

“Jeon Jeongguk, we are leaving for the day. I expect this place cleaned by the time we get back. No video games. No internet,” Hoseok said to me, walking over to sit with Jimin on the couch.

“The internet is shut off for the day anyways,” Rapmon explained, “and we took your laptop, X-Box and cellphone. Read a book if you finish cleaning. Or go practice.”

I sighed. I don’t deserve this. I wasn’t one to think of Jimin as a hyung anyways. Everybody knew that. It wasn’t the first time I had called him ‘Jiminie’ either.

“You guys pick on Jimin too…” I mumbled, scowling at the floor.

“But we don’t make him cry, Jeongguk,” Jin said with his arm wrapped around V’s shoulders, “We all know when to stop. We can tell when he is really feeling bad. But this isn’t just about Jimin anyways.” V wrapped his arms around Jin’s waist.

“He’s right, you know,” V said, continuing from where Jin left off. “You’re way too arrogant lately. You think you can do whatever you want, just because you’re the ‘Golden Maknae’.” He removed his arms from Jin’s waist in order to make air quotes, but re-wrapped them quickly once he finished talking.

Ew. So much PDA. Get a room, you two. Stupid alien.

I looked back at Jimin, who was sitting on the couch with Hoseok, his head in the crook of the older’s neck, crying. I thought it would be a good idea to apologize. Not because I actually felt sorry, but rather because I hoped, if I swallowed my pride and apologized, that maybe the hyungs would let me join them, or at least give back my electronics.

I raised an eyebrow at JImin. He is such a kid. I was a bit amused by the fact that he was crying over something so small.

“He just wants attention,” I said. I hadn’t meant to say it out loud though. My eyes widened and I turned back around to face the hyungs, who were all glaring at me.

“You obviously need some discipline. You know Jimin is sensitive about his height,” Jin said.

“Yeah, Jiminnie is a good kid! He doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment,” V continued. Tch… You up.

“Exactly, you should be thankful all we’re doing is making you clean the dorm,” Rapmon added.

“BUT THIS PLACE IS A PIG STYE! THERE IS NO WAY I CAN CLEAN IT ALL BY MYSELF!” I yelled. They all looked slightly taken aback, and I thought I had won, until I realized that I had only reaffirmed their point. I need a new plan…

I realized there was one hyung who hadn’t said a word yet and I turned to face him, putting on my best puppy dog eyes and pouting.

“Yoongi-hyuuunngg~~ Won’t you help me~? You are my favorite hyung after all~!” I kept acting cute the whole time I was talking, ignoring TaeJin making gagging noises and disgusted faces. They had good reason to. My aegyo was so shameless even I felt a little grossed out.

But then I noticed that a bit of red had risen on Yoongi’s cheeks. What? Why are your cheeks red?

“Hyung are you feeling okay?” I asked, genuinely concerned. I brought my hands up to cup his cheeks and scanned his eyes, which had widened quite a bit. Hmm…? What’s this? Hyung is almost… kinda… cute?

“I’m fine, brat,” he said shortly, pushing my hands away and averting his eyes.

“But, hyung…” I said, unable to stop myself from letting a bit of a smile appear on my face, “you’re cheeks are red.” I noticed his eyes widen and he tensed up for a second. This made me lose my cute facade and I smirked, excited by his reaction. Definitely cute.

“They’re not.”

“They are! Jin-hyung, don’t his cheeks look red?” I was full out smiling now. And I gestured to Yoongi, who, at that point, was glaring at me, though his cheeks were still very red.

“DAMMIT JEONGGUK!” He shouted, wiping the smile off my face. “They are not!” He started gathering his things, shoving them into his pockets and throwing on his coat. “Why can’t you just do what you’re told? You really do need to be punished. Jiminnie, Hoseok, we’re leaving. Let’s go.”

