Disappeare then Reappear

Tao fell to the ground as the mall erupted into panic. Tao felt all over his body but he wasn't shot. a pair of big arms lifted him up. " its been awhile hasn't it", a familiar voice said. " Wu Yifan!" " so nice to see you remembered my name", Kris said as another shot rang out. Kris quickly turned around and shot the second figure that emerged from the bathroom. " mommy!", Tao heard Xao Rin screaming. Tao got out of Kris's gip an ran straight towards his son, but he was stopped when Kri grabbed him again. " let me go, my son needs me!" Kris ignored Tao as more figures started to show up. " you want to protect your family, then I advise you not to draw attention to them. Kris started shooting, he grabbed Taos arm and yanked down the elevator out of the food court. "TAO!!", he heard Lay scream before they completely diapperead from his view.

Kris threw Tao into the car got in and drove off. " let me out right now!", Tao yelled hitting Kris. " still violent as ever", Kris said as he took out his phone.
-" Zouhmi were are you?"
-" im back at the apartment with Henry, those bastards really are crazy!"
-" so his father is really dead then", Kris said as he made a u-turn.
-" i'll be there in ten minutes", with that being said Kris hung up. " were are you takeing me!" " to meet up with your nephew." Tao looked at Kris long and hard. " why do you have my nephew!" " because your brother is dead and now the North Koreans are after Henry and you!" Tao grew silent. " its been ten years since we saw each other, now that we meet again your shooting and killing people", Tao mumbeled. " i've always done this, even when we were dating, oh by the way Xao Rin really was the perfect name for our son", Kris said as he lokked at Tao. " he is not your son!" Kris nly smiled. " oh and Kris by the way", Tao said as Kris stopped at a red light and turned to look at him. " what?", Kris asked. Tao decked him in the jaw. " THATS FOR TEN YEARS AGO YOU LYING SON OF A !!!!"

Zouhmi paced back in forth as Henry came out of the bathroom. " you must be thirsty", Zouhmi said as he ran into the kitchen. He fixed Henry a glass of water then handed it to him. Henry shoved it back. " I don't want anything from you!" " look you've been running since earlier today if you don't drink something you'll pass out." " I rather die then accept anything from you!", Henry said as Zouhmi glared at him. " if you don't drink i'll just force it down your throat then. Henry was about to say something, but Zouhmi caught by the neck gulped some water into his mouth and shoved his lips on Henry's. Henry tried to push him away as the water went down his throat but to no avail. Once the water was gone Henry excpected Zouhmi to remove his lips, but Zouhmi only depend the kiss. Hnery didn't know why but his hurt started beating faster than normal. Henry let out a small moan and moved his lips. Zouhmi aw this as an opportunity and sliped his tongue in the others mouth. Henry buckled and almost fell over but Zouhmi caught him, lifted him up and placed him on the couch. Zouhmi lifted his face up for a split second took look at Henry. " so this is what Kris meant about don't fall, but its to loate cause I already have", Zouhmi was about to put his lips back on Henry when the door opened. " what are you doing?", Kris asked as he took in the scene of Zouhmi and Henry on the couch. " I-I was just-" " you were just about to go fix your little problem down there in the bathroom", Kris said pointing to Zouhmi's crotch area. When Zouhmi went into the bathroom Kriss pushed Tao to the couch were Tao cradeled a scared Henry. " now since we're all hear why don't we start form the beginning." " the beginning of what?", Tao asked. " the real reason why I dissapeared then reapperead."

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PpyongieeChu #1
Chapter 13: You goooo authooooor! Quick updates....I'm loving it! Great story! Can't wait to read more! ;)
Chapter 5: It is very interesting.
Chapter 3: I hope Tao will stay with Lay, actually; Lay really seems to love him and I think Tao does too :)
Chapter 1: oh ... kris is a spy from north korea o.O
that's new and interesting
Chapter 1: I need more of this I swear!!! Please you need to update soon! I just love it so much. XD