





“Thank you for choosing Park Airlines. We will be landing at Incheon International Airport in a few, so may I ask you to stay in your seats and I hope you enjoyed your flight with us. This is Captain Park and we hope to be of service to you in the future.”


Chanyeol finishes his infamous line with a wink that made every emale passengers, both single and not, squealing on their seats. Who wouldn’t? Park Airlines is famous for its crews who are smoking hot. Especially Captain Park who personally goes out to greet the passengers. The racket has been going on for three years and that’s what made them one of the top airlines in Asia. Well, you could also add the great service inside the plane.

“So, how many hearts did you take away this time? And was that a guy squealing?” His first officer said as he goes back to his seat inside the cockpit.

“Shut up Oh Sehun! It wasn’t a lot compared to the last flight though. And yes, there was a guy squealing out there.” Chanyeol replies as he proceeds to push some buttons on the control panel.




“ Soo! Did you see that? Did you ing see that hottie in the pilot uniform talking in front a while ago? I swear I should get his name or number or something.”

“Then get it, just please don’t disturb my sleep.” Kyungsoo scolds Baekhyun as he goes back to his trip to dreamland.

“You know what, might as well do that.” Baekhyun states as he unlocks the belt on his waist while he abruptly stands up.


“Umm sir, you need to sit down. We’ll be landing in a few minutes and you might be knocked off because of the turbulence.” He hears the intercom’s scratchy voice. He looks at the direction of the person holding the receiver who shots him a fake smile. His bladder is about to burst and he needs to use the bathroom this instant and peek inside the cockpit if he gets the chance. He was unrelenting. He needs to get to the bathroom because if he didn’t.

“Sir, please go back to your seat” The flight attendant tells him as he nears the bathroom near the front exit.

“But, I need to empty myself. My bladder’s going to explode here.”

“Sir, I’m sorry but it’s dangerous for you to be standing up.”

“I. Don’t. Care.” Baekhyun was pissed. He needs to get to bathroom right now.

“Excuse me? I’m sorry but if you continue to be like that I’m going to have to call the captain.” Baekhyun smirks as he hears the last bit.

“Then do so.” Baekhyun bites back.


“What is happening here?” He hears a deep chocolate voice speak and Baekhyun swore to the heavens above that what he saw in front of him was a redhead hunk of an angel in white.

“Umm, thing is that, umm I kinda need to go the bathroom, like right now and she won’t let me pass.” Baekhyun internally high fives himself as he answers the captain in his flirty voice and beautiful eyes. Way to go Byun Baek!


It was a given that anyone who sees Chanyeol will be knocked off their feet but this was different. The trouble maker turns his way and states his problem while Chanyeol stares at his eyes and drowns himself in that angelic voice.

“Umm,” Baekhyun clears his throat. “So, can I please go to the bathroom Captain?” He pleads with his puppy eyes.

how could Chanyeol refuse those eyes?

“Chanyeol, call me Chanyeol. Mister?”

“Baekhyun! Byun Baekhyun.” He replies with a grin.

“Do you want me to accompany you inside the bathroom?” Chanyeol was taken aback by his own question. He was about to correct it when Baekhyun was first to do so.

“As much as I think you’re a total hottie and I also would love being with you in a secluded area, it would be totally gross watching someone pee so, maybe next time?” Baekhyun finishes off with a wink as he passed the Captain to enter the bathroom.




“Really Byun Baekhyun? You ing flirted in front of the Captain? Where the hell was I when this happened?” Kyungsoo asks as he helps the cab driver put their bags inside the trunk.

“Really Soo, he also asked me if I want him to accompany me inside the bathroom.”

“Oh my ing god Baek, I can’t totally believe this .”

“Well, I just hope when we go back to China next week we get to ride his plane.”

“Don’t make me laugh Baekhyun, I know you want to ride something, and it’s not the plane.”




“Sehun, I want to see him again.” Chanyeol nags his co-pilot while they were resting on his shared pad. Sehun won’t take his eyes away from his phone though.

