The Best Worst Valentine's Day Ever

Til I Met U :)

It's morning. Light flooded my room and I got up, stretching my arms while yawning. My vision was blurry. I rubbed my eyes, only to make it worse. Finally, my vision restored to its original state. Today's Valentine's Day. I totally LOVE this day! I get to see cuddling, boys confessing-- total LOVE. Sigh, someday I'll get to experience it...

Little did Minyoung know, that today is that day...

Meanwhile, Gongchan from the next block was up and ready for school. He woke up to see his B1A4 hyungs calling their girlfriends and planning their romantic day.

I sighed...I guess I'll be spending Valentine's alone again...Nevermind. I still have school.

Oh Gongchan...You won't be spending today alone for long...

He bade his hyungs goodbye and headed out. Before he could even arrive at school, something wet and gross splatted on his shoulder. Gongchan lightly touched it. As soon as he realized what it was, his expression changed from calm, to disgusted. "Oh darn." It was bird poop. He peeled his blazer above his shirt and stuffed it in his backpack with a groan.

As Gongchan was heading to school, Minyoung was brushing her hair. She was humming a tune when her her brush got caught up in her tangles. "Ow ow ow," Minyoung whimpered as she tugged harder, but it still wouldn't budge. She gave out a deep breath and pulled as hard as she can. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~" her scream woke up EVERYONE in her neighborhood.

Later on, Minyoung got out of her house with her old rusty bike. Just as she was turning on the curb, she ran over a nail and her front tire was rapidly losing air. "Woah woah woaahh!" Minyoung's bike wobbled uncontrolably. And at just the right timing, the bike collapsed on a puddle. Minyoung crashed right at it, scraping her knee against the pavement. "Ouch..." Minyoung struggled to stand up. As soon as she regained her balance she examined her bike. "Aigoo...It's really busted..." She checked the time, "I could come back home to change it...but I'm going to be late." She sighed, "I guess I'll be walking to school then.." Minyoung continued, while dragging her bike to school, drenched in puddle water.

When Gongchan was walking down the school's hallway, a basketball came flying from nowhere towards him. He tried to dodge it, but it was too late. The basketball hit him right in the face. The ball came bouncing backwards and a group of rowdy boys ran after it. "Mianhe," one of them quickly said then ran off. Gongchan felt something wet dripping on his lips. He lightly touched and-- it was blood. "Damn it." cursed under his breath and pinched his nose, tilting his head upwards then headed to his locker.

He dialed his locker's combination and opened it without a worry. Then he ped his bag. "Oh crap. Now this?" He stuffed his blazer in his bag moments ago. Big mistake. The bird poop spread all over his stuff, not a single one missed. Gross, he thought. Well, except for his sandwich was covered in bird poop. Now that was lucky.

Luckily, Minyoung arrived five minutes before class starts and the puddle water almost dried up completely. She ran to her locker, slightly limping. She jotted down the combination and tore the door open. Yeah literally, she TORE it right off the hinges. "Oh no," she glanced at the door to the locker, the door to the locker, the door to the locker-- you get it. She eventually settled the broken door on the floor and began to take some stuff and shove it in her blue polka-dot backpack. "Minyoung-ah!!!!" a girl came running towards her with a boquet and a huge teddy bear in her arms. "Unnie!" Minyoung turned towards the girl's direction with a bright smile. "Minyoung-ah, why are you drenched? Are you okay? Why are you bleeding? Do you need help???" as usual, Jieun, her bestie would bombard her with questions just as she arrives at school. "Aniyo, unnie! I'm fine!" Minyoung waved her arms, "See? Gwaenchanha!"

Choi Minyoung and Kim Jieun have known each other from waaaayy back since kindergarten. Minyoung would be the cute and cheerful one, and Jieun would be the nicey-nice pretty girl. Jieun rolled her eyes, "Oh well... If you say so." But before Minyoung could start a conversation, Jieun started, "Look what Woonie-oppa got me! Aren't they adorable?" Yes, Son Dongwoon is Kim Jieun's ever-loving boyfriend. They're pretty much the lovey-dovey couple that tell each other cheesy lines. "Oh...yeah...they are unnie..." Minyoung faintly smiled.

I wish someone would give me those one day....

