fragile and heartbroken that it broke my heart to see him in that way. 

"Hyung I'm so sorry. I've been stupid and I've let everything that's happened these past couple of days get to me and I didn't mean for it to go this far. Hyung please. I've already apologised to Yixing and I just need you to forgive me because I really need you right now." he said while crying his eyes out. The sight of him crying was so heartbreaking since it's the first time I've ever seen him cry, so I took him in my arms and let him cry on my shoulder. 

"Sehunnie tell me what happened." I told him and he just nodded and explained everything. 

"Umma and Jongin hyung are going to move to America for a couple of years. Appa told me that they'd be back soon but I don't think so. Umma and Appa have been fighting a lot and I could hear them screaming at each other nearly everyday and I can't stand but think that they'll get a divorce. I don't want that hyung! It's not fair! Then there's my feelings for you! I don't know why my heart beats fast when I'm around you and why I can't stop thinking about you. Jongin hyung said that I might be in love with you but I didn't believe him until when you stopped talking to me when I've realised that I miss you. I miss your voice and I hate it when you avoid me. I don't want us to fight anymore hyung. I don't ever want to lose you because of some stupid and idiotic thing I've done." Sehun explained and I could feel him tense up at his confession. I stopped patting his back and he backed away from me and looked down at the floor. Did I just hear that right? Sehun's in love with me? I pinched my arms to make sure I wasn't dreaming then looked back at Sehun. 

"Wait did you just say that you're in love with me?" I asked him quietly but he seemed to have heard it since he sighed and looked up at me with a serious look. 

"Hyung, I've realised that I'm in love with you. I don't know when it started but I can't imagine my life without you. There's always a reason why a player's a player right? I feel bad for breaking those girls' hearts but now I know that you're the only one that holds my heart. I know that we're young but I love you Luhan ge. I don't ever want to lose you and if I do make a mistake please help me to make it right because I don't want to mess up and end up losing you." he confessed and looked back down on the ground. I smiled at him even though he can't see it. 

"Hey look at me." I told him but he kept looking at the ground. I stepped forward and held his hand. He looked at me so I went on my tip toes and kiseed him on the cheek. His cheeks turned red and he looked at me with a smile on his face. "I love you too."

I continued to look at the beautiful view and smiled at the memory. When Sehun confessed, I felt like the happiest man on earth. We started to date after that and we've been together ever since that day. A week after Sehun and I got together, Taemin and Jongin moved to America while Sehun stayed in Seoul with Minho. Sehun told me that Taemin and Minho fought less and that they were on good terms again since they didn't shout at each other anymore whenever they go on Skype. Jongin now goes by the name Kai and him and Taemin hasn't been back yet though and it's been 6 years already. 

I haven't talked to Sehun since I left our house a week ago because of a stupid fight. I turned my phone off and left it at my hotel room since I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. It wasn't exactly my fault that Sehun's been moody and I can't take any of his mood swings. All we've been doing for the past two weeks is fight and I can't take it anymore so I left. I booked a room in a hotel far away from home and I've been staying here ever since. I made my way back to my room and decided to turn my phone on. When my phone went on I saw 35 messages. 25 are from Sehun and the rest are from my friends. I read the text messages from Sehun and they were all telling me to come back that he's sorry. I was about to reply to him when a message came up so I opened it. When I read the message, I pinched myself to see if this was some nightmare and when it wasn't, I dropped my phone in shock.

From: Jongin
To: Luhan

Care to explain why Sehunnie has brought his stuff all the way over here and is now crying his eyes out in umma's arms?

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loveluck #1
Chapter 1: Sequelll\~~~ u cnt leave them like this... pls? HunHan needs to be together!