
You're Cute

            “Everyone treating you alright?” Daehyun asked Zelo as he tugged on his school uniform tie to make sure it was straight.

            Zelo nodded and readjusted his backpack on his back. “Yeah Daehyun, everyone has been nice so far.”

            “Of course they are. It’s because you are too cute.” Daehyun chuckled as he pinched Zelo’s cheek. “If anyone ever does say anything mean though you just let me know, okay?”

            “I know, Daehyun. Because everyone will back off once they know I’m your neighbor.” Zelo said sarcastically.

            “Exactly.” Daehyun missed the sarcasm. He ruffled Zelo’s hair which the younger had spent an hour fixing that morning. “I’ll see you later, Junhong.”

            “It’s Zelo!” Zelo pouted as he fixed his hair, watching Daehyun run over to his other friends once they entered the school gates

            “Hey, Zelo.” Jongup walked over to Zelo.

            “Hey, Jongup.” Zelo sighed as he gave up on his hair.

            Jongup looked over to where Zelo was still staring. “You walked to school with Daehyun again?”

            Zelo shrugged and started walking towards the main building. “Why not? We live next to each other.”

            “But doesn’t it annoy you when he calls you cute?” Jongup asked curiously.

            “Yeah, but it’s okay because it’s Daehyun.”


            “Oh! That was the bell we better hurry to class.” Zelo used his long legs to his advantage as he sped off to class.  

            All throughout their morning classes Jongup stared at Zelo even passed him notes, trying to get Zelo to explain what he had meant earlier. Zelo was full of regret not willing to admit that he had a crush on the older boy he had known since he was a toddler. He was able to dodge Jongup during their break by helping the teacher carry papers to his office but he knew that lunch would be a different story.

          As soon as the bell rang for lunch Jongup was there at Zelo’s desk staring down at him. “You like Daehyun?!”

            Zelo blushed as he looked around to make sure no one else was listening. “Would you be quiet!? Seriously, I don’t want everyone to know.”’

            “Why didn’t you tell?” Jongup asked still shocked from the news.

            “Because… I mean it’s not like he likes me back.” Zelo huffed.

            He stood up and walked out of the class with Jongup following closely, right on his heels like a puppy he was known to resemble. “You don’t know that for sure.”

            “I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me. I think he likes his friend Youngjae.” Zelo looked down at the ground as sadly he pushed the cafeteria doors open.

            “You won’t know until you ask!” Jongup tried to cheer him up.

            “I can’t just ask!” Zelo gawked at Jongup.

            “Yes you can.” Jongup patted him on the back. “Then you will know whether to be sad or happy. You can’t be bummed out if you don’t even know if he likes you or not.”

            “I don’t know Jongup…” Zelo sighed as he paid for his tray of edible looking food.


            Zelo searched the crowd until he saw Daehyun waving at him from a table nearby. Zelo gave a small smile and waved back. A push from behind almost sent all his food flying on the ground.

            “Let’s go sit with them.” Jongup continued to push Zelo forward.

            “What?! No!” Zelo gulped in fear.

            “Oh come on, he’s waving you to go sit with him.” Jongup reassured him.

            “I can’t though…” Zelo was more nervous now that Jongup knew he liked Daehyun.

            “But Zelo.” Jongup pouted. “Daehyun is friends with the guy I like.”

            “You like someone?!” Zelo looked over in surprise.

            Jongup smiled sheepishly. “Hey you can’t blame me for not telling you yet. I only was sure I like him yesterday. How long have you liked Daehyun?”

            “A while…” Zelo looked down at the ground.

            Jongup laughed. “So come on! Let’s sit with them before Daehyun drags you over.”

            Zelo looked back up to the table and sure enough Daehyun was slowly standing as if he was still debating whether he needed to walk over or not. Jongup shook his head at how silly they were being. He grabbed Zelo’s arm, needing only one hand to hold his lunch tray, and pulled the taller boy over to the 3rd years’ table.

            “Hi Daehyun.” Jongup said in greeting.

            “Jongup, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Daehyun said with his eyes narrowed looking towards Zelo’s tray.

            ‘Why does he look mad? Does he want my food?’ Zelo thought in confusion.

            Jongup laughed. “Well now that Zelo and I are in high school now I’m sure we will see each other more.”

            “Did you guys want to sit?” The pretty one, Zelo remembered to be Himchan asked.

            Jongup smiled widely. “That would be great.”

            Zelo’s heart sped up in fear as Jongup let go of his arm to go sit next to Himchan, an act that caught them all by surprise.