I was frozen in place, shocked. Yoongi-hyung had only yelled at me once before. It was extremely rare to see him angry. I mean, he was usually generally irritated at everything, but it was never to the point that he got angry. I just watched as they all filed out the door. Hoseok shot me a glare while still trying to comfort Jimin.

What was that?



“Ugh, finally, the last room,” I groaned, making my way into Yoongi and Rapmon’s room with the cleaning supplies. “Thank goodness you guys are always clean,” I shuddered, recalling the terrifying experience of cleaning Hoseok and Jimin’s shared room. It was a terrifying experience.

I started by fixing up their beds, then vacuumed, then dusted. I was tired by the end. The entire day of cleaning had caught up with me by then.

“Okay Jeongguk, you can do this, only Yoongi-hyung’s bureau left,” I said to myself, walking over to Yoongi’s bureau, clearing some things off and putting them away. I picked up a book and turned it over in my hands. What’s this?

I opened it up and looked inside. On the first page, there was a note from his parents, wishing him luck and letting him know that they will always be there for him. Standard parent stuff really. I flipped a few pages and found the lyrics to ‘Just One Day’. Ohh… Yoongi-hyung’s lyric notebook! But he usually doesn’t leave it at home… I probably shouldn’t read it…

I flipped through a couple pages, trying to decide if I should read it or not. I figured it was probably an invasion of privacy, but I really wanted to know if Yoongi had written us any lyrics for a new album yet.

“Namjoon-hyung did say to read a book after I finish,” I said out loud, hoping that saying it would make it more convincing. I laid down on my stomach on Yoongi’s bed and flipped through the pages. I stopped when something flashed in front of my eyes.


Dear Diary,


What? Hyung… you have a diary? No wonder you rarely let this out of your sight.

Though I knew I shouldn’t, I kept reading, very curious to see what Yoongi had written in the diary. It was from just yesterday.


Dear Diary,

Today was the last straw. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this a secret. He was amazing at today’s schedules. He danced perfectly, sang perfectly, everything. He is perfect. I love standing behind him in a spot where I can let my eyes linger over him while he sings. I almost wish we didn’t have to wear school uniforms. I actually never see him wearing short sleeves. I wish I could. He’s just so… so… I can’t even think of the word. I wish I could tear his clothes off and just stare at his body for hours… but I can’t. He’s just too innocent. Most of all, I can’t believe I fell for my own band mate. You’ve been a good diary.



I slammed the notebook shut and put it back on the bureau. My heart was beating like crazy. Yoongi-hyung… Yoongi-hyung… Likes? Someone? Someone in BTS? Hmm… Who could it be? Part of the dance and vocal line, innocent, and a nice body… Jimin? Maybe that’s why he was so upset at me earlier.

I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Even though everyone got annoyed by Jimin’s loudness, he was truly everyone’s favorite. He was the life of our team, along with Hoseok. But something in the back of my head told me that I wouldn’t feel this way about any other hyung’s affection for Jimin. I pouted, and laid my head down into my hyung’s bed. It smells like him… Tears started welling up in my eyes. Hyung… don’t be mad at me.

I continued laying in his bed, lost in my thought, until I drifted off into sleep.



The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my own room. I was still really groggy when I woke up and it took me a minute to realize that my limbs were tangled with someone else’s. I squinted up at the ceiling . Who is this and what are they doing here? I took in a deep breath, which turned into a yawn as I turned my head to the side. It was a little blurry, but I easily recognized the figure sleeping next to me. Yoongi-hyung…

He looked so beautiful while asleep. Before I realized what I was doing, I had brought my hand up to trace the contours of his face. I slowly ran my finger over his eyebrows, eyelashes, down his nose, and  across his cheek before letting it slip down to his lips. I felt my heart start pounding in my chest. Wow… his lips feel so soft… I wonder what it would be like to-

“Oh, Gookie, you’re awake?” he asked, squinting up at me cutely. I smiled and removed my hand from his lips, bringing it to rest on his shoulder. “What were you doing before?”

