Final Chapter

The Storyteller's Story


    Luhan took her out on a date one day, earning a disapproving look from the head nurse and some senior doctors, but he insisted. It wasn't much of a date anyways, since they just strolled around the small garden of the hospital, ate homemade lunch courtesy of their friends, and spend the rest of the day talking about anything and everything until the sun went down.

    When they came back from the date, Sien's dad was waiting for them, somewhat having a smile on, something out of his usual gloomy look.

    "Hey, dad." she greeted after Luhan had left. "You look...ecstatic."

    "We found a donor." he says.

    Sien felt her world suddenly pulling to a stop. She blinks almost dumbly at her father, her heart racing a mile per minute which is really bad for her condition but she just couldn't help but to feel excited.

    "You... did?"

    Her father sat on the bed, taking one of her thin hands and squeezing lightly, "I know you want this desperately more than ever, but... we're still not sure that it's a match. Still, the doctors wanted you to be examined to make sure."

    "Then let's do it! Why do you sound so down? I finally have a shot at getting better." she frowns.

    Her father paused for a few moment, then he sighs, "We have to leave for the States. It's a little risky, taking you out of the hospital and traveling for a long time, and it's still not sure if you would be a match. I don't want you getting your hopes up... and besides... Luhan..."

    Sien felt another jolt to her world. "Can't he come? He's my doctor."

    "He is. But ever since he took a leave to take care of you, Mr. James had been your doctor. It is him who managed to get you a shot at this transplant and he's the one that will go with us. Luhan is still a doctor here and he needs to stay for his patients."


    "But he'd understand, right?" she asked meekly. "He was the one who wanted me to get better. He'd understand if I leave. No matter how small the possiblity would be?"

    "Of course he will." her father reassures her. "It is you I'm concerned about."


    "Will you take the risk? Will you be okay leaving him behind even if the possibilities are too small?"

    Sien thinks to herself; is she?

    That night, with the room dim and cold, she opened her laptop. She wrote what possibly will be the last story she'd ever write.


    Luhan's fingers were shaking when he fit the small flash drive into the port of his old computer. Before Sien's flight had left that day, she gave the small device and told him to open it up once she's gone.

    For a moment, his stomach lurches at how the words sounded. He just can't imagine her being gone.

    The flash drive has only but one file.

    "The Sotryteller's Story." he reads out loud, voice trembling.

    He starts reading.

    It took him almost a couple of hours to finish the whole thing, pausing here and there, not knowing if he really wanted to read the ending. 

    When he finally reached the last word of the last chapter, tears strated pouring from his eyes.

    "And they lived happily ever after..." he reads slowly

    That wasn't what made him cry though. It was the note at the end of the last page;



        I'm sorry I didn't really know how to properly say goodbye.


                                                     I love you


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Chapter 8: author nimm u did a great job writing this story!!! I cried a river in the last chapters, keep writing u inspire others! Fighting!!!!!!!
shristy #2
Chapter 8: This story deserves a sequel!!
Chapter 8: It's not a good choice reading this this late at night :(
I cried and now my nose was stucked :((((
sayyehet #4
Chapter 8: asdfghjkl i srsly cried when i read to the final chapter TT such a good story :')