Twelve Years Later

Twelve Years Without Byun Baekhyun

Hayoung's POV

Five more minutes.

Oh, God. Help me get through these last 5 minutes without punching something, or someone.

I stared intensely at the stupid clock hanging off the stupid classroom wall ticking at a stupidly slow pace. The teacher droned on about some event happening next year when school started again, but I honestly wasn't listening, let alone giving a . My eyes wondered around the room until I made eye contact with Yuna, and she grinned at me, pointing eagerly at the clock.

Three more minutes.

Yuna and I have been best friends for a while. She was new to the school when we were 8 and the moment we both talked, I knew, we were fated to be best friends. And now we were 18 and still best friends, closer than ever. I felt so grateful to have her because she was extremely caring and shockingly patient with me, despite the fact that I can be very stubborn and annoying at times. At times, I repeat. I glanced at the clock again, 30 more seconds. I put my legs off the side of the seat and positioned my hands on the edge of the table, ready to push myself out of the seat and into my eternal freedom. Okay, maybe not eternal, but it was still somewhat freedom.

3... 2... 1... Oh, that sound.

The heavenly sound I have been waiting for this whole year, the bell that only rings at the end of the year. It's like the school bell that signals lessons, okay, maybe it is the school bell, but at the end of the year, it sounds so different to me. Screams and cheers were the only thing to be heard as everyone jumped up from their seats, and some poeple were already out the door. It felt like that scene of High School Musical. No? Fine.

I dashed out of my seat, grabbing my schoobag as I bolted towards the door, to see Yuna waiting for me outside. Wow, she was fast.

"Oh god! This is it, summer break!" Yuna shouted, normally people would stare at who the hell was shouting in the corridor, but at this moment, everyone was doing the same thing, shouting and celebrating. This year had been more hectic than any other school year. Maybe it was because I had to work many part time jobs, or maybe it was because mom and dad died. I quickly wiped away the thought and decided to be positive about this moment.

We walked out of the exit and I grinned as soon as we stepped foot out of the school building. It was a Friday but unlike any other riday, the atmosphere was different this time. It wasn't so tense and stressful, dreading all the assignments needing to be handed in on Monday.

"Hey! Let's go get ice cream to celebrate!" I suddenly suggested, craving something cold and sweet, and Yuna nodded her head before us two walked off  school grounds without a second glance. Goodbye school. Well for a while. I knew I'd be back next year but I could care less right now.

We arrived at the nearby ice cream parlour, the regular hangout spot for us two when we were free. Yuna introduced me to the place when we were younger and I have never skipped a weekend without coming here since. I got a strawberry ice cream while she got chocolate.

Yuna and I plopped down in a booth, enjoying our well deserved treats and chatting about everything and anything. Time flew by with us gossiping and giggling until her phone buzzed. She looked onto her phone and sighed, looking back up at me before standing up. I looked at her confused. "I have to get home now, last day of school and my mom wants me to go home early," she rolled her eyes. "I'll call you tonight! We can make plans to go out this weekend!" She chriped and I smiled at her before agreeing and waving to her before she skipped off.

I sighed, I have nothing to do anymore. I don't really have any other friends apart from Yuna but she had to be home now. And I didn't want to go home because I knew you would just get lonely being at home in silence alone. What would 6 year old Hayoung do... I don't know why, but my feet just led me to the nearby park. I usually avoided this place, because it would just remind me of how much I missed a certain someone. But since I have nothing to do right now, I thought this place would do.

I sat on the swing and sighed. It wasn't a sad sigh though, it was more of a content sigh, being able to relax now. It was silent and I could only hear kids and other people running around and laughing in the distance. The silence was comfortable, I was just kind of bored. Being in this park, reminded me of him. I wonder when he's coming to visit... 'I'll come back,' yeah right. 12 years is a long time to wait.

Due to the sun shining in the perfect angle on me right now, I could see my shadows casted on the ground in front of me.

