
Without you it's not the same

A hand lifted the paper up from the desk it had been lying on. Eyes scanned the thing that was written as the second thing on the list that was written on the paper. The head nodded approved of the thing and lowered the paper back on the desk. The hand reached out towards the pencil that lied beside the paper and grabbed it. She let the pencil write a line over the second thing on the list and a smile appeared on her lips.

She dropped the pencil and read the third thing that was written. Her eyebrows furrowed and she bit down on her lower lip. After some thinking she nodded her head approvingly and stood up from her seat in front of the desk. She spun around and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Seeing the time she hurriedly went to get ready for the night she had planned.


Knocks on the door made the girl seated on the bed stand up from her seat and make her way to the door. An expression of confusion was on her face as she grabbed the door knob and opened the door. Seeing the brunette girl with a grin on her face on the other side made a frown appear on her face instead and she turned around but let the door be open to let the girl enter her room.

“What are you doing here?” Taeyeon asked with a sigh and plopped back down on her bed.

“I’m here to bring you to Hyoyeon’s party.” Jessica said and continued to grin at the brunette on the bed. Taeyeon looked up at the other girl, she checked Jessica’s appearance and noticed Jessica was clad to go out party. She looked down at her own clothes, she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt which made it look like she would be sitting at home for the night eating chips while watching a movie. Something she didn’t mind doing.

“Who said I wanted to go?” Taeyeon asked.

“You want to go because I’m going.” Jessica said.

Taeyeon shook her head and picked up the book she had been reading before Jessica had arrived.  A frown appeared on Jessica’s lips when she saw Taeyeon didn’t agree in coming.

“Please Taeyeon. I’ll be bored there if I go without you.” Jessica whined.

“Don’t go then.” Taeyeon said and turned a page in her book.

“But I’ll get bored if I don’t go.”

“Go then.”

“But you need to come with me.”

“Find another friend to hang out with.”


The girl on the bed looked up at Jessica. Jessica was now pouting while crossing her arms. The expression she was sporting made Taeyeon let out a sigh and she placed her book down and turned to fully face Jessica.

“I’m not a party person. I’m not even a person that goes out at all.” Taeyeon said.

“I know.” Jessica said and nodded her head.

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and a frown appeared on her lips this time.

“If you know why are you asking me to come with you?!” The girl on the bed asked angry.

“I told you. I’ll be bored there without you.” Jessica said.

Taeyeon sighed and lowered her head while she tried to understand how Jessica actually was thinking.

“Do you seriously think it will be more fun with me there?” Taeyeon asked.

Jessica nodded her head with a wide smile on her lips. Taeyeon just shook her head when she had gotten Jessica’s answer. A sigh left her lips and she stared at the text of the book while she tried to come up with an answer of what she should be doing now.

She heard the creaking sound from the broken wardrobe door in her room and she looked up only to see Jessica looking through her clothes. Her eyes widened and she jumped up from her seat on the bed.

“What are you doing?” Taeyeon asked and went up to the other girl.

“I’m looking for a good outfit for you.” Jessica said and took out a top only to put it back in. “I should have brought my clothes. We’re almost the same size anyway.” Jessica continued and went on with looking through Taeyeon’s clothes.

“Hey, hey, hey, who said I’d go out?” Taeyeon said and tried to stop Jessica from finding an outfit for her.

“I said it.” Jessica stated and pushed Taeyeon away from her so she could get room to look through the clothes.

“And who are you to decide what I’m gonna do?!” Taeyeon asked angrily.

“Your father.” Jessica said in a deeper and more dramatic voice and turned to Taeyeon with a serious expression. Taeyeon didn’t say anything and just stared at the other girl for a few seconds before she finally shook her head.

“You’re crazy.” Taeyeon said and turned away from the other girl.

“No, I said I’m your father.” Jessica continued on with her joke.

“So you’ve slept with my mom?”

“Ew, Taeyeon, that’s disgusting. How can you say something like that?” Jessica went back to her normal voice and asked Taeyeon with fake disgust and shock.

“How else are you my father?!” Taeyeon asked angry.

“You’re adopted.” Jessica said again with a deep voice and turned back to the clothes inside the wardrobe. Taeyeon just looked at the girl, before she shook her head and took a seat on her bed.