“Shut the up Chanyeol. It has only been five hours. Five ing hours since you last saw him. Do you even know his name?” Sehun bites back. Pissed off obviously.

“Yes. It’s Baekhyun.”


“Byun—soon to be Park though.”

“Oh shut up.” Sehun scoffs. “Oh, what do you know, he’s a researcher at SBS news, he studied Journalism before at Seoul National University and—he’s single.”

“Of course he is. Why would you think he would flirt with me if he’s in some sort of a relationship? Isn’t that cheating? Wait, how do you even know those things?” Chanyeol asks him with a doubtful gaze.

“There’s this thing we call smartphones Park Chanyeol. I sometimes can’t believe that you own an airlines company when you don’t know little things such as this.”

“Well, .” Chanyeol mentally facepalmed. Why didn’t he thought of that sooner. “Give me your phone.” Chanyeol knows the kid wouldn’t give it to him so he grabs the thing from Sehun’s grasp.

“What the Park Chanyeol.”

“Shut the hell up, I can still fire you. Oh my ing god he’s so cute. Look at this selca I’m getting hard just by looking at his face.”

“Ew boss. Keep it to yourself. And give me back my phone!” Sehun tries to reach for the phone but Chanyeol won’t give it back.

“Afraid you’ll get caught? Are you hiding something?”

“What? No?” It was futile though, a notification popped out from his phone’s messenger.

“What the hell— Isn’t this Luhan one of our flight attendants? Why is he sending you a picture of his ?”




It was the third day since he arrived back at Seoul from his trip to China to cover that news about sinkholes and that he didn’t even care about. He was just in it because it was his job. Of course his boss praised him because even though it was half-assed, it was still quite good. Now all he ever thought about was Chanyeol. His seductive deep chocolate voice that’s like ing his ears. Those obvious muscles from his a bit too fit pilot uniform. And did he mention that his pants were also too fit? Yes, the bulge was obvious and it’s big.

He was thinking of ways to meet or see him again but riding another plane would cost a lot and he doesn’t even know where to go to or what to do once he gets there. So he just has to wait for another out of the country scoop so that he can have an excuse to travel. Chances are still vague though, what if he won’t be taking the same airlines this time? He was broken from his thoughts when the tune of his favorite girl group played through the house.


“Hello Soo?”

“What the hell have you been doing Byun Baekhyun?! I’ve messaged you fifty times already and I didn’t get any ing single reply.” He hears Kyungsoo screaming from the other line.

“Aww, sorry soo. I was just thinking about something and you know that my phone doesn’t ring or anything when I receive messages right?” Baekhyun felt the phone vibrate. He has a new SNS notification. “Hold on Soo, I have a notification.”

“What the hell? Your phone won’t alert you when you have messages but it ing vibrates when you have a notification?” Baekhyun doesn’t hear Kyungsoo’s cries though because he was already tapping his way on his SNS account.


Chanyeol Park added you as a friend. Accept. Ignore.


“What the hell happened Baek? Baek?! Why are you screaming?”

“Remember captain hottie from the flight the other day? Well, he just added me on SNS and everything Soo, he is ing topless and sweaty on his display picture I can totally fap on this.”

“Gross. Just read my messages you . I’ve sent you our schedule for next week.”

Baekhyun was turning totally red. He accepted the friend request and he didn’t expect Chanyeol to immediately message him.


I know I look totally hot in that picture. Stop drooling on it ‘kay? I can send you more though if you’d like ;)


Aren’t you too conceited honey? I’d take you up on that offer :p


Sent an image.

Baekhyun swears his face is blood red and his nose should be bleeding right now. Chanyeol just sent him a picture of him in a swimming trunks while doing in okay sign near his crotch.


heh :p


I know you like that babe.


Maybe? ;)


Are you free tomorrow night? Can I take you somewhere? I’m still at Seoul right now so…


Aren’t you supposed to be around the world? You’re a god damn pilot.