Gongchan sat in class, awaiting the teacher. He was bored. And tired. He propped up his head with his arm supporting it, blowing his bangs. He suddenlt felt drowsy and shut his eyes for a minute. Minutes later, he dozed off...

"Mr. Gong!"






"OH MY JESUS!" Gongchan instantly sprang up, falling backwards with his seat. The class cracked up. They had never seen Gongchan that silly. He rose up rubbing the back of his neck embarrassedly.

Oh no...Oh no.... I can't believe I FORGOT! Minyoung was nervously rapping her fingers on her desk while their History teacher was prowling the classroom for their homeworks. Oh yeah, Minyoung forgot about it-- COMPLETELY. She was so caught up with her new Beast album that she kept repeating it all over again last night. She bit her lip as Mr.Jung neared her. It was the most important homework of the year. The report on a certain topic. This year's was all about Alexander the Great. Minyoung hated the fact that she had to write a three-page artice with 3000 words dedicated to a dead guy. Everyone does.

"Ms.Choi, your report please?" Oh no. It was her turn. Minyoung looked down slowly and reached for her backpack. Think of an excuse, Minyoung...Quick! She hesitantly pretended to search for her homework inside her bag, constantly glancing at her teacher. She was sweating. And she was shaking a bit. Minyoung exhaled, "I-I lost it songsaengnim..."


"Wait--What?" Minyoung was surprised. "Detention. Don't every student that lie about their homework go to detention? You heard me. Detention. Get out of my class!" Mr.Jung pointed towards the door while Minyoung weakly stood up, backpack in hand.

It was lunch time and Gongchan immediately proceeded to his B1A4 hyungs' table.

"Yo, hyungs...How were your days?" Gongchan glumly said. His hyungs were too happy and excited talking all about their confessions and dates they had planned that they hadn't noticed Gongchan's gloomy aura. He was bored and he couldn't relate to their conversations, so he took out his sandwich and--Voila! It had bird poop. Blech. He stood up and dumped his precious tuna sandwich in the trash. Desperate for food, he checked his pockets. "Damn! I forgot my wallet!"

Strike six for Gongchan.

As Gongchan was glowering over his missing wallet, Minyoung was happily skipping with her tray full of food in her hand. "Kimchi, check. Bibimbap, check. Bulgogi, check. Patbingsu, check. Apple juice, check." Yup, Minyoung spent every last dime of her allowance for her food. For instance, she didn't know why...but she wanted to eat. 

"Yah! Yah! Come back here!" the class president, Onew, was shouting while running after Kim Jonghyun, the school's misfit. I bet you one to ten that Jonghyun caused trouble again. For a short guy, he was surprisingly fast. He came darting towards the exit of the cafeteria like a blur. Onew came rushing behind him (more like stumbling =P) and....


Yes. Lee Jinki knocked over Choi Minyoung.  Her food toppled over, emptying EVERYTHING. 

Poor Minyoung, she doesn't have any money left... 


They day went by slowly. I mean VERY slowly. Countless disasters and accidents happened. Starting from Gongchan spilling the chemical in Chemistry class and panicking, to Minyoung getting caught chewing gum then choking on it. 

So far, neither of them had a single confession or gift. They were both upset. 

Minyoung had asked Jieun to keep her company, but Jieun already had plans with her boyfriend on going to Lotte World. She sighed. Minyoung had never been this lonely at all. She had never expected Valentine's Day to go this badly. Once again, Minyoung tried to call another friend, Heeyoung. 



"Minyoung-ah? Wae geurae? Why do you sound like that?" Heeyoung's worried voice blasted from the transmitter.

"Heeyoung-unnie...I was wondering could go out somewhere?" 



"..." It was silent.

"Unnie? Are you still there?" Heeyoung hesitated at first, "I'm sorry, Minyounggie but Hyunseung-oppa already asked me out on a date...If you want I'll come over and I'll cancel it?" Minyoung was disappointed and shook her head, "Aniyo! Unnie, it's alright! Have fun with Seunggie-oppa...." 

"Okay....bye!' she hung up. Heeyoung was worried, I wonder what's wrong with Minyoung....

Minyoung's head hung low and started to walk home, dragging her broken bike with her. Unknown to her, she started to cry....

