II. Bullies.

Bad Girls II: 쏴라!

It was another day in class and Yuri was seated at the back again. The girls chatted, the boys hollered and talked loudly like they were miles apart from each other. The brainiacs talked amongst themselves. The hopeless romantic book lovers swooned over the latest Nicholas Sparks novel. Yuri sat by herself, sparying cologne all over her body. This morning, Yuri had shades on because before coming to class, she had smoked a couple of joints and was feeling rather high, hence the frequent spraying of perfume to rid herself of the ganja stench. A few presses later, the professor arrived and Yuri smartened up, took her shades off and hid behind Marcus Jeon, the big jock seated diagonally from her to cover her eyes and avoid questions and suspicion. 

Their class was chemistry. They needed it for psychology somehow. Yuri knew why. The others, she wasn't quite sure. As the professors discussed, she noticed that a group was coming towards her from her peripheral vision. She heard their footsteps and as they got about a few feet close, she turned her head, waving off her black and red tresses. 

"Woahhh! Someone's got a 'tude!" Soo Young jeered. Yuri looked at the tall girl and pursed her lips. She may be high but she was still in (somewhat) the right mind to knock their teeth off on point. 

"Waving your hair like you some , huh? Girl you just got lucky with the essay contest. You dont' deserve it, hoe!" Hyoyeon said.  The other girls just gave her mean stares.

"I know you don't like me." said Yuri. "And I don't care. I don't like you to. But I respect you enough to not mind you cause I detest you. Now if you please, ignore me if you don't like me. Otherwise, it'll make me think that you secretly worship me." Yuri said. The girls flared up with her sassy response.

"Oh you didn't just say-" Jessica was about to lunge at her when Soo Young stopped her friend.

"Prof's here. Let's just sit." Soo Young said. Jessica snarled as she looked back at Yuri who pursed her lips and raised her arched eyebrow, proving to them who the real was. 

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Jessica was the head of the group. She was a rich, US born Korean girl who settled here at a later age, hence the accent and somewhat the valley girl attitude. Jessica was the type to party and squander all her parents' money because she was, according to her own words, "young" and "not ready" to understand the value of income. Jessica enjoyed bossing other girls around and cracking mean jokes about them, much to Yuri's annoyance. She also enjoyed being the center of attention, hence nominating and voting for herself as the president of the drama club and muse of the class. Jessica thought she was really beautiful. 

Soo Young was basically Jessica's second banana. She was a tall and intimidating girl who played volleyball for the school team. Her height made her really intimidating but her frame made her easy to tackle, Yuri would say. Soo Young didn't have much of a brain, either. She was all brawn.

Hyoyeon was the star dancer and resident of the group. She was a cheerleader for the school's basketball team and was dating the team captain Kris but was rumored to be cheating on him with Kai. That rumor proved to be true when Kai leaked pictures of them making it. It "scarred" Hyoyeon reportedly but in reality, she felt good that she achieved the fame she always wanted to reach. 

Yoona was the other girl, the one that didn't get much airtime or as much airtime as the other girls. She was pretty popular with the boys because she seemed nice and approachable but really, like her friends, she too was a gigantic . Yoona used to be one of the sweet, unpopular girls until Jessica decided to corrupt her mind and distort her image. Now, Yoona had shed every bit of her old self and had become the that her friends-not her-destined her to be. 

Yuri just watched them with squinting eyes, eyes that had anger and annoyance written all over them. Their noise, the way they laughed. You could tell they were just so full of themselves, as with most cliques in this class. Perhaps the only approachable ones were the geeks and the nerds who were quite low on the clique food chain. Yuri didn't care about hierarchy. She didn't like competing with anyone. 

She was her own person. 

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novarias #1
Chapter 13: OMG the ending was shocking
teddybears #2
Chapter 1: yuri shii~
i love unnie so much!
my y queen
my cutie doll
my teddy bear!
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