I own the company so I can take as many absences as I want. Besides we have a lot of reserve pilots.

I totally forgot. Why didn’t I realize this sooner? His last name is Park. I totally landed on a hotshot. Baekhyun thought.


Oh. Okay :-/


So can I just message you the dets?


Wtf is dets?


Details baby. Details.



That’s how Baekhyun ended up on one of the airport’s hangars. He was messaging Chanyeol on his SNS telling him he’s already outside and it’s freaking hot. He turns his direction to the opening of the hangar when he hears an unfamiliar voice calling his name.

“Byun Baekhyun!”

“Umm, yes?” He replies to the stranger.

“Chanyeol’s inside, he’s still changing so he asked me to fetch you here. I’m Sehun by the way. His co-pilot slash best friend.”

“Oh. Okay.” Why are all the pilots hot? He thinks to himself as Sehun guides him to a door that leads to a room.

He gingerly turns the knob and was greeted by the sight of Chanyeol reaching down his pants. His great glory of an was displayed right in front of him. He clears his throat and looks away.

“Hmm, like what you see?”

“Shut up.”

Chanyeol can see the faint blush on his cheeks. He quickly pulled his pants up and s his belt around the loopholes.

“Let’s go?” Chanyeol asks as he walks towards Baekhyun.

“I thought this was the place?”

“Oh no baby, I have a lot of places in mind.” Chanyeol says seductively. His mouth just a mere inch away from Baekhyun’s ear and he sure as hell would’ve melted right then and there.



That was how they ended up on Chanyeol’s condominium eating take-outs. Baekhyun was quite a bit disappointed on how things turned out though. He was expecting restaurants, candles and wine. Maybe a bit of y time after? Though the last bit still happened.


It was already 7 in the morning. The clock beeped making Baekhyun stir in his sleep.

“Good morning y.” Chanyeol greeted the little piece of iness in his arms.

“As great as your voice sounds when you wake up, your breath also stinks greatly. Go away.” Baekhyun pushed Chanyeol until he was about an arm’s length away.

“Aww, that’s how you greet your hot boyfriend in the morning?” Chanyeol pouts.

“Excuse you, you didn’t even ask me if I want to date you. So stop the bull inside your head because I’m not your boyfriend and you’re not mine.” Baekhyun sassily answers him

“What about last night? You were screaming and my name.” Baekhyun blushes at the thought of last night. But he fights back, he needs to not look cheap in front of this hottie.

“Don’t get me wrong. You have the biggest I’ve seen and the was really hot and great but I want someone who makes efforts honey.” Baekhyun said as he places a light peck on Chanyeol’s upper lip. “I still like you though.”



“Sehuuuuunnie help me please?” Chanyeol pouts to his best friend as Sehun was again tapping on his phone, obviously talking to Luhan.

“What is it this time?”

“Well, Baek wants someone who puts effort if I want to woo him.”

“Well, that’s simple.” Sehun says as he taps faster than usual.

“How simple?”

“Luhan says you should use your power and resources.”

“Well thank Luhan for that suggestion but how the would I do that?”

“Figure it out yourself .”



Baekhyun was already cramming. He needs to finish packing in an hour because his ing boss wants him to be at China again by the next hour. He already called Chanyeol about this and the guy sounded happy for him and told him to expect one hell of a ride. He was slightly scared by the thought. Baekhyun’s flight was scheduled 2 in the afternoon and it was already 1:15 when he left his apartment.


Chanyeol was frantic. He was going in and out of the cockpit looking for black haired shortie but it was already 15 minutes ‘til take off and Baekhyun was still nowhere to be found. He went back inside the cockpit to start the plane.

“Don’t worry capt’n. Maybe something happened that’s why he was late or something.”

“Ugh, whatever.”

“Babe.” A voice echoed from their backs. Both of them turned around to see Luhan peeking from the door.

“What is it babe?” Sehun answered him.

