Chapter One

A Pirate's Life for She

You sighed as you kicked the galley door open and relished the feeling of the cool air hitting your face. Making your way towards the dining area, you grunted as you set down the pot and fixed your bandana. The sound of someone snickering behind you made you scrunch your face up in annoyance.

"Ha~ Your face is as red as a tomato."

You turned and breathed out loudly. "I could say that to you too, Kai. Your face is so red - and I thought you couldn't become any darker."

Jongin narrowed his eyes and shrugged off your comment. "Well... It's not my fault Tao wants everyone to accompany him everywhere!"

"So... That doesn't really explain why you were laughing your off and drinking with Sehun." The right corner of your mouth curved upwards, signalling your victory.

Kai groaned and went above deck. "You win this time."

"I love you too, baby!" You yelled after his retreating form.

You quickly set up the table and rushed back into the galley to check if the soup was ready. Sehun and Kai watched you from a distance, both their faces painfully red. "When Chungae-noona makes food, it's always delicious!" Sehun beamed as Jongin gagged.

"What the just happened to you? Aren't you supposed to be like...?" Jongin looked away as his his hands made a circle in the air, his eyes landing on your figure.

Sehun clasped his hands together. "Since it's my birthday today, I have to behave differently from other days." He leaned over to his elder and patted him on the back as he choked, seemingly on his own spit. "You sure like looking at Chungae-noona, hyung."

Jongin thwacked his hand away and shivered. "Ugh... You're really creeping me out. And... uh, happy birthday, Sehun."

Sehun laughed lightly. "It's okay, hyung, I'll just punish you later for forgetting my birthday. For now, today is a day of celebrating! My birthday, that is." He clapped his hands together lightly.

Jongin slid a small distance away from his younger. Creepy bastard.

At that precise moment, you poked your head out from below deck. "Hey, dinner's ready! Also I have a present for you, Sehun!"

All six boys rushed from their posts and ran down the stairs, pushing and shoving. As everyone sat down at their seats, you, Chanyeol and Jongdae handed their presents over to Sehun. Chanyeol glanced over at the embarrassed members who didn't hand their present in, if it existed at all. "Oy, where are your presents?"

"We forgot..." Kyungsoo answered for him and the two boys sitting next to him.

Sehun laughed, startling everyone sitting at the table. "Oh, that's okay~! You can just give me a present later, right?" His voice dropped an octave lower as he drew out the last word and Zitao whimpered as Kyungsoo patted him on the head.

Jongin was already eating his food, his mouth opening and closing as if he was talking. You closed your eyes and averted your gaze somewhere else. "Kai... would you mind closing your mouth when eating?" You asked politely, a threat hidden in your polite tone.

"Yes." He answered bluntly, a blob of half-digested food falling out of his mouth. You watched the blob fall onto the table, your mouth slightly widening in disgust.

"Oh my god, Kai. That is so disgusting." You eyed your own food warily, having lost your appetite.

Everyone else, noticing Jongin already eating, began tearing away at their meals.

"Chungae's food is always so good!" You beamed at Kyungsoo, who actually was eating his food with the most etiquette a pirate could have.

"Well, that's to be expected. She is, after all, female." You took a deep breath and tried to prevent yourself from throwing your entire platter of food at Jongin.

Too late.

You looked up to see Jongin covered in rice and vegetables, completely motionless, and stifled a laugh. "Oh, that's how you wanna play?" His voice was low with intimidation. He picked up his plate of food and attempted to throw it. However, even though Jongin was quite skilled in the arts of Taekwondo and owned quite a lot of strength, he wasn't really that great at aiming and shooting, which by the way, was proudly your speciality. The food and plate ended up shattering/splattering all over Zitao.

Infuriated, Zitao, who specializes in Wu-Shu or Kung-Fu and sword-fighting, threw the chicken he was eating blindly at Chen (specializes in repairing, inventing weapons and navigating), who was already ready with the soy sauce, which he sprayed all over the band of pirates. As the boys fought amongst themselves, you quickly sneaked out of the dining room to retrieve Sehun's cake.

As you brought the cake into the dining room, the boys immediately stopped fighting and sat calmly at their seats, if not for the rough nudges they would occasionally give one another. You looked over at Sehun (specializes in sword-fighting), who was smiling happily, even though he was covered in an array of weird brown-based colours. The reason the six boys/man-children had sat down so quickly was because cake was a rare treat as it spent so many ingredients, which you couldn't really afford on a long voyage.

You laughed as they fought over the size of the slices, even if they were exactly the same size - that was your speciality; accuracy - and cut a slice for yourself.

Suddenly, the whole ship lurched and you fell forwards, the candles blowing out at that exact moment.







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