“Oh um nothing. I was doing nothing hyung. Just laying here. And staring. At the ceiling. Yeah, the ceiling.”

He chuckled. “Okay Gookie.” I really like it when you say my name like that.

“Umm… Hyung?”


“Why are you umm.. sleeping… with me?”

His eyes widened and he pushed my chest, wriggling away. “It’s not what it looks like!” He yelped, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I know that hyung. I was here all night. But how did you get here?”

He was standing up now and nervously fidgeting with his clothes. “You fell asleep in my room, so Hoseok and I carried you in here, but he left the second we set you down. I tried to leave but you pulled my back down and you know how I’m not as strong as you and stuff so I couldn’t exactly leave but-”

“Hyung. It’s okay. Thanks for bringing me to my room.” He looked me in the eye for a moment before nodding slightly and then left the room in a hurry.



“Jeongguk! We are leaving you here again! The rest of us all have schedules. We’ll be back to pick you up later,” Hoseok explained.

“Do something productive while you’re home alone!” Rapmon called.

“Okay hyungs, I think I can manage on my own for the day,” I said, trying to get the house to myself. It had been a few days since they had left me alone to clean. I wanted to see if Yoongi left his diary at home again, and see if he wrote anything more. I wanted to know who it was.

As soon as they had all left the dorm, I locked the door and ran to Yoongi’s room. I found the diary in the same place I had left it last time, so I snatched it up, flipping frantically to the entry I read last time. I reread it. Then read it again and a third time, hoping that if I read it more, it would sound less and less like Yoongi had a crush on Jimin. But in fact the opposite happened. The more I read it, the more convinced I became that it was Jimin.

I felt myself shaking out of anger and sadness caused by jealousy, and threw the book on Yoongi’s bed. It bounced off, hit the wall, and came to rest on an open page. I looked down at it, tears welled in my eyes, and saw the date that Yoongi and I woke up together. I picked up the book with wide eyes and started reading.


Dear Diary,

I felt so bad for yelling at him like that. What was I supposed to do though? He was touching my cheeks and his eyes were so dreamy… OMG I sound like a teenage girl. His hands were so soft though. But he embarrassed me, the little . Do I seem confused? I’m pretty confused. It doesn’t help that I found him sleeping in my bed, brought him to his room and then found myself in there this morning as well. Dammit all…


I shut the book there, keeping my finger in the page. On that day… you woke up with me hyung. It can’t be… does he… possibly… like me? My eyes widened and a smile crept up on my face at the thought. I had to continue reading. I had to find out if it was me.


Dammit all… He was even my face when he woke up. I shouldn’t have pretended to be asleep. My heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to explode. I called him ‘Gookie’... I want to call him that more.

Gookie… could you possibly… like me too?



No way. No way… Hyung… likes me? My face felt like it was going to break from smiling so much and my heart was beating too fast for me to handle.

What now? I needed to make a plan and fast. The hyungs weren’t going to be gone for long and I couldn’t be deep in thought when they got back. But I wanted to come up with a perfect confession, in which Yoongi never had to know that I had read his diary.



From then on, I started being more clingy with Yoongi. I hugged him for no reason and didn’t let go, held his wrist every chance I got and eventually I started giving him small pecks on his cheeks. I started joining him in the recording studio. I went with him almost every day.

There was one day in particular when I knew it was time to step up my game. The feeling came over me in a wave. It washed into my heart and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop it from flooding and drowning out every other feeling. It would take over my heart and stay there until I did something about it.

It was just like any other day spent in the studio. We sat together, Yoongi mixing a track and me playing on my phone, or pretending to at least. Truthfully, I was watching him. Occasionally I offered suggestions, but mostly I just watched. He always seemed so different when he worked on his music, so much more… manly. When Yoongi was concentrated on a song, he was always squinting down at his lyrics and listening to his music carefully while mouthing the words. Sometimes he would bite his lip, erase something from the lyrics and chew on the end of the pen until he came up with a way to change it. Others, he would furrow his brows and move to his switchboard, fixing up the volume, changing the notes and other such things. I didn’t really know much about producing music, but I did know for certain that Yoongi was something else, something amazing, when it came to music.