“Umm, actually it’s for captain Chanyeol. The guy you told me a while ago? The one with a black hair and an angelic face? He just boarded the plane just now.”

Chanyeol’s face lit up when he heard this. He was about to be flying a plane in a bad mood and who knows what will happen when he’s in a bad mood.

“All systems ready?” Chanyeol asked his co-pilot?

“Affirmative sir.”

“Rotate.” Chanyeol said,

“Positive rate. Gear up.” Sehun replied.

“Flight CB0627 requesting clearance for pushback. Flight CB0627 Good day.” Chanyeol reports to the intercom connecting to the airport tower.



Baekhyun was giddy in his seat. Chanyeol was just a few feet away from him. They haven’t had physical contact since last week though they still send naughty selcas of each other. He was about to take a nap when he hears a familiar deep voice speaking through the FA’s receiver.

“Good day to everyone. This is Captain Park Chanyeol and I hope everybody’s great. I don’t usually come out from the cockpit not until we’re about to land but there’s this little guy out here who makes me want to do things out of the ordinary. He’s a short guy with a black hair and a cute face. If anyone of you is seating right next or near him please raise your hand.” Chanyeol searched the passengers for Baekhyun until a girl from about 10 rows of seats away raises her hand, he looks next to her and sees a fluff of black hair sticking out. “To everyone inside this plane, that guy right there is Byun Baekhyun. The one who captured my heart but he won’t let me date him.” He can hear people talking. Why wouldn’t he date you’s and oh pity’s. “That’s why I’m going to serenade him today to move his heart. Will you help me? Please?” Chanyeol is working his charm on the passengers until he can hear a collective yes from them.


Baekhyun was all red in the face. He was already hiding from the stares of the other passengers using the magazine shoved inside the back pocket of the seat in front of him. He hears a tune from a guitar echoing throughout the plane and looks at the source of the sound.


I do believe all the love you give, all of the things you do.

Love you, love you I’ll keep you safe don’t you worry.

Baekhyun’s eyes were watering. What the hell. He didn’t expect Chanyeol to take him seriously.


I will love you you, I will love you and love you and love you

Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you

I will please you for all time


Chanyeol was singing his heart out. He wants Baekhyun to know that he just doesn’t feel physically attracted to the guy but also emotionally.


I don’t wanna lose you and lose you and lose you

Cause I need you and need you and need you

So I want you to be my lady

You’ve got to understand my love…


So this is what he meant when he told him he’ll be flying today. you Park Chanyeol.


You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl

As the song ended. Everybody applauded the captain’s unforeseen performance. Except for one. Chanyeol saw Baekhyun get up from his seat and walked towards him while bowing his head. He can’t see his face because his bangs were covering them. Chanyeol stood up meeting him half way and tipped his head up to face him. He can see tears falling from those eyes. He kisses both of his eyelids and nose then places his lips on Baekhyun’s soft ones as they shared a passionate kiss in front of the passengers.


He scooped Baekhyun up and carried him bridal style.

“Where are you taking me?” Baekhyun asked him.

“My hard on’s been pent up for a week and you’re the only one who can take care of this.”


“Shut up you know you love my .”


Sehun can hear the door to the Cockpit’s comfort room open and he sees their captain and Baekhyun go inside. He totally knows what will soon happen inside. He can hear the sound of clothes being taken off the clanging of metal. A bright idea popped on his head and maneuvered the plane to tilt abruptly and he heard the loudest scream he’s ever heard.




Chanyeol came out with Baekhyun and escorted him to his seat. When Chanyeol got back to his seat inside the cockpit, Sehun can totally smell the scent of around him. Gross. He thought.

“What the hell happened Sehun?”

Sehun smirks.



“Oh, turbulence.”




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Chapter 1: omg that was freaking cute hahaha XD God hottie!yeol is always my weakness
Chapter 1: I almost pissed my pants! This was really hilarious XD
Chapter 1: This was so cute and freaking hilarious... One of my new faves ^^