B1 : typicalkpopaddict

❛〈MELLOW • LATTE〉↷ revampting. ( progress : none )
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Words Unheard
Bias: Kai
Genre: Angst

Character(s): D.O & Kai

Summary: Kyungsoo and Jongin have been dating each other for three years. Not once, have Jongin said the words 'I Love You' to Kyungsoo but the other says it everyday. No skipping, for the whole of the two year relationship. Every single day, he said those words to the other, hoping that Jongin will someday answer back but to no avail.
BAD NEWS: I didn't use the song/video you requested because I don't think it fitted with it anyhow-what-so-ever. And I didn't went over 1:30 because it dragged on and wouldn't look as classic. To achieve it like now, I feel like I dragged on too much. I can return half your karma if you want- but otherwise, yeah.

GOOD NEWS: It wasn't too shabby for my first try in ages, sorry for the long wait, I have exams this week so will be active afterwards yehet! Enjoy!
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do not request any further (will be denied & deleted!)
I have requested! :D Thank you!
I've requested :)
I'll just send the payment when you reply :)
I requested :)