On the other hand, Gongchan was grumbling to himself about his awful day. He kept walking, and the sky became gloomy. "Aish! What else could go wrong?"

Minyoung looked up to the sky, "So much for a happy Valentine's Day..." 

At only a very short moment, it started to drizzle. "Great. Just great." Gongchan scoffed. Minyoung held up a hand to feel the raindrops, then it rained cats and dogs. It only made things worse. She ran, occasionally stumbling because of her bike. Minyoung wanted to go home as fast as possible. Her teardrops mixed with the rain.  

Gongchan was walking slowly and steadily. His sight of the way became blurry because of the downfall. He lowered his head, upset. 

Suddenly, something crashed on his back. They both fell forward. Gongchan lay flat on the pavement with Minyoung and her bike resting on his back.

Surprised, Minyoung carefully straightened, then helped out the boy she bumped into. "Mi-mianhe..." she apologetically bowed. Gongchan took one look at the girl. She looked just as upset as he was, but there were clues to see she was crying. "Are you hurt?" he asked. Minyoung shook her head, "A-ani...I should be asking you that...." "I'm alright...but you aren't, he examined the girl before him, then spotted the abrasion on her knee. "No I-I'm fine..." she sobbed. She doesn't seem alright, he thought. They couldn't see each other clearly because of the strong rain. 

"Let's get to somewhere dry," Gongchan dragged Minyoung before she could even answer. "M-my bike!" she reached out for it. He turned back, "Oh right..." As soon as he got it, he dragged Minyoung again. 

They scanned many places, until they found a bus stop without any people. They sat away from each other. There was an awkward silence and they didn't bother to talk. 

But he broke the silence, "So...having a bad day?" 

"Um...yeah..." she looked down on her soggy shoes. 

"Yeah, me too..." 

They became silent again.

"So--" they said simultaneously.

"You first," Gongchan said. "Um...Are you from my school? You look familiar...." she shyly started. "Yes....I'm afraid that this is the first I've noticed you..."

"Oh...So we never met..." Minyoung silently mumbled. "What?" his eyes widened. "Oh...nothing, nothing..." she still looked down.

"What's your name?"

"Ne?" this time she looked up. "I said what's your name?" he repeated. "Choi...Min...Young....." she slowly replied. "Don't be shy. I'm Gongchan." he came closer to Minyoung and held out his hand. She nervously reached for it. The moment their fingers touched, they felt a spark; some sort of electricity. She shook his hand and her heart beat three times faster than normal. Gongchan felt the same. Butterflies shook in both of their tummies as they had eye contact. Their heart rate grew faster. W-what is this? Gongchan thought. Why am I feeling this way? Minyoung wondered at the same time.

Gongchan looked right into her eyes. We've been in the same school for years and I haven't noticed her? I'm such a babo! She's so beautiful.... Though her eyes are puffy and she's soaked...I can't believe I have never seen anything much more wonderful....

To them, the world slowed down. They couldn't hear a single drop of rain. All that's audible to them is their hearts, beating in sync. They both seemed to forget their disaterous day. All that mattered was that they were feeling something--neither good, nor bad, as they held on. Minyoung turned red, and let go. For a moment there, Gongchan felt like he...needed--no, wanted to take care of the girl before him. He wanted to know her, to feel her, to love her.  He pulled his hand back, and faced forward. He too, was flustered. 

Gongchan cleared his throat to ease the awkward aura.

"Are you cold?" He asked her. "Oh. Uh...Not really..." she answered, her cheeks still burning. She's lying. I could feel her shaking. He took out his dirtied blazer from his backpack. Surprisingly, it only got a little wet and the bird poop washed away. He laid his blazer on top of her, keeping her warm. Stunned by his sudden gentlemanly gesture, Minyoung gasped. Her heart started to beat fast again, and the butterflies in her stomach stirred wildly. He must be cold too...She glanced at hima and scooted closer. "Let's share. I know you're cold too." she tucked him in on the other side. Luckily, the blazer was big enough to fit them both. Again, they both turned red.

Minyoung closed her eyes and recalled his face. He was handsome and attractive. He seemed like a good guy.  Then, she dozed off. Gongchan saw that she was unconcious. He put an arm around her and settled her head on his shoulder. That made him feel even more giddy as he dozed off, with Minyoung in his arms. Feeling more warmth, she subconciously smiled. At that moment, the rain seemed to become weaker and weaker.  