“You’re crazy.” Taeyeon stated once more.

“No, I’m your fa–“

“Just find an outfit already!” Taeyeon ordered and watched as Jessica picked up the pillow from the floor that had been thrown into her face.

“So you’re going?” Jessica asked with her face lit up in excitement. A sigh escaped Taeyeon’s lips and she nodded her head.

“Yeah, but I won’t be there for long.” Taeyeon said.

“Yay!” Jessica cheered and went over to the girl that was seated on the bed and pulled her up from her seat. “Let’s go over to my place. I’ll let you borrow my clothes.” Jessica said and dragged Taeyeon out of her dorm room and further down the hallway towards her room where she could find an outfit for the other girl, and also fix the girl’s make-up and hair.


With her arm linked with Taeyeon Jessica went inside the place where Hyoyeon was holding the party. People were everywhere and music was blazing from the speakers that stood in the corner of the dorm room.  Taeyeon looked around in the crowded place, she could recognize some of the people there, but must people was people she had never seen before.

“Hey, Jessica!”

Taeyeon felt she was turned around when the girl that had been called turned towards the person. Taeyeon felt Jessica let go of her arm to greet a blonde girl with a hug. When they had broken the hug Taeyeon recognized the girl as Hyoyeon.

“So you came.” Hyoyeon said and looked at Jessica’s outfit. The brunette girl only nodded her head and turned to Taeyeon.

“Yeah, I brought Taeyeon along as well.” Jessica said and smiled.

Hyoyeon and the guy that stood beside her looked at the girl Jessica had brought with her. An expression of recognition appeared on Hyoyeon’s face and she nodded her head as she made her way towards Taeyeon.

“Good that you could come!” Hyoyeon said and enveloped Taeyeon in a hug as well. Taeyeon awkwardly hugged back the blonde girl before she let her go and watched as Hyoyeon turned to a table.

“Here, a welcome shot.” Hyoyeon said and picked up two shot glasses from the table and turned to the two newly arrived girls. Taeyeon reluctantly took the glass with the clear liquid and glanced at Jessica that grabbed it with no hesitance.

“Thanks!” Jessica said and turned to Taeyeon. “Cheers!” She said and held out the small glass towards Taeyeon. Taeyeon did the same and Jessica closed the distance between their glasses and clinked them together before she brought up the glass towards . She stopped right in front of her lips and glanced at Taeyeon. When she saw Taeyeon did the same she smiled and downed the liquid in the glass in one go.

“Wow.” She exclaimed when she had swallowed the content in . She looked at Taeyeon and saw the other girl grimacing by the strong liquid she had drank. Jessica smiled and gave her empty glass back to Hyoyeon that smiled pleased by her two guests’ appreciation.

“Well, enjoy yourself then. Drink whatever you want.” Hyoyeon told the two girls. Jessica nodded her head and turned to Taeyeon.

“Let’s go.” Jessica said and grabbed Taeyeon’s arm and led the other girl through the crowd of people that were either chatting or dancing to the music. They bumped into quite a few people along their way before they finally arrived at their destination.

“So what do you want to drink?” Jessica asked and looked around at the table that was filled with bottles and cans of different alcohol beverages.

“Uhm, I don’t–“

“Let’s start off with a beer.” Jessica said before Taeyeon was able to say anything and held out a can towards her. Taeyeon looked down at the green can she had been given. A sigh escaped her lips and she continued to hold the can without opening it.

“Drink it.” Jessica urged her. Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and watched as Jessica took a sip of her own beer.

“But I don’t wanna–“

“C’mon Taeyeon, you have to enjoy yourself.” Jessica grabbed the hand Taeyeon was holding her beer can in and opened it for the girl. Taeyeon looked at the can and its content. A sigh escaped her lips and she lifted the can up to her lips and stopped. She glanced to the side and saw Jessica was looking expectantly at her. Her eyebrows furrowed and she took a sip of the bitter content of the can. She made a grimace and lowered it from .

“See, not that bad, right?” Jessica said.

“It’s bitter.” Taeyeon said and looked at Jessica with furrowed eyebrows.

“But you drink coffee, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Jessica said and tilted her head to the left.