            “Come on Junhong, sit down.” Daehyun smiled in relief as he moved over so Zelo could sit in between Youngjae and him.

            “It’s Zelo.” He mumbled halfheartedly, just happy he was sitting next to Daehyun.

            “You know I won’t ever be able to think of you as Zelo. You’ll always be my cute Junhonggie.” Daehyun teased as he ruffled Zelo’s hair.

            “You are cute.” Youngjae said. “I thought Daehyun was exaggerating but you just look adorable.”

            Zelo pouted as he combed his hair back to a somewhat normal position. “I’m not just cute.”

            “No, you are tall too which I think makes you manly.” Himchan said.

            “Am I manly and cute too?” Jongup asked Himchan with a smile.

            “What?” Himchan looked at Jongup startled.

            “Your pout is just so cute!” Youngjae laughed. “I just want to pinch your cheeks all day!”

            Youngjae raised his hand but Zelo flinched away leaning towards Daehyun. He practically jumped out of his seat when he felt Daehyun wrap an arm around his waist and pull him closer.

            “Only I'm allowed to do that. Isn't that right, Zelo?” Daehyun frowned at Youngjae.

            “I… ummm….” Zelo’s mind wasn’t working quite well as he tried to comprehend that not only was he being held by Daehyun but Daehyun had also said some pretty possessive words.

            Himchan chuckled. “Are you trying to ask him out? Because that's what it sounded like.”

            “What!?” Daehyun yelped. “I well... I mean...”

            Zelo looked over at Daehyun to see him blushing. A smile crept up on Zelo’s face and he began to laugh at how uncool Daehyun looked. He nodded though. “Only Daehyun is allowed to pull on my cheeks and call me cute.”

            Daehyun smiled as he looked at Zelo. “And ruffle your hair.”

            Zelo rolled his eyes. “Yes and ruffle my hair.

            “So cute!” Youngjae cried out as he tried not to smother the young boy in hugs and kisses, a bad habit he had with cute things.

            “Yah! Only I’m allowed to call him cute! Get your own.” Daehyun hugged Zelo tightly.

            Tentatively Zelo returned the hug and Daehyun squeezed him.

            “I'm also allowed to call you boyfriend, right?” Daehyun whispered.

            Zelo smiled. “I was hoping you would.”

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Chapter 1: Cute ending.
whovian #2
Chapter 1: Gross!!! It was super gross!!! Ugh, I'm drowning in the cuteness!! It was so fluffy and adorable! I really enjoyed reading this!
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww this was waaay too cute!!
Chapter 1: Just found it today and i can't stop smiling becuz of daelo, i want to pinch zelo too ^_^
Chapter 1: Awww!!! It's just too cute! Good job!
ToppKlassxxx #6
Chapter 1: ~throws fluff balls everywhere~ aslakahshdkfjshsjskdk so cute!^^ lol Youngjae xP
Chapter 1: ahhh too cute =] AHHH love it!!
1Bangster #8
Chapter 1: I can't stop smiling and slappin my cheeks.
Aiisshh so keopta author-nim!xD
Axiela #9
Chapter 1: The only thing cuter than this fic is the DaeLo couple itself.

Argh you killed me this morning! I was getting up all moody because of the bad weather. I my computer and I saw a notification for new stories; shrugging I clicked on it. I saw the tag right away and started squealing in happiness and almost started my victory dance then and there. But for the sake of my still snoring flatmate I managed to restrain myself. I read it straight away, unable to wait until I washed my face and started to look human again. My flatmate found me on the floor hugging a pillow and giggling to myself. Yeah. I wished I exagerated the tale but unfortunately it did happen so.

So... I think it's safe to say that every time you post something, you make my day! lol You are probably getting tired of hearing this but I cannot help it that is so true! Sorry about that... *sheepish*

Thanks for writing and sharing yet another beautiful fic. Daelo is one of my favorite pairing with Younglo. Zelo is so cute when he is insecure... he's like a bashful girl when Daehyun is there, it makes me want to give him a hug haha. I had to smile at Daehyun's possessive act but somehow I do think it's a trait that suits him - I mean have you seen the way he stares at food?! lol
Oh god i could go on and on about all everything squeal-worthy in your story but you don't want to hear me babble forever trust me!

However, just one thing made me sad... yet again...My hopes of seeing Junhongie in a wedding dress were dashed. LOL
Chapter 1: AWH THAT'S SO CUTE! want more!