
I Need You

After that day, Eunji and Naeun managed to understand each other more. The doctor felt more connection with her patient and the latter felt more comfortable around the older girl. Naeun still didn't speak, but that didn't bother Eunji. They didn't need words to converse, and Eunji felt that was more special than anything else.

Eunji was watching Naeun draw as usual when she suddenly felt dizzy. Struggling to get on her feet, Eunji grunted in pain and held her head while closing her eyes. Naeun stopped drawing and looked at Eunji. The older did not want to bother Naeun, so she tried to excuse herself from the girl. The younger frowned and grabbed Eunji's arm while pouting.

"Naeun-ssi? W-What's wrong?" Eunji stuttered.

The patient remained silent, but she pulled Eunji towards her until she fell onto the bed.

"Ow..." Eunji groaned. She opened one of her eyes and saw Naeun staring at her very concerned.

"I-I'm fine Naeun-ssi" Eunji forced a smile on her face, but Naeun didn't buy it. She placed her hand next to Eunji's face and the older closed her eyes. She assumed that Naeun was going to smack her again, but slowly opened her eyes when she didn't feel the nostalgic sting on her cheek. Instead, she felt a cold hand placed firmly against her forehead.

"What's wrong Naeun-ssi?"

Naeun ignored the doctor and planted a kiss on Eunji's forehead.

Eunji has had some relationships before meeting Naeun, but this is the first time someone has made her feel so loved and cared for. Even without any words, Eunji could tell that Naeun was mentally scolding her for lying to her.

"I'm sorry Naeun-ssi. I won't lie to you anymore. I promise." The doctor childishly held out her pinky in one hand and gave Naeun the usual lollipop. Naeun gladly took the sweet and opened it to put it in . She shyly shook Eunji's pinky, sealing the deal between the two girls.

If any of Naeun's previous doctors said or did something like this, she would have just ignored them, but she just can't when it comes to Eunji. The girl gave Eunji a smile as bright, or even brighter, as the smiles that she only gives her siblings.

"I think I'm just tired because I've been working a lot lately and getting very little sleep. Honestly, I'm only awake because of 4 cups of coffee." Eunji shyly explained.

For some reason, Eunji's words made the girl next to her feel guilty. Naeun assumed that Eunji's lack of sleep was because of her. Sensing that Naeun was over-thinking, Eunji boldly engulfed Naeun into a hug. Surprisingly, Naeun did not oppose the hug and even shyly returned it.

Eunji grinned and kissed Naeun's forehead.

"Naeun-ssi, can I go home early and rest? I'm really tired..." Eunji asked and rubbed her eyes from fatigue.

The patient pouted and shook her head cutely. She tightened the hug, afraid that Eunji would leave.

"So what? I sleep here? Aha.." the older joked, but stopped giggling when she felt the younger nodding her head against her chest.

Flustered by the actions of her patient, Eunji could only mumble an 'o-okay' as a response.

Eunji closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth that was coming from Naeun's body before falling asleep with her beautiful patient in her arms. Naeun watched her psychologist sleeping soundly and smiled.

'Sleep well Eunji' Naeun thought and bravely pecked Eunji's cute lips.

'D-Did... I just kiss her?'


The doctor woke up when she heard the sound of her ringtone. She was having trouble reaching for her phone because Naeun was snuggled very close to her, not that Eunji minded even a bit. After a few attempts, Eunji successfully reached her phone and answered it, but she was half asleep.

"H-Hello?" Eunji answered and yawned.

"Yah! Where are you?!" the voice on the other side of the line screamed.

"Hospital..." the doctor mumbled.

"It's 2 in the morning! Why are you still at your job?!" Jessica shouted.

"I'm uh... working overtime"

"You should've at least called."

"Sorry Unnie. It won't happen again, I swear."

Jessica sighed into the phone and nodded, even though Eunji wouldn't be able to see it.

"Okay fine. Just make sure you get rest alright?"

"Mhmm... I will. I promise Unnie. Good night"

"You too Eun"

Eunji ended the call and turned off her phone. She focused her attention back on the sleeping Naeun and could feel a weird feeling in her heart. Eunji leaned forward and stole a quick kiss from the sleeping beauty. When Eunji came to her senses, she mentally scolded herself.

'Jung Eunji you ert! You just kissed your patient! But.. her lips were so soft. No! Yah, Jung Eunji, don't be a creep!'

The room was dark and there was limited light from the night sky outside. Everything was silent and Eunji could swear that her heart was beating loud enough to wake up the entire hospital.

'Am I falling for Naeun-ssi?'


A few hours prior to Jessica's phone call, Chorong had walked into Naeun's room when neither the patient nor her doctor showed up for lunch. The psychiatrist knocked on the door, but no one answered so she opened it. She was surprised by the sight of Naeun and Eunji snuggling close to each other and both in deep slumber.

It hurt Chorong to admit to herself that she felt jealous.

Yes, she felt jealous of Naeun.

But worse than feeling jealous, she felt angry at herself for being a shallow person. Naeun has been a patient here for 3 years and she knows that the young woman was suffering every day. Naeun finally found hope in her tragic and painful life, and that hope is in a cute and bubbly doctor named Jung Eunji.

'I'm a horrible person' Chorong sighed and walked out of the room. The senior doctor walked out to the garden to get some fresh air. She closed her eyes and inhaled the crisp, cool air. Chorong listened to the birds chirping and smiled.

Being a doctor is stressful.

Being a doctor in a mental hospital is even more stressful.

Being a doctor crushing on a doctor who obviously has a soft spot for someone else is the worst.

Suddenly her peaceful silence was disturbed when she felt someone run into her. Both of them fell onto the ground and Chorong groaned.

'Ugh... who now?'