“I drink coffee with milk.” Taeyeon pointed out.

Jessica was silent for a moment and looked at the girl that held the beer can in her hand. She turned away from Taeyeon, took a small sip of her beer and looked out over the floor where people had started to dance now. She took another sip and turned back to Taeyeon.

“Let’s dance.” Jessica said and grinned.

“W-what?” Taeyeon looked from Jessica to the people that were already dancing to the music.

“Dance. C’mon.” Jessica placed her half-finished beer on the table and grabbed the can Taeyeon was holding and grabbed the girl’s now free hand.

“But I don’t dance.” Taeyeon said panicked and tried to pull away from Jessica that was dragging her towards the crowd of people in the middle of the room.

“You’ll do now. C’mon Taeyeon. Just follow my steps and you’ll be fine.” Jessica urged the girl and continued to drag Taeyeon until the she and the girl stood among the other people that were dancing.

Taeyeon looked around her at the people that were dancing. None of them seemed to take notice of her or Jessica that just had arrived in the crowd. Jessica was already moving to the music and tried to make Taeyeon dance with her by swinging the latter’s arms to the side.

“C’mon, Taeyeon, dance!” Jessica said with a big smile.

With a raised eyebrow Taeyeon looked at the girl that tried to make her dance. She looked at the movements Jessica was doing, and slowly and hesitantly started to move to the copy the movements. A pleased smile appeared on Jessica’s lips and she let go of one of Taeyeon’s hands so she could spin the girl around. Already a bit wobbly on the high heels Taeyeon was wearing the girl lost balance and almost fell but Jessica was quick with getting her back on stable feet.

“Careful there.” Jessica said with a grin. A frown appeared on Taeyeon’s lips and she pushed Jessica away and danced on her own. Jessica just looked at her with a pleased smile on her lips and danced along with her friend.


She heard the song was ending and the playlist was going into a slow beat song. With a smile on her lips she turned to her blonde dancing partner for the past minutes. The blonde girl nodded pleased towards her and the two of them made their way away from the crowd of people that was still dancing to the slow beat song.

“Where’s Taeyeon?” Hyoyeon asked and took a beer from the table with all the drinks. Jessica stopped searching for the type of beer she liked and looked around the room for the friend she had come here with. She remembered that Taeyeon had been too tired to continue dancing with her and left her in the middle of a song and Jessica had continued dancing with Hyoyeon for the rest of the time. But she had no idea where the girl could have went off to.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she turned back to Hyoyeon that was gulping down her beer now.

“I don’t know. Toilet maybe.” Jessica said and shrugged her shoulders. Hyoyeon nodded her head and looked around in the room. Her eyes fell on a group of people and she turned back to Jessica with a smile.

“I’ll go over to Eunhyuk and the gang, wanna come?” Hyoyeon asked and nodded her head to the direction of the people she was speaking of stood.

“It’s okay; I’ll wait here for Taeyeon.” Jessica said. Hyoyeon nodded understanding and gave Jessica a light punch on the shoulder before she started making her way towards her group of friends. With a smile Jessica watched after the blonde girl before she turned around in search of her brunette friend she had arrived with.

Her eyes finally landed on a girl that looked passed out on the couch. She noticed two guys were seated on both sides of the girl. Her lips turned downwards upon the sight and she started to make her way towards the trio on the couch.

“Hey, don’t you wanna come over–“

“No. She’s with me.” Jessica interrupted the guy that was talking to the almost unconscious Taeyeon. She got two annoyed glares from the guys which she just brushed off and grabbed Taeyeon’s hand and tried to pull the girl up.

“But you can both come.” The guy said and placed his arm around Taeyeon’s shoulders which made it hard for Jessica to pull the girl up.

“No.” Jessica firmly declined and pushed his arm away from the girl and managed to pull Taeyeon up before one of them could get their hands on her again.

“What about–“

“No.” Jessica said before the guy has finished his sentence. She put Taeyeon’s arm around her shoulder and one of her arms around Taeyeon’s waist, and like that she walked away from the two guys and away from the party.

The sound from the music could be heard as she was walking back to the part of the dorm where her room was located. With one arm she somehow managed to take out her keys and open the door without dropping the girl she was helping.