Gongchan was the first to wake up. The rain stopped and the sun was setting. He felt Minyoung close to him and smiled as he lightly brushed his hand down her face. How can someone look so angelic while sleeping? He hugged her tighter and sighed as butterflies shook in his tummy again. Minyoung woke up at that. She looked up to see Gongchan smiling and felt his arm around her. She too, felt butterflies. Gongchan finally realized she was awake, so he slowly let go, turning much more red, "I-um-I-I saw that you were still cold so I--"

"It's okay. Thanks..." she smiled again. Gongchan was hit. It struck him like a baseball bat. His heart beat faster and faster and he gulped nervously. "I-I should take you home," he sheepishly smiled back. "O-okay! It's getting dark..."  she rose up, stretching her arms. Gongchan's smile grew wider as he stood up. 

They started to walk.

"Lucky the rain stopped..." Gongchan started another conversation. "Yeah. It was so lucky!" she chuckled. How cute...he chuckled too. "How did your Valentine's Day go?" he asked, still smiling widely. "Today? Oh, it !" she replied cheerfully. Gongchan was happy she was getting comfortable around him. "No confessions, dates, or anything?" he blurted out of nowhere. WTH? Why did you say that, you babo! He kicked himself inwardly. Well, he had to know... 

"Nope. Zero..." surprisingly, she didn't seem disappointed about it anymore, "you?" He perked up, "Mine too."  Until I met you...

Moments later they were chatting comfortably about random subjects and laughing together as they headed home. They stopped in front of Minyoung house.

"So...I guess this is goodbye?" she awkwardly smiled. "Nah! Not really! We still get to see each other at school, right?" Gongchan playfully cringed. "Sure! Let's hang out again sometime!" Minyoung giggled and waved, "Bye!"

"Wait--" he grabbed her hand just before leaving, "Can I have your number? I'll call you." She instantly nodded and exchanged numbers with him. Without Minyoung knowing, Gongchan saved her number with the name "Cutie angel."

"Bye, Channie!" she waved. "Ann--wait, Channie?" he showed a 'WTF?' look. "You don't like it?" Minyoung pouted, "Arasseo! bye Gong--" 

"Channie." he cut her off.  I like the way you say 'Channie'.....

"Channie it is. Annyeong!" she sweetly smiled and went inside. 

As he watched her go inside, he exhaled and smiled before walking away. Just before Gongchan could take a step--

"Hajima!" Minyoung stopped him, as she stepped out of the house, "I forgot!" Gongchan looked at her, surprised. She ran towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek. Both their cheeks burned and they started to palpitate. "Thanks for earlier!" she stepped back and went back inside. 

Gongchan lightly touched his cheek and his heart raced even faster. He repeated those five seconds in his head as the flies in his stomach stirred even more wildly. He never felt this way for a girl. Gongchan started to think-- I love her.... Then he left with a skip on his step and a goofy grin on his face. We'll meet again, Minyoung...

Minyoung closed the door behind her and leaned on it. She lightly touched her lips and blushed at the thought. "Channie..." she grinned giddily. Today was the best worst Valentine's day ever!


They had no idea that was the start of something bigger....and better....




KYAAAAA~ I finally did it! YAY! My first one-shot! All for my lovely dongsaeng Shineelovah4evah! Belated happy birthday, my pretty pretty dongsaeng! :DDD

hope you enjoyed it guys! there's more to come ^____^

Ppyeong!~ <3

Parkeunnie :)

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I just adore one-shot Channie fics. ^^ I really enjoyed this. <3
Naww.. So cute, yep it's the best worst Valentine's day. Sequel jebal (please)?
waaaah!!!!such a cute one shot!!!!oh teh unluckyness they had to go through!!!!but finally a happy ending!!!!teehee!!!!
SEQUEL! Hahahaha.
Rereading this makes me happy ^^ <br />
Me demand-eth a sequeal for<br />
I'm still working on yours ^^ Hopefully I'll get it up before Christmas~<br />
Aigooooo gongchan!!!!!!!! this is my 1st time to read gongchan fic and this is cute :3
omo~! I love this story! xD