You Better Root for the Home Team...


Be careful of which team you root for -- the enemies you make could be dangerous.



⊰ You Better Root for the Home Team… ⊱ 

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack,
I don't care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for the home team,
If they don't win it's a shame.
For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out,
At the old ball game.


I know that part of baseball’s most famous song includes a part about it being a shame if the home team doesn’t win, but since my favorite team was the away team, I figured that it wouldn’t be a shame at all. Oh, how wrong I was… if the home team had won in that final game of the series, I wouldn’t be in the shameful state that I am in right now…❞ 



⊰ Story ⊱

⇨ When Kristin headed to Jamsil Stadium, her sole intent was to watch her favorite team play a game of enjoyable baseball. What she didn’t expect was to meet seven boys, one of whom was a fellow fan of her team and one of whom seemed to despise her solely because of her allegiance to that team. As she found herself becoming closer to the group of boys, she firmly kept her eye on the one who supposedly hated her, but he wasn’t the only one that she should have been careful of…



Author’s Note:

Hello! This is my first story on Asianfanfics. I’ve read quite a lot on this site, but never got around to writing one of my own! If you are not a baseball fan, please do not toss this story aside. Baseball only plays one role in this fic: setting up the story and plot. After the beginning, baseball won’t be mentioned too often, except for maybe in the chapter titles. So hopefully you won’t need to be a baseball fan to enjoy this. As long as you are an Infinite fan, I’m sure (or at least I hope!) that you will enjoy it!

And thanks to milktea for the lovely, fun poster! She finished it so quickly, too! If you need any graphics for your story, I suggest requesting from her!!


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lift-your-light #1
Yay~! New reader of your story here!! Your right. Either L, Hoya, or Woohyun should end up with her. Intresting story, REALLY! I like it alot! It slowly makes me want to love it! xD
Awww ! seems like Myungsoo will have a high chance to be with her !! HAHA decide soon !! Cant wait :x
Haha I can't decide between our Gyu leader or Howon :(