That Wallpaper

An Upside Down

Kim Hana POV

A note placed on my locker. I opened it and read it.


A name written neatly in the bottom of that note.


That brat. He had a serious mental problem. Did he think that I will make a big scream and terrified face? Tsk. Childish. I didn't think that he would be this kind of person. That brat had to take life as the real one not the film one. I threw it to trash bin. Everybody looked at me like I did a huge mistake. Seriously, it was just a note. Problem with you? Then just take that note out of me. I even wouldn't give a about Oh Sehun. It's true that everybody gonna admire his look, but not with his personality.

Oh Sehun POV

I took a glance from distance at that Kim Hana. My plan didn't worked out. At first I would just gave her that note. But now I think I needed to reckon her act. From the way she walked, she looked like someone that maintain their walked, posture because they're important person. Maybe it's just a gift that she had.

I walked through the corridor , cause it's the break time. Kim Hana walked past me. I startled a little bit but still keep my straight face. She even walked like I wasn't there. The other girls will scream and fill the corridor . They would grab my collar and my sleeves just to get my attention. But her? I didn't event think she's a girl . Gosh. I realized she talked in English one the phone. How could she?  Was she smart enough to talk English? I din't expect that.

I entered the cafetaria comfortably. My guys waited for me. Some of them were sleeping. The others just looking at their phone.

"HYUNG!" I called them.

"YAK, NEO!" Luhan hyung woke up and shouted

"What is it hyung? Why were you shouted like that? Don't you afraid that you're fangirls gonna think that you looked like an ahjumma and change their idol into me?" I

"People said that magnae is the cutest, the one that obbey their hyungs. But what are you ? You made us waiting here for decades just to get some food. I fyou don't have money you should tell us Sehun-ah. We can buy ourselves own food." Baekhyun hyung scolded me.

"I just had some business to take care off. Just buy food already, kay? I pay for it. No need to think that I'm going to avoid my turn to treat you hyung." I said and wink to Baek hyung.

"Yak, stay away from my Baekhyunnie!" Chanyeol hyung exclaimed

I let out a are-you-gay face.I took steps to buy bubble tea and sipped it. I came back to my table. All of the students stared at my gang like they would not letting us go. 

"Hyung, I have to go to my next class" I told Suho hyung

"Okay, I'll get going in a minute too. Annyeong" Suho hyung replied me.

"Wait for me!" Luhan hyung said.

I walked to my last class for today with Luhan hyung since we're on the same class.

Oh Sehun POV

Mr Choi's class was as boring as usually. The students just gonna sleep, eat in silence and playing games on their phone. I did the same thing too. Soon as the class finished I tidied my thing. But Mr. Choi's started to make announcement. There will be a trip. The trip was to Bali. It's gonna be 10 days and 9 nights. Pretty long. Everyone was so excited . The girls I bet started to think to tan their skin at Bali. But we're not gonna be alone. We were going with another department. No other than medical. KIM HANA WILL BE THERE. I thought that I didn't need to humiliate that girl cause another person gonna do it without knowing my hatred towards her.

Kim Hana POV

I heard about the trip. My friends were totally excited which was the opposite of me. I knew that Bali going to be amazing. But what if I meet some American that know me. It's gonna be a mess. I thought about not going. But what will I do for summer? Going back to America? Hell no. But I had to gain courage. I had to go. I had to have fun too you know. Not just keep in my disguise. The trip was next week after we heard about that.

I walked out of the university. I was going to Starbuck. I needed some cafein to make me relax. I ordered caramel latte. I found a seat and sat down comfortably .I opened up my laptop. I had to keep in touch with my brothers. They told me they would buy a car and send me a driver which I didn't need. They want me to life in disguise, but the things they did just making it obvious. When I already opened up my laptop, I never gice a about things around me. I didn't care at all.

Oh Sehun POV

I was going to have a cup of coffee with my hyungs. When I got my order, I walked casually to find seats. But the thing was, I found Kim Hana. AGAIN. Did she follow me to here? I walked towards her unconsciously. I stood behind her. She didn't realized I was there. She was paying attention to her laptop. She minimized the application. But I saw something strange. The wallpaper. It was a little bit shocking.

A.N : Please do subscribe and comment. I really wait for your comments to help me improve this troy. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, because it's not my daily language. I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. At first I thought to delete this story hehe.:)

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kimirina #1
Chapter 5: Continue!!! Its not actually boring.... its kinda nice!! ^^ pleaae update
yfloveexo #2
Chapter 3: update soon
love the story
update soon authornim
Chapter 2: Uwaaa~~~ it's a nice story!^^ keep it up!;D hope you update soon! And is the note from Sehun? ;D
Joker_ #5
Chapter 1: omg i like the story line! please update! i wanna read more! HWAITING!