Slowly, another shadow joined my shadow. Hey, this is my shadow momen- Wait. Crap. I panic realising that this park was abandoned, what if I get kidnapped by this person? I shudder from the thought of it. The person was still, but that didn't make me any less frightened. I was too scared to turn around, to scared to make any sudden movements.

The presence behind me then started pushing the swing gently. I forced myself to stand up and face the trespasser with my karate moves, but as I got up and turned around I was greeted by a handsome face. A really familiar, handsome face.

I froze as soon as I saw him.

No words could describe my shock right now. My feet were glued to the ground, and my eyes glued to his. I felt a mixture of shock and surprise engulf me. What am I meant to do? He suddenly smiled, that eye smile. The eye smile I had missed for twelve whole years, he was here right in front of me showing me that eyesmile.

"B-Baekhyun, what are you doing here?" I stuttered, still in a shocked state.

He pouted childishly, "Yah, we haven't seen eachother in twelve years and that is how you greet me?" He started making ugly whale sounds that I missed so much, no matter how horrible they sounded. I smiled for the first time from his silly behaviour, just as I remembered it.

"I... I'm just so surprised. Y-You're here..." I said, as if I was talking to myself, trying to swallow this situation. It had been so long since I saw him, and I was only 6 when I last saw him! Yet I remember him so clearly, he had always been etched into my mind, my heart. He just smiled and walked over to the front of the swing and squatted down. He held out his hand, eyes twinkling, waiting for me to take it. I stared at it for a while before placing my hand in his, making him grin. His hand was so soft... He lead me to the center of the park and once we stopped walking, we just gazed at eachother. That's when I realised how handsome he was now. His jet black hair was now dyed a light brown, it matched him. He was much taller now and he towered over me. None of us said anything as I was still staring at him in awe.


Baekhyun's POV

I walked over to her sitting on the swing and stood behind her. I could tell she noticed a presence behind her as she stiffened up. After a while, she was still silent, though she knew someone was there, though I kind of expected her to turn around.

I didn't really expect her to be here, to be honest. Well yeah, she lived around here, but I didn't expect her to be at the park while I was passing by. Was it just a coincidence we bumped into eachother or does she come here everyday? The thought made me grin to myself.

I started to push the swing, gently, as if rocking a child to sleep. Suddenly she turned around with her arms in a karate stance, looking like they ready to attack whoever was creeping up behind her when she froze as soon as she saw me, her big round eyes going double the size. I smiled at her. Her eyes were still so beautiful, as always.

She spoke first, "B-Baekhyun, what are you doing here?" Hayoung eyes never went back to normal, she still looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"Yah, we haven't seen eachother in twelve years and that is how you greet me?" I joke while pouting at her. She was still not moving so I decided to break the awkward atmosphere by making weird, terrible sounding whale cries. I might be 19 but I'm not that different from when I was a child. Still stupid and immature at times. At times, I repeat.

She smiled at me and I noticed her body loosen up a bit, showing that she was more comfortable now. 

"I... I'm just so surprised. Y-You're here..." she stammered. I had to admit I was a bit upset, I expected her to hug me, scream at me and be rejoicing that I was here. But I just tried to mask my dissapointment and walked over to the front of the swing and bent down, so we were facing eachother at eye level. I smiled and put my hand out in front of her, hoping she would take it, and after a bit of staring at my hand, she did, which made my smile grow even wider.

With her hand in mine, that I wasn't planning to let go of any time soon, I led her to the center of the park and stood so we were facing eachother. Only now did I get to see her up close and to really look at her features, and she was stunning. Not that I was checking her out. Her hair had grew much longer from when I remembered, like she hadn't cut it even once, yet it looked so smooth and healthy. I looked at her body and noticed she was now well developed, compared to being flat as a pencil when she was young. I looked up and turned red, hoping she didn't notice me eyeing her curves. She didn't. She was just staring at me, lost, with those big round beautiful orbs that I could easily get into.


