That Someone
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“Jonas Brothers? Seriously?” Minho chuckled after the emcee introduced the next band.

“Shut up.” Yuri glared at him. He just chuckled at her attitude.

Minho and Yuri, together with their other classmates, are inside their auditorium. The school’s having their annual Acquaintance party, and as seniors, they don’t want to miss that awesome party.

“Wow, so handsome!” Krystal and Yuri both screamed as the vocalist of the band appeared on stage.

“He’s not handsome enough,” Minho commented.

Yuri rolled her eyes. “Insecure.”

The band performed three consecutive songs, earning loud shrieks from the students – especially female students. Minho can’t stand there on the corner. He kept on glancing at Yuri, then back to the vocalist, then back again to her. “Flirt vocalist,” he said to himself.

He walked towards Yuri, who seemed to be so insensitive at that time. He pulled out his camera, constantly looking at Yuri.

Yuri then saw Minho taking pictures. She smiled at herself, knowing that Minho is just faking his being ‘camera addict’.

That someone who stands beside you – especially in front of guys

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Chapter 20: Can you do a SeoKyu drabble? Or another MinYul will be great!
coldming #2
Chapter 20: Omg this is awesomeeeeeee duh MY feeling. Authornim saranghae~♡♥
Chapter 20: if that SuperDeeGee you are reffering to is not me, may I ask who it was? I just want to know. Thank you :)*btw, I love your story :))
Chapter 20: me? wow, I'm touched :))
iheartminyul #5
whose iheartminyul are you talking about in the final chap? :D
BlackPearl_Goddess #6
What a sweet & touching story...! :) Hope to see more of your works soon!
Khunpeeh #7
so sweet i love your story ^^
avicienna #8
Hahah Thanks ;) and Your welcome again xD
@--ethereal: You want more, Tammy? XD VoteVoteVote! :DD I will make one again! :DD<br />
@Il0vex3_her: Yaay! <33 Have you read my wall post already, twinnie? :DD<br />
@JimmyChoo74: Aww, thanks<33 I will make another! :DD<br />
@kkabyul: Hahha, thanks<333<br />
@yuweesaur: I'll make another one. SO VOTE! XD<br />
@Taemyoonlover: If I can, XD<br />
@roxxi1993: I will make more! :DD Thanks<33<br />
@Loly_21: Aww, thanks! :DD MinYul is perfect for my drabbles! <33<br />
@avicienna: Hahhah! Of course I will not! XD Thanks again<33<br />
@Hyerimhere: AWWW, THANKS<33<br />
@jhazzy28: I will make more! XD So vote now!<33<br />
@J-EWEL: It's my honor! Aww, thanks<333<br />
@TheSNSDsone: It's you! <33 AW, THANKS! I will continue to write more fics of those couples! XD I'm glad I made your day<333<br />
@Missdancer: I'll try, okay? :)