
It never died

Real roses wil wither in days or weeks.

Plastic roses will never wither.




"Hunchae! I have something to give to you!" Jiyong hid something behind his back.


"What is it?" Chaerin asked curiously, occasionally trying to peek at what Jiyong was holding.


"Give me a peck on the lips first!" Jiyong puckered his lips at her.


"Bwoh? Jingyo oppa! It's unfair!" Chaerin pouted sadly.


Jiyong just stayed there, continuing to pucker his lips at Chaerin, totally unwavered by her aegyo, okay maybe not 'totally unwavered'. He wavered a little though, but managed to keep his hand to himself, preventing it from pinching her cheeks.


"Ughh, fine." Chaerin leaned in for a quick peck before retreating.


Jiyong, who finally got what he wanted, took the bouquet of roses from behind him, "Happy 3 years anniversary, Hunchae!" Jiyong held the bouquet in front of him which Chaerin gladly accepted it from him.


Chaerin took the roses and smelled it, but when bringing it closer to her face, she noticed something sparkling in between, moving one of her hands to get it, while carefully avoiding the thorns of the roses.


After manging to capture it, Chaerin could only gasped at it, "Jingyo oppa, is this what I think it is?" Chaerin left agape staring at Jiyong.


"Yes." Jiyong kneeled on one knee, "Would you, Lee Chaerin, marry me, Kwon Jiyong, your lovely, handsome, smart boyfriend? We may have couple fights at times, but I never once stopped loving you, instead of us drifting apart, we became closer than ever. Ever since the first time I met you, I fell for you, even when we were little kids. Puberty took over when we hit the puberty age, you started becoming more beautiful than you have ever been, you started having suitors when we went to high school. I never had the chance to confess yet. But 3 years ago, on this day, I decided to man up and confess to you. Little did I know that you were in love with me too, I was overjoyed, full of emotions on that day, my first love, my first crush, my first kiss, all of my first's belonged to you, as well as yours which belonged to me. So, I would like to repeat this again, would you Lee Chaerin, marry me?" Jiyong ended with a smile on his face, Chaerin's eyes were filled with tears, she was so happy that she wanted to let out tears of joy.


"You pabo!" Chaerin yelled out, making Jiyong surprised, "Of course it's a yes!" Chaerin went down to his level and hugged him tightly, showering his face with kisses, "We're going to be together forever." Chaerin smiled.


"Of course we would be together forever!" Jiyong grinned at Chaerin.


"Stop being an over confident bastard!" Chaerin said.


"Too bad this over-confident bastard stole your heart, likewise how you stole mine." Jiyong locked his lips with Chaerin into a deep pationate kiss.




Few days later.


Chaerin walked passed the table where she placed her roses in a vase, she stopped abruptly and turned her head to the roses.


"Wasn't it perfectly fine yesterday? Why is it wilting suddenly?" Chaerin asked herself and she picked up the petals of the roses that fell.


"Hunchae, why are you staring at the roses?" Jiyong hugged Chaerin from behind and snuggled into her neck.


"The roses are wilting." 


"I can buy more if you want, Hunchae-ah~" Jiyong cooed to her ear.


"It's okay, we don't want to waste your money on just buying roses for me right?" Chaerin spinned herself around to face Jiyong.


"Aww, my baby, money is nothing when it's for you."




"Come on, let's go get some rest now," Jiyong carried her bridal style into their room.


Their room? They have been cohabiting together. Their parents didn't mind.




Roses. The roses that Jiyong bought. Half of it has wilted completely. 


Each day, 1 stalk of rose is gone.


Each day, he gets weaker.




1 rose is left, that rose, is a plastic rose, Chaerin never noticed it, since it was hidden among the real ones. But today was the day she noticed it.


"It's such a pity, all the rose died except for this." Chaerin picked the rose up.


"Wait, isn't this rose made from plastic?" Chaerin started feeling the texture of the rose that was unusual.


All of a sudden, a cup fell, it came from the kitchen. Chaerin rushed to the kitchen to find Jiyong lying on the floor lifeless.






"Sorry Ms Lee, we were unable to save Mr Kwon, but he wishes to see you now." The doctor said, feeling sorry for Chaerin while walking away.


Chaerin tensed up, her love was now in grave danger, and is now about to die, without further ado, she rushed to the room, to find Jiyong surrounded with nurses, doctors and machines that were trying to save his life. 


Upon Chaerin's arrival, the doctors and nurses left the room to the couple. Chaerin slowly walked over to Jiyong's bed and covered , and trying not to let her tears fall. Once she reached, she sat down beside him and held his hand, the moment she touched his cold hand, she started bawling her eyes out.


"Hunchae...." Jiyong tried to smile a little under that oxygen mask but was unable to.


"Don't speak please, Jingyo oppa, please don't," Chaerin sobbed out, unable to control her tears when facing the weak Jiyong.


"I'm.. sorry.. we.. couldn't.. be.. official.. I really wanted you Mrs Kwon...but...I couldn't....make it...I'm sorry, Hunchae..." 


"Oppa... don't speak please." Chaerin begged, she wanted to spend more time with him.


" a letter...below the lamp...of the nightstand...beside our bed....." Jiyong said slowly.


