My Long Lost Twin?!

Shock Than Freeze!

A normal day, like every other one. Hating life. Going to school. Threatening to kill people. You know, everyday for me, Junhyung.

"Junhyung-ah~! Get up~"

My eyes opened to a boy younger than me with bright red hair. He wore a curled smile on his lips that made my stomach turn. How the hell can he be so happy all the time? It's kind of sickening ... I sat up and glared at him, rolling over and pulling my blanket over my head. He sighed and I could tell he was pouting.

"Aish, hyung~ We're gonna be late! Really, get up!"

A sigh escaped my lips and I sat up, covering my face.

"I hate you, Kikwang."

"Yeah yeah. Shutup and get dressed."

I glared at Kikwang again, but all he did was smirk. He always does that when I threaten him. Maybe he's a masochist. I got up, scratching my back. I looked around then my eyes set on the school uniform that hung on my door. I ripped it off the hanger and walked into the bathroom, getting in the shower. After the shower, I threw on my uniform and walked out, putting on my thick rimmed glasses. Kikwang walked out of his room, cocking his eyebrow.

"Why do you always wear those? They are so ugly."


As I said before, my name is Junhyung. I'm a Senior in highschool. Kikwang is my roommate, but sadly, also my childhood friend. He is a Junior and a year younger than me, hence calling my hyung. Just another day, just like every other.


Kikwang and I entered the school gates. I kept my hand in my pockets, looking at the ground while Kikwang had his hands behind his head, smiling like an idiot. As we walked, girls squeeked in their annoying high pitched voices and giggled. God, how I hate women. Kikwang always eats it up. He smiles, waves, and winks. Leading them on. Acting like some kind of horn dog. Why is he my friend? We entered the school, entering our first class. I sat, laying my head on the desk while Kikwang sat infront of me, leaning back.

"Okay class, shutup and pay attention. We have a new student, please welcome him."

A new student? Another one? This is bull.


I looked up, only to meet eyes with a guy who ... Looks like me? What the hell? Kikwang looked at me, obviosuly surprised.

"Is he your long lost twin, or something?! You never told me-"

"Lee Kikwang! Shutup!"

He looked forward and everyone's eyes set on me. Oh great. This should be good.

"My name is Woo Jiho. But, you may call me Zico. Treat me nicely, kay'?"

Zico winked and all the girls giggled. Seriously? The teacher pointed to the seat next to me and Zico started walking my way. This is gonna . GOD, KILL ME NOW. He sat next to me, automatically staring at me. I laid my head down again, ignoring him. Maybe if I don't look at him, he'll dissapear.

"Hey. I'm new here. What's your name?"

Why do you hate me, God? I sighed loudly, looking at him. He sat there, smiling. Is it wrong to punch him, at least once?

"Obviosuly you're new. I don't want to be friends, so don't try."

I laid my head back down, facing away from him. Hopefully he got the clue. What's that? Is he laughing at me? i looked at him, only to see him laughing and holding his stomach. I cocked my eyebrow.

"Fair enough. But, I don't give up easily. We WILL be friends."

He looked forward, smiling. What did he just say? Does he know who he's ing with? I slammed my hands on my desk, standing up.

"What did you-"


I growled, walking to the door, slamming it open annd leaving.

"Ah, Hyung!"

Kikwang chased after me and I could feel the smug little smirk that little had on his face. I started up the stairs, only to feel a hand catch my wrist. I turned to see Kikwang out of breath. I ripped my hand away and kept walking up the stairs.

"Hyung! What's wrong?!"


Kikwang sighed and followed me up the stairs as I ranted about how much I wanted to kill him and how I'd rather be dipped in boiling hot water, and get 2nnd degree burns than be his friend. I opened the roof doors, walking out and sighing loudly. Kikwang closed the door and put his hand sin his pockets.

"Aish, hyung. I've never seen you so mad. Did he rub off on you that much?"

I glared at him, walking up and taking his collar.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, as soon as he came in, I saw it on your face that he peeked your interest. I'm not THAT stupid hyung. I know."

I scoffed, letting go of Kikwang and turning, shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Peeked my interest? Not even close. More like I was weirded out at the fact on how much we look alike. That's it. Then he spoke, and now I want him dead."

Kikwang sighed, smiling a bit. He walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I sighed, glaring at the ground.

"Aish, hyung. Let it go. That just means you have to be more alert for him. Are you worried or something?"

"No ... His face pisses me off."

"Your face pisses me off but I don't go threatening to kill you."

I looked at him, glaring. He laughed, rubbing my back. I punched his arm and smirked, chuckling a bit as he pouted.

"Ow, hyung~ I was trying to make you feel better!"

"Thanks, but you crying in pain brings me joy."

"Ah, You sadist!"

I laughed, triggering Kikwang's laughter. I sat down, looking at the city while Kikwang sat next to me, looking out with me. I actually like times like these. No need for convorsation. Just, silence. Yeah, Kikwang pisses me off. But, he is my best friend. I'd rather spend my days with him than anyone else anyday.

"Hey, hyung?"

"... What?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"... I guess."

"... I'm gay."


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This is awsome. Zico and Junhyun twins in same class!!! kekeke. 1st chap cliffhanger. What's next!?!? 0-0
kaytbear3 #2
i wanna kno whats gonna happen. the last lines and the whole chappy especially sound very interestin<br />