beauty on the beast

come build our home, my love.

Word count: 514w

Prompt: parents!kaisoo. kyungsoo was busy with work, so jongin instead had to stay with their daughters. when kyungsoo went home, he came home to his daughters watching some barbie/disney princess movie on tv with jongin. jongin had make up on and his hair was messily tied & full of colorful clips

'Soojung's old enough to feed herself, but if you let her she'll paint you with juice,' 
'Yes, I know,'
'Jinri doesn't like to be told what to do, so you can't force a bath on her or she'll drown you,'
'Yes, Soo,' 
'Don't get Sunyoung too excited or -'

Jongin silences his husband with a kiss square on the lips, and Kyungsoo's eyes flutter closed as he relaxes completely. Jongin pulls away and affectionately runs his fingers through Kyungsoo's hair, a faint smile speaking of volumes of fondness for the elder and making him blush. 'We'll be fine. Go handle your client and don't worry, I'll take good care of the girls.' 

'You sure you're going to be alright?'
'Of course I am. They're my daughters, how hard can it be?'

Famous last words.

'Honey, I'm home!'

Kyungsoo just about manages to lock the door behind him when Soojung flies at him, chubby arms outstretched and a grin on her lips. Kyungsoo catches her, picks her up and whirls her around before he'd awarded with a kiss on her cheeks. 'We missed you!' she proclaims, and Kyungsoo winces because he's not quite deaf yet, and Soojung hasn't quite learned the concept of an inside voice

'Did you have fun today? Where's Daddy? Where's Jinri and Sunyoung?' Soojung kicks her legs out and Kyungsoo puts her down, one hand wrapped in one of Soojung's own as she pulls him into the living room. The soundtrack to an all too familiar movie blares from the TV speakers and Kyungsoo vaguely makes out the sounds of Rapunzel and Flynn and of them finally seeing the light. 'Jongin, baby I'm ho - What in the world happened to you?'

Kyungsoo has his mouth hanging open in shock when he finally catches a proper glimpse of Jongin. Jongin has bright red lipstick drawn messily across his lips, and he's got pink eyeshadow on one eye and purple on the other. His brown hair is done up in numerous hairpins and clips in a multitude of colours, and Kyungsoo is trying so hard not to laugh. 'Hey, honey,' Jongin says, and he sounds so dejected that Kyungsoo can't help but giggle. 'It's not funny,' Jongin mumbles, but there's no bite to his words. 

'Doesn't Daddy look pretty, Papa?' Jinri prompts, a tube of lipstick in her hand. 

'Yes, he looks very pretty, angel,' Kyungsoo says, earning a smile from his daughter. Sunyoung smiles too, and there isn't a doubt in Kyungsoo's mind as to whose idea this was. 'How hard can it be, didn't you say?' Kyungsoo says mockingly. The way Jongin smirks back at Kyungsoo should have been warning enough for him to get out of reach, but the elder's never had fast reflexes.

That is how, five seconds and one very forceful kiss later, Kyungsoo finds his own lips tinted red, all three daughters staring in wonderment at him and his husband. It's Soojung who speaks up first, voice loud and high pitched: 

'So which one of you gets to be the princess?'

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within this year. I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've just been very busy lately ;_; Again, thank you for your patience!


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Chapter 40: Hiiiii! A new reader here! I found this on story on LJ and Im so inlove with your story. T.T I can't even look at Luna, Krystal and Sulli the same way before after reading this srsly huhuhu and i can't really contain the feels anymore lol I just want you to know that you are currently one of my favorite author TT and thank you for this amazing fic ;_; ilysm //sending vitural hug//
forassgard #2
Chapter 25: I am at chapter 25 and I'm wondering're not gonna include Amber at all?????? ;-;
Proxima #3
Chapter 48: Update~~ T.T
ikik09 #4
Chapter 48: Cutie~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 48: Hi! if it's not too much, can i request a prompt where their daughters had a fight that kaisoo didn't know and they talk to them out of curiosity about it, about why do they seem too quiet at home?
yayyyyyy updated!!!! as expected, it brings shivers done my spine. I love your writing!
Chapter 48: Awww, so sweeet... Sweet and lovely daugthers...
Chapter 46: Awww, sweet moment of dad and daugther.. Ego is really difficult matter..
lilymelody #9
Chapter 46: aww if I were soojung itll take time for me to calm down. like I have this ego ? hahahah well done jongin !
Chapter 46: imma crey happy tears now <3