Third Beat

Missing Beat
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[kyle's rants]: yes, it's labeled as RANTS hahaha.. still haven't found the suitable job after all the interviews.. still got three more.. i will decide after i'm done with those three.. hmm..

warning: LOTS of ERRORS ahead








Days passed by so fast like a lighting that crawled swiftly across the sky. Three weeks had gone by since their wedding and that one-week honeymoon. Nothing had changed. It was as if the two were giving each other the silent treatment. They were staying in one house. In one room. On one bed. There were three rooms, the one being the maids’ quarter and the other, the guest room which his parents made sure was locked. Mr. and Mrs. Kim were aware that these two did not go along well and would have the idea of staying in different rooms. How would they have their dream grandchildren if they’d have separate rooms? But sadly, staying in one room—on one bed—didn’t mean lots of pretty babies would be made.




They had one helper—Mrs. Dina Park who happened to be the aunt of one of So Min’s friend. She was 57 years old and even with a few weeks of staying with them, So Min felt the motherly love from her. Her day offs are on weekends—the same days when the two don’t have school when vacation would be over.




Like how Hyun Joong wished, So Min stayed out of his way as much as possible. She made sure little or no interaction came in between them. Not that he was complaining. In fact, he found it amusing as to how she could easily submit to what he asked for without any words of disputes. This was so unlike the first time they met where she nearly made a gun using her harsh words as her bullets. Now, it was as though the gun ran out of bullets and nothing was left but her silence.




It came to the time when they had to enroll to go back to school. Both of them were off to their last year in college—he taking business management and she taking a degree in education. Only a few people from the university know that they were married. In fact, only their professors since most of them went to the wedding. The students weren’t aware since the professors did not speak about it around the campus. Well, except for their circle of friends. For So Min, there were Shin Hye, Seung Ah, and of course, Si Wan— only that he didn’t study in their university anymore. For Hyun Joong, there were Geun Suk, Il Woo and Kyu Jong. But there’s basically a difference between the level of knowledge of each of their friends.


In Hyun Joong’s circle, they only knew he’s married and the happenings between him and his wife, but they did not know who really the wife was. In So Min’s circle, it was different. They practically knew every detail from beginning to end. Well, I’m not saying their story has ended, but you do get the point, don’t you? Shin Hye and Seung Ah know So Min’s married and to whom. It must be in a woman’s nature to fully trust people they call their best friends




Hyun Joong and So Min might not pay much attention to it, but students knew them because their names could be seen everywhere in terms of extracurricular activities, most specifically ones that involved brain function. Both were consistent dean’s lister for their respective courses.






“So Min! So Min!” Shin Hye’s voice echoed across the school field. “Have you seen Seung Ah yet?” she asked when she reached So Min’s spot. She slouched her torso and held on her knees while regaining her breath.




“Nope. Haven’t yet. I just arrived when I heard you calling me.” So Min replied as she finished tying her shoulder-length hair into a simple ponytail.




With Shin Hye’s current position, she was able to eye her best friend’s attire. Yellow green collared shirt. Faded jeans partnered with black chucks. “Seriously?” she asked her. They were standing next to each other and it’s not obvious that they were friends since Shin Hye was wearing a brown dress that reached mid-thigh with a two-inch belt around the waist.




“What?” So Min asked back.




The other female straightened her posture and elucidated, “Your husband can afford it. Why aren’t you dressed more elegantly?”




“Say what?” So Min looked down at her appearance. “It’s not like it’s his obligation to dress me.”




“You meant it’s not like it’s his obligation to care about what you wear.”




“You got that right,” So Min grinned. “Let’s go?”




“But if we didn’t wait for Seung Ah, she might get a different schedule.”




“Don’t worry,” So Min assured. “The line is long. I’m sure she’ll arrive before we get on the priority.”




Shin Hye agreed and together, they walked to the registrar’s office to enroll. True enough, Seung Ah arrived some minutes later before So Min and Shin Hye had their turn on the line. They saved a spot for her.






“Yes! We’re still classmates for all subjects!”




“Of course, we are!” Seung Ah gave a slight smack on Shin Hye’s head. “We’re taking the same course and majors.” Among the three, Seung Ah had always been the smartest. She’s also a dean’s lister like So Min but none of them considered the other a competition. Instead, they helped each other so that they could cope with their lessons and other activities.


Shin Hye, on the other hand, had always been the big mouth. She never missed to say everything she has on mind. Even her self-talks were said aloud. She might not be as smart as her two best friends, but her grades weren’t bad either. She had a scholarship that somehow eased her way to finances. Though sometimes she felt out of place among the two, So Min and Seung Ah never let her feel that they were higher than she was in any way. That’s what she liked about them. They’d always been so humble behind their amazing beauty and talents. Well, the beauty and talents included her since she had those too. Cut it short, they were all doing fine in their circle and friendship was such a very strong word for them.




“Are they sure this is the amount? Even for a dean’s lister?!” So Min’s eyes almost popped out when she saw how much she needed to pay for her tuition. “There must be some mistake.”




“No, Minnie,” it was Seung Ah. “We have the same amount.” She showed her the form. “Even as dean’s listers.”




“Dean’s lsiters have that amount. Imagine what I have,” Shin Hye said with tears at the verge of her eyes.




“At least you have a monthly allowance from your scholarship.”




“You have too! Even higher than mine.”



“Yes, we do,” So Min sighed. “The difference is that you have your parents supporting you. They still give you your allowance. If I spend my savings for this, I wouldn’t have my everyday p

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Aura1975 #1
Chapter 24: Noooo...
Porque en lo más emocionante ?
Será que después de tanto tiempo seguirá con la historia ? 😀
Pitu-kris #2
Chapter 24: Please update
Pthapa #3
Chapter 24: Plz continue
Chapter 24: Me tienes muy intrigada, porfavor actualiza pronto .
Chapter 24: please continue
sweetu_neha #6
Chapter 24: Will yu be continuing ur story??
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 24: hello! Will you be continuing this story?
ammukala #8
Waiting for the update :-( please update missing beat author :-)