"I'm so sorry Chorong-ssi!!!" the voice of a girl shouted. Chorong looked up from the floor and saw a young woman bowing repeatedly.

"It's fine" the psychiatrist responded in her cute voice.

"Here let me help you up" the woman offered her hand and pulled Chorong up.

The doctor dusted off her outfit and then glanced over at the person who crashed into her. She recognized this girl from somewhere.

"Have we met before?"

"Oh.. yeah.. uh.. we kind bumped into each other before" the girl giggled.

"Really? Aha, that's funny. Let's hope our 3rd meeting won't be us crashing into each other again" Chorong said.

"You're funny Unnie. I'm Yoon Bomi, a police officer" Bomi introduced herself and shook the doctor's hand.

"Nice to meet you Bomi-ssi"


"So why are you here?"

"I was going to meet my best friend, but she was busy so I didn't want to bother her."

"Who is your friend?"

"She's a new psychologist. Her name is Jung Eunji"

"Oh Eunji?!"

"Yeah." Bomi smiled.

Chorong thought for a second and then decided to ask Bomi to go eat with her.

"I'm on my lunch break right now. Would you like to eat with me?"

"S-Sure.." Bomi replied and blushed.

The two walked to the cafeteria and ordered their food before beginning to eat. Bomi loved how adorable the older girl looked while she was enjoying her chicken feet.

'Unnie is so cute and pretty'


"Yes Unnie?"

"How long have you known Eunji?"

Bomi was surprised by this question because Chorong seems really interested in Eunji.

"Since we were really young. We were neighbors and basically we've been inseparable since we were babies"

"Aww that's sweet."

"Yeah. I love that pabo-ji like my own sister. Actually I think I have a picture of her as a child. Let me see if I can find it" Bomi said and began searching for the picture in her wallet. She grinned when she found the endearing childhood picture.

"Here" Bomi handed Chorong the picture and the latter squealed.

"Oh my god, she's so adorable! Her eye-smile is so precious!"

"Yeah, my best friend is cute. But she's actually not as happy as she seems" the younger sadly muttered.


Bomi sighed and began to explain Eunji's childhood.

"Since she's from the Jung family, she was always under a lot of stress from her family and other people. Along with that, her family often neglected her. I think I spent more time with her in one month than her parents did in a year. Most of Eunji's birthdays were celebrated just between the two of us. She used to always cry to me that she felt lonely."

"...o-oh" Chorong frowned at Bomi's explanation. She felt really bad for the prodigy psychologist. Chorong came from a small and humble family. The young doctor only had 1 sister and their parents always made sure to give their children as much love as they could give.

"You seem to care a lot about Eunji" Bomi carefully said to Chorong.

"W-What?! N-No. I-I mean I r-respect her as a colleague, but i-it's n-not l-like I like her or something!!" Chorong panicked.

"C-calm down Chorong-ssi!"

"I-I have w-work! I'll see you n-next time Bomi-ssi!" screamed Chorong as she clumsily tried to run away, almost tripping in the process.

Bomi watched the cute doctor leave and heaved a heavy sigh.

'She likes Eunji...'


From: My beautiful Jessi <3333

- Hey Tiff, do you want to hang out today? I have a day off so I'm kind of bored.

To: My beautiful Jessi<3333

- Sure Jessi!

From: My beautiful Jessi <3333

- Okay. I'll go pick you up at noon. I miss hanging out with you.

Tiffany looked at the last reply and squealed. The love struck girl celebrated, jumping up and down in joy, until her brother Chansung screamed at her to be quiet from the room next to hers.

"Shut up Tiff-crazy in love!"

"No one asked you Chan-!!"

'Jessi asked me out!! I'm so happy!'

Sorry for a short and very crappy chapter. I kinda rushed it. I won't be updating for a while because of exams. Thank you to the 13 upvoters, 42 subscribers and commenters ; u ; So nice. I did not expect so many upvotes tbh LOL

@ kpopmaniac lol thank you. I just type whatever comes to mind tbh
@ eyelovegg unnieeeee thanks ^^ I'm glad you like this
@ numbenz they are just perfect for each other :)
@ akumatsubasa poor Eunji D: Son Yeoshin and Happy Virus are perfect together
@ Angelmae13 I'm sorry if this update was disappointing :\
@ girlsgeneration- well Eunji is very likable :3
@ Mennyball I felt bad writing child Eunji's lonely bday >:
@ athousandreveries 2eun moments are cute period n_n, but my poor Eunji ; n ;
@ fluffsaur ahaha. At least Naeun did hit Eunji this chapter
@ kodenk you're too nice LOL

What should we nickname the 2eun couple?

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How did a one shot end up being an ongoing -__- #judgingmyself


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Chapter 8: this story was sweet~ wait omo I've commented before so long ago! hahahaha wow, and I'm back to remember.. ;)
Chapter 8: I like your style of writing.. very detailed with humour, makes it easier to picture the scenes! Thanks!
1241 streak #3
Chapter 8: This is so cute!!! Finally they're all official ^^ 2Eun, ChoMi, Jeti and slightest HaJoo :p Eunji is such a sweetest pabo in the world! Lucky Naeunnie~ and i laughed the moment Hyeri 'stole' Minah first kiss, its just too adorable! >///< thank you for this great story, author-ssi :) im glad that i found this story although im kinda late for about 3 years XD
Chapter 8: 3rd time reading this and it's still so good ^-^
pandamaos #5
Chapter 6: Perfecto ^^
kwoylie #6
Chapter 6: So sweet, but wish it was longer
bknight2k #7
Chapter 6: Thank you for a very sweet story.
Chapter 8: Omg that was amazing I love 2eun ! :)
Chapter 6: The epilogue was perf T^T my feels