She brought Taeyeon to her bed where she dropped the girl down. A sigh escaped Jessica’s lips and she looked down at the girl that had completely passed out now. An apologetically smile appeared on her lips upon seeing the girl’s state.

“Hah…I should have known you couldn’t drink that much.” Jessica said and proceeded to take off her high heels she had let the girl borrowed. She didn’t bother about the clothes and just put Taeyeon in a better sleeping position before she put the covers over the girl. When Taeyeon was in safety of her bed she proceeded to get herself washed and dressed for bed.


A groan from the bed made the girl on the floor look up from the laptop she was watching a  movie on. A smile appeared on her lips when she saw the girl on her bed had finally woken up. She placed the laptop to the side and stood up from her position and made her way to the bed and looked at the girl that held her hand against her forehead.

“Hangover?” Jessica asked and tilted her head to the side. Taeyeon cracked one eye open and looked at the girl that was grinning at her. She let out a sigh and shut her eye again.

“What do you think?” Taeyeon muttered and pulled the cover over her face.

“That you somehow ended up a bit drunk last night and now you’re suffering from the after effects.” Jessica said and stood up from her position beside the bed and made her way towards her desk where she had placed a glass of water.

Her respond was a groan from the hangovering girl. Jessica chuckled by the sound and took the glass of water back to Taeyeon.

“I can’t believe you’re laughing at me.” Taeyeon said and let go of the covers she was covering her head with when Jessica tugged on them.

“Well, it’s better than if I were to sing for you.” Jessica said and handed Taeyeon the glass of water. The girl on the bed slowly sat up and drank the clear liquid of the glass and handed the glass back to Jessica when she was done.

“I’d have punched you if you had sung for me.” Taeyeon said and lied down again. A sigh escaped her lips and she looked at the girl that was staring at her with a grin. “I hate you.” Taeyeon said and turned around.

“But I’m not alcohol.” Jessica said and looked innocently at the girl on her bed.

“You made me drink it.” Taeyeon said.

“Hmm, only the first…second…fifth first drinks.” Jessica said and twirled one of her hair locks around her fingers. The girl on her bed turned around to send a glare towards her which only made her smile.

“Aw, c’mon. It wasn’t that bad.” Jessica got up on the bed and lied down beside Taeyeon’s and gave the hangovering girl a hug.

“Just because you’re used to drinking.” Taeyeon mumbled.

“Can’t deny that.” Jessica said. She looked at the girl beside her and noticed Taeyeon was frowning. A smile appeared on her lips and she squeezed the girl tighter in a hug. “But let’s sleep now so you’ll feel better. I’ll treat you to water later.” Jessica said and closed her eyes.

“How nice.” Taeyeon mumbled sarcastically.

Jessica just smiled and stayed silent. And soon she could catch the rhythmic breathing of the girl beside her that indicated Taeyeon had fallen asleep.  

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Coming here again after like three years i think? Gotta find this treasure after digging up in my 500+ stories lol
Kinda forgot the storyline so gotta re reading this now, and thank you for keeping this story here and not deactivate your account
Mihyun101 #2
everytime I see this title when I come back to continue Reading from where I left of.... I can't help but to wonder if Jessica is ill or sick and will die soon... leaving... and taeyeon having regret.... because the title gives off such feeling... for some reason I actually kind of want it to happen just to see what happens after? you most think i'm weird for wanting to see such thing lol (even tho I love fluff and happy taengsic a lot xD)
Krystlxjung_ #4
Chapter 43: I can’t handle jessi’s cuteness. She’s too precious...
ViaLinov #5
Chapter 43: You're awesome! This story is too cute! Good job author^.^
han_inft #6
Chapter 43: Woah... I just found this story three days ago and just finished it now, and this will be one of my favorite taengsic stories. Thanks author-nim for creating this amazing story and I hope you will continue to write the story because I will be happy to read it
i keep re-reading it over and over again it's sooo good!
cindpoh #8
Chapter 7: This story is so cute and amazing! All those little things that Jessica want to do with Taeyeon.. its so beautiful
Sxnwhale #9
Chapter 43: That was such a good story author!! It was so cute and funny. Keep it up!!
The best story!!i love it)))