Hayoung's POV

"I didn't even look at other girls over the course of twelve years just like I promised," Baekhyun stated. I would've smiled if I wasn't in a state of extreme shock. "Aren't you proud of me?" He added, waiting for me to reply.

I finally snapped out of my trance and chuckled, looking up at him. "And I didn't even check out other guys over the course of twelve years just like I promised, aren't you proud of me?" I mimicked him, though I was being serious.

"But I bet they checked you out," he said.

As if he'd think such a thing. None of the guys here even spared me a second glance. "Yeah maybe they did," I grinned at him, just teasing. I remember he would always get jealous over small things when we were kids, and seeing him jealous was funny so I enjoyed teasing the hell out of him.

He narrowed his eyes down at me before smiling, "You can't blame them though," he scanned my body up and down then looked back up at me, making me blush. Was he checking me out..? The thought made me even more flustered.

I avoided his cheeky comment and we continued looking into eachothers eyes. I got mesmerised by his deep eyes, they were so intriguing.

Before I could stop myself I put my arms around him, "I missed you so much." My eyes widened as I realised what I just did. Am I drunk or something? How could I do that so casually when it had been more than a decade?

"I missed you so much too." Baekhyun said, however a few seconds after, he pried my arms off of him and I frowned. We looked intensely into eachother's eyes, it was such an intense moment that I was pretty sure it would've been creepy for someone who was walking by. I looked away, feeling a bit insecure. I'm not even half as good looking as he is. He reached up his hand to cup my chin and turn my head to face him. I felt my breath hitch as he inched closer until our noses were touching and his lips were a mere inch away from mine.

I knew what was going to happen next so I queezed my eyes shut, only to feel moments later, a rock hitting my forehead, hard. Turns out it wasn't a rock, it was actually Baekhyun's head.

"Ouch!" I whined in pain and clutched the front of my head as he rubbed his forehead, looking at me apologetically.

"Sorry, I've always had a giant head haven't I?" He joked. I giggled and looked up, getting lost in his eyes once again.

We stared at eachother a bit before I couldn't help but to burst out laughing, "That hurt." All he did was smile and reach his hand out to rub my forehead.

Oh God, he's so gorgeous.

This time, not wanting to get my skull broken by his clumsiness, I grabbed his head and crashed my lips onto his instead. Wait, had I just initiated the kiss? Baekhyun, what are you doing to my mind?

The kiss was slow and pure, nothing too rough or hasty. His lips felt just like they did when he kissed my cheek at the airport twelve years ago. Soft, just like a feather.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could feel feel myself reddenning as his arms slid down to my wasit, pulling me in tighter if that was possible. I broke the kiss to catch my breath, how could this dude go so long?! All that could be heard was our heavy breathing. I looked around and realised it was getting dark now, the sun was setting already and the orange, pink and red lights streaming across the sky casted a beautiful glow on his face.

"I love you." He said out of the silence, surprising me. He loved me? Someone loved me? I hadn't heard those words since... Well since my parents were alive. It was silenced again as I looked up into his eyes again, those god damn eyes.

"Baek-" I started, only to be interupted with his finger on my lip, as if signalling me to hush.

"I-I love you, too." I whispered almost inaudibly, but loud enough for just him. He beamed, his smile going from ear to ear, and buried his head into the crook of my neck. I felt him smile into my shoulder, a smile which must've been contagious because I started grinning too.

Nothing could describe how I was feeling right now. I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of happiness I felt right now.

This was how it felt to be in love? It was pure happiness.

I snuggled my face into his neck, just like he did, and I sighed in content. Yes, I had waited for twelve years just for this. But sometimes, things are worth waiting a long time for. Things like love. I closed my eyes and took in this moment.

And when you're in love with Byun Baekhyun, it's worth waiting twelve years.

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MinYukiChan #1
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa~~ This story is so sweet!!