We had already been there for a few hours when I decided to order us something to eat. I decided on Yoongi’s favorite Chinese take-out, Jjajjangmyun and Sweet & Sour Pork.

When the food arrived twenty minutes later, we ate quietly. Yoongi was still very much focused on his song, so he wasn’t really paying attention to eating. While staring down at some lyrics, he slurped up some noodles and I noticed there was a little bit of sauce just above the corner of his lips. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

“Umm… hyung, you’ve got a little…” I said shyly, gesturing to his lips.

“What? What are you talking about?” He asked, his head shooting up from the page of lyrics he was looking at.

I sighed and reached forward, wiping the sauce from his lips with my thumb. There was that feeling. My heart thumped against my rib cage, my cheeks heated up even more and butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. My eyes were focused on his lips and my hand was shaking slightly with nerves. I didn’t remove my hand, though I didn’t know how long it had been there. Every thought disappeared. I couldn’t tell you where we were or what we were doing there. Everything around us just disappeared until it was just the two of us. I only knew that I was there and so was Yoongi, and that his cheeks were really soft, and his lips were right in front of me.

“Gookie…” he whispered.

“Don’t move hyung…” I replied, scanning his eyes and leaning a bit closer.

“Gookie… What… What are you-”

“Hyung… I… I have to do this…” I said quietly. I leaned a bit closer and then our breaths were molding together, my eyes fluttered in anticipation. Soon my eyes were completely shut and our noses were touching and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I stopped, trying to stay composed, but then I felt something touch my lips.

The kiss felt like a cup of hot chocolate on the coldest day of the year. I shivered even though the kiss was sending heat waves all over my body. It’s true what they say really. The fireworks, the bells, the spark. It was all there. Everything about this moment filled my heart up to the brim with blissful feelings and I didn’t want it to end.

I didn’t know how long we had been kissing for but I some point it filled with even more passion. I found our lips moving together, his arms wrapped around my neck and hands tangled in my hair, and my tongue swiping along his bottom lip, asking permission. He opened his mouth quickly and I pushed my tongue inside, exploring every teeny tiny section of it. I pulled him into my lap to make it easier for us both and suddenly his hands were roaming my body while mine slowly rubbed up and down his sides. I soon found myself getting lightheaded from a lack of air as well as the blood leaving my head for somewhere else, somewhere… ehem… lower.

Slowly, I disconnected our lips, instead touching my forehead to his and giving him an eskimo kiss.

“Hyung…” I said breathlessly.

“Gookie…” He took in a long, shaky breath of air. “I- I like you…”

“I know…” I said, smiling even though my lips trembled.

“What? How?” He asked, pulling his head back and looking at me, confused. I smiled sheepishly and averted my eyes. I guess I shouldn’t lie…

“I maybe kind of accidentally read your diary…” I said quickly, his sides in the hope that it would ease the blow.

“Yah! Jeon Jeongguk!” He shouted, chuckling a bit and swatting playfully at my shoulder. “You really do need to be punished~” he joked, wiggling his eyebrows before capturing my lips in a heated kiss.

I think maybe a punishment wouldn’t be so bad actually.

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Chapter 1: Cute
RedCookies #2
Chapter 1: aigooo~~~ it's so cuuuuuuuuteeee~~~ :3♥
a little misunderstanding from kookie~ ^//^ kyaaaaaak
and and yoongi, why dont you confess instead write it on ur diary? kkk
at least they are making a cute couple~~ sugacookies~~~
RedCookies #3
wait, why does it fic tagged as complete? bcs i dont find one chapter at all. are you hiding the chapter and maek it as complete?
RedCookies #4
wait for the first chapter~~~ ●﹏●♥♡