"Jingyo oppa, don't leave me please. Stay with me. Don't die on me, oppa. PLEASE, DON'T! I love you oppa, I really love you. Oppa, please don't die on me." Chaerin's tears fell on Jiyong's hand.


"Promise'll stay..strong... Oppa loves... yo-........" 




That's it, it signalled the end of Jiyong's life. 


"Oppa? Oppa?! OPPA! YOU, YOU CAN'T DIE ON ME. YOU PROMISED ME TO BE TOGETHER FOREVER! JINGYO OPPA! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME!" The doctors and nurses started rushing in, trying to revive Jiyong, while 2 nurses remained at Chaerin's side trying to calm her down.


"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE JIYONG. JIYONG OPPA! DON'T DIE ON ME!" Chaerin was pulled out by the nurses as she was too agitated to see Jiyong.


"Let me go...Jingyo oppa needs me.." Chaerin fell to the floor after she was dragged out.




"We tried reviving him, but it was no use. I'm sorry Ms Lee." the doctor patted her back before leaving her alone.


"Jiyong oppa. Why did you die on me?" Chaerin looked up to the ceiling to prevent her from crying.


Feeling dejected, she went home, their home.


When she reached home, she plunged onto the bed and hugged Jiyong's pillow, letting her tears flow freely on it. Remembering what Jiyong told her about the letter, she turned to the nightstand and lifted the lamp up. After finding the letter, she wiped her tears away and opened the letter.


Dear Chaerin,

It doesn't need to be formal right? Or does it?

Maybe it does.

Dear Chaerin, 

By the time you're reading this letter, I'm always up in the sky, don't cry Hunchae, you know I won't like it when you cry. Now wipe those tears off, I certainly do not want my precious paper plus handwriting to be soiled with your tears. But of course, you're more precious to me than anything else. I wrote this on the day of our 3 years anniversary. But before that, I knew I already had this sickness, I proposed to you because I want you and me to be official, say me selfish, but I want us to official on papers, but looks like I didn't make it to the wedding day. Remember the roses I gave you? Yeah, I gave you 99, 98 was real, only 1 was fake. It represent my never dying love for you. Even when I'm up here, I will still love you with all of my heart. 

Since plastic roses can never die, my love for you will never die. Stay strong Hunchae, aren't you the fearless hunchae I know?

Maybe I was never fated to be yours forever in this life, I was only fated to spend half my life with you before I die. But I swear, in my next life, and your next life, I want to be yours again. And this time not half of it, forever yours. I'm willing to fight with whoever blocks my way towards you. Even if it's god. Because my love for you is strong. 

So if we have another chance in another life to be together, will you take it? And be with this man, Kwon Jiyong again?

Never forget Hunchae, I Kwon Jiyong will always love you, Lee Chaerin.

With loves,

Your Jingyo oppa.


"I will oppa. I'm willing to be with you again in my next life. This silly girl is willing to be with you, even if it means death. But it hurts to live without you right now. It's too hard. I can't wait till next life, I want to meet you now." Chaerin took a hidden penknife in the drawer of the nightstand.


"Wait for a little Jingyo oppa, I'm coming to find you. Wait for me, it won't take long." Chaerin slowly slit her wrist, letting the blood flow out endlessly.


Letting it slowly flow out, and her soul slowly seeping away, to join Jiyong up in the sky.


The plastic rose was left alone in the vase. It never died. Their love never died.




The next day, Jiyong and Chaerin's parents came to their house to find Chaerin and comfort her, after they knew the news about Jiyong, Jiyong's parents were devastated but they knew Chaerin would be more devastated.


They opened the door to the house, since they have the spare, walked into their room, only to find the bed's white sheets bloody and a lifeless Chaerin lying there.


"CHAERIN-AH!" Chaerin's mom wailed out, while her father walked over to the bed and picked up the letter. 


There were words below on Jiyong's letter.


I need Jiyong oppa. It hurts to live without him. 

But I'm with him now, if anyone sees this, please tell my parents and Jiyong's parents how much we love them.



"Don't worry honey, our dear Chaerin is now up there with Jiyong," Chaerin's dad say while keeping his tears in. While Jiyong's parents could only be more devastated as their future daughter-in-law had died.






Me, myself, had no intention of writing a sad ending, but it wwent haywire and landed in the sad ending area.

Sorry if it's crappy though. *bows*


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syeda_fz #1
Chapter 1: Though it's sad yet its sweeeet and Beautiful....<3 Live Together Die Together.... It reminds me of R.O.D (ride or die)..... Seems every reader had shed at least a single Tear....
Chapter 1: I hate you author-sshi!! You made me cry!!! T^T I was thinking it was lovi dovy fic. but then BOOM!!! I cried like a baby xD I love it Author-sshi!!
Chapter 1: This is the saddest story I have ever read. I'm crying right now and my loptop is so wet. Thank you, it's really beautiful and so sad... ;_;
Chapter 1: I'm cryin' my eyes out!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: IOMG I cried this is so unlike me It was great
Chapter 1: Omg I cried so hard reading this:(
Good job author-nim!!
Chapter 1: Okay, bye everyone. I want to cry in the bathroom! *silently sobbing
Chapter 1: Is it me or am i really a inemotional freak? I cant cry... :'(
Chapter 1: Ahhhh its so sad >:
some parts felt so real, especially the part where Chaerin was screaming >;
Nicely written ^^