but nobody's home

come build our home, my love.

Word count: 946w

Prompt: parents!au, kaisoo and family go to new york for a vacation and the kids got lost & separated


'Did you get her tiara back?' Kyungsoo's voice crackles over the phone, noise in the background bleeding into the mouthpiece. He has one hand curled around Sunyoung's wrist and the other clamped around his phone, the sounds of New York City doing nothing to help him hear his husband on the other end.

'Yeah, yeah. Told you it was a bad idea,' Jongin huffs. Kyungsoo can just see the exasperated look on his husband's face, and he hopes the younger isn't about to launch into a lecture in the middle of a foreign place. They're supposed to be on vacation, after all.

Which is why he exhales in relief when Jongin only gives him an 'I'll see you and the girls back at the hotel,' before he hangs up. A smile curls Kyungsoo's lips and he tugs on Sunyoung's arm before leading them back to the hotel.

It's not until he's gotten himself into the elevator that he realises - did Jongin say the girls?

Kyungsoo touches his key card to their room door and unceremoniously barges in, only to catch sight of a Jongin with wide eyes and a Soojung with her recovered tiara sitting on one of the beds and - 'Where's Jinri?'

'What do you mean, where's Jinri? I thought she was with you!' worry creases the skin between Jongin's eyebrows as he gently pushes past Kyungsoo, darts out to the hallway only to be greeted by ornate wallpaper and funny-smelling carpet. 'Soo? Where's our daughter?' There's a true tone of panic in Jongin's voice when he returns, hands somewhat shaking because one of his princesses is missing.

Kyungsoo shrugs helplessly, spreads his hands out in front of him. A hand tugs on the hem of his coat and he looks down into Soojung's eyes. 'Papa? Did you lose Jinri?' she asks, tiara perched haphazardly on her head. 'Where's Jinri?'

Jongin kneels down to Soojung's level and beckons her into his arms, sits her down in his lap. 'We're not very sure where she is right now, angel, but we'll find her, alright? Don't worry.' he says, burying his nose in her hair to give her a kiss on the top of her head. Soojung looks like she's about to cry, but stops the minute Sunyoung's hand finds hers. The elder gives her sister a reassuring smile, and Soojung gives her a somewhat watery one in return.

'We're gonna have to split up, cover all the places you've been to without me. I'll take Sunyoung and you take Soojung, start with the last place you were at before you came here. I'll start with the first,' Jongin says. Kyungsoo nods, and Jongin tugs Sunyoung along behind him out the door before Kyungsoo has time to get Soojung's coat on.

Kyungsoo's footsteps pound the worn pavement for a good ten minutes before he realises his daughter is struggling to keep up, at which point he decides to swing her on his back and give her a piggyback ride. Soojung's getting slightly heavy (she's six) and Kyungsoo knows he shouldn't keep letting her be used to this treatment, but all he can think of is his baby, alone and afraid in a city she'd never been in before.

It doesn't take fifteen minutes for his phone to ring again. He squats to let his daughter off and his phone falls out of its pocket, but before it can hit the cement (and shatter into a million pieces, he assumes), two tiny hands shoot out to catch it. Kyungsoo plants the sloppiest kiss on Soojung's cheek as a reward before he answers.

'I... I think I may have lost Sunyoung.'
'You - WHAT?'

Soojung jumps at her father's exclamation and Kyungsoo pats her apologetically, trying his best not to pat her too hard on the head, but - but how could Jongin possibly have lost Sunyoung? 'Are you sure? She's not just playing hide and seek with you?'

'Soo, I'm - I'm not playing around, I can't find her anywhere! She was holding on to me one minute, and the next - she's gone!' Jongin's voice is rising hysterically, and Kyungsoo has to hold his phone slightly away from his ear. 'Soo!'

'Alright, baby, calm down. We'll meet you at Ben & Jerry's, I took Sunyoung there earlier. If we still can't find them, we'll go find a police station. Alright?' Kyungsoo tries to sound reassuring, but the worried look on Soojung's face is telling him he's failing miserably. 'C'mon,' he says, and both he and his daughter leave.

'Sunyoung! Jinri!' Soojung screeches, the moment Kyungsoo pushes the door to the ice cream parlour open. Jongin bounds in half a minute later just in time to watch his three daughters embrace, all of them safe and sound and smiling and he can't help but curl his arm around Kyungsoo's waist and press a kiss to his temple. 'I knew Papa wouldn't lose you, you're too big!'

'No I'm not!'
'Are too!'
'Am not!'

Soojung puffs out her cheeks and Jinri pinches them, and for a moment Jongin and Kyungsoo hold their breath - dealing with tantrums in public is not their forte. But Sunyoung steps in and places her hands gently on her sisters', and any sort of retribution is prevented, smiles replacing pouts and frowns once again.

'You lose our kid again, and I will kill you.'
'You lose our kid again, and I will kill you.'
'At least I noticed when Sunyoung went missing!'

Jongin starts to frown, but Kyungsoo stands on his tiptoes to kiss the lines away, hands on his husband's broad shoulders as leverage. When he pulls away, his arms link naturally behind Jongin's neck, and they're both all smiles.

'You're really lucky I love you.'

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within this year. I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've just been very busy lately ;_; Again, thank you for your patience!


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Chapter 40: Hiiiii! A new reader here! I found this on story on LJ and Im so inlove with your story. T.T I can't even look at Luna, Krystal and Sulli the same way before after reading this srsly huhuhu and i can't really contain the feels anymore lol I just want you to know that you are currently one of my favorite author TT and thank you for this amazing fic ;_; ilysm //sending vitural hug//
forassgard #2
Chapter 25: I am at chapter 25 and I'm wondering ......you're not gonna include Amber at all?????? ;-;
Proxima #3
Chapter 48: Update~~ T.T
ikik09 #4
Chapter 48: Cutie~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 48: Hi! if it's not too much, can i request a prompt where their daughters had a fight that kaisoo didn't know and they talk to them out of curiosity about it, about why do they seem too quiet at home?
yayyyyyy updated!!!! as expected, it brings shivers done my spine. I love your writing!
Chapter 48: Awww, so sweeet... Sweet and lovely daugthers...
Chapter 46: Awww, sweet moment of dad and daugther.. Ego is really difficult matter..
lilymelody #9
Chapter 46: aww if I were soojung itll take time for me to calm down. like I have this ego ? hahahah well done jongin !
Chapter 46: imma crey happy tears now <3