Latte art

Vanilla Latte

There she was, sitting at that usual spot of hers staring in space - more like staring at something or more preciselysomeone
Standing behind the counter a few tables from her table was non-other than Park Chanyeol. The one that she's been stalking, or as she call it, admiring

Tee really didn't know how this activity or obsession started within you but it just happened but it's a good thing. It all happened back when a little encounter happened a month ago in her favorite café not too far from her campus.


`Yes, finally a break from assignments along with lousy group mates!` Tee thought as she finally entered her favourite coffee shop to reward - indulge herself with a good cup of coffee and take a break from some major stress she's been feeling for the past weeks. 

As she entered the café, the smell of caffeine invades her nose, giving it a tingling and refreshing feeling. Smiling to herrself, she advanced to the counter to place an order and that's when she went starstruck for at least 3 minutes along with gaping and looking like a fool. Standing in front of her was definitely not-her-regular-barista-behind-the-counter nor the regular barista that always serves her, who just happened to be herr best friend. Instead, her eyes were met with a pair of eyes shines ever so brightly, a smile that would gives anyone butterflies in their stomach and a stunning face that blew her mind away.

"Hello there, what can I get for you today?" no reply.

"Excuse me, miss? Your orders please?" he asked with a deep voice that contradicts with his cute face while smiling. Tee snapped out of her moment and just smiled at him, with her flustered and embarrassed face. He continued smiling and waited for her to place an order. 

"I'll have a regular vanilla latte with extra shot & no foam please?" Tee said as she placed her order, still blushing and try lookinganywhere but his pretty face. He was still smiling at her, taking down her order.

"So, it's a regular vanilla latte with extra shot and no foam? Is there anything else you would like to add in miss? Any cakes or muffins for you?" He ask, and she shook her head indicating that her order is final. 

"The total would be 11.55$. Can I have your name please?" He asked with a smile so bright it's contagious.

"Tee" She answered. 

"Chanyeol" She thought as she noticed his name tag at the very left side of his shirt and smiled inwardly because she at least, gained a tiny piece of information upon the pretty boy who has made her nervous on the first encounter.

"Thank you and here is your balance. Enjoy your drink!" there he goes again, returning her change with that expression nobody can never get tired with. Upon reaching out for her change, their hands touched and she notice just how warm his hand are. 

`Cute.` Tee thought inwardly as she tries her best in containing that little fangirl in her. Since the crowd was small and her being the only customer in line and it just so happened he was the person to prepare her order. She walked to the expandator and watched as he started preparing her drink, observing his side profile.

Upon turning around, he saw her watching him. Embarrassed for being caught when she felt his gaze upon her so she pretended to play with her phone. She heard him chuckled as he continue preparing the drink and finishing the drink with a heart latte art. He smiled while admiring his own artwork while handing off the drink to her, and muttering words of - a heart for the lady. added with a wink and that cheeky smile.

"T-thank you, Chanyeol." She thanked him with a flushed face and took the chance to escape from his gaze while she can.
"Your welcome Tee. Enjoy your drink!" He replied before heading off back to the counter to attend newly entered customers.
The moment Tee found a table, she took out her phone, dialed a familiar number and starting interrogating.
That day, the cup of vanilla tasted better than any other vanilla latte she's tasted and foamy(which is never to her liking) but that's okay because it came long with a heart latte art.

-End of flashback-

Tee snapped out of her memory as she began taking a sip of her cup of latte. Ever since the lovely incident of meeting Chanyeol, she found herself going to the café more often than usual, sitting as the same spot all the time and starts her activity of staring at Chanyeol for at least an hour before moving along to classes.

Today was no different than any other day. There she were again at her regular spot, staring and trying to savor her last 5 minutes of admiring Chanyeol before heading to class.His presences always lifts up her spirit and whenever he smiles & serves a customer she'd smile, admiring his side profile. Within the past 3 weeks of admiring, she realized that he usually comes in for the morning shifts upon odd number days, and night shifts upon even number days. He doesn't work over the weekends as he has tutorials and he teaches guitar lessons in a studio just down the street. Perks of having a best friend, Kim Minseok being colleagues with Chanyeol.

Upon interrogating & bugging Minseok almost everyday she managed to gain information on Chanyeol. Chanyeol is a music major, who majors in classical piano. Aside from having classes, he'd play gigs with his bands over the weekends. She's tried bugging Minseok to bring her to one of his gigs but Minseok is a hard man to please. 

"Take a picture, it'd last longer." in came a wild Kim Minseok. She side-eyed him.

"3d is better than 2d. Anyway, are you on your break now?" she asked as Minseok took the seat opposite her, placing another cup of vanilla latte with a lovely heart art and a plate of raspberry cheesecake.

"Yes, I am and those are for you." He replied while pointing at the newly arrived cup of latte & cake.

"For me? Minseok you , I know I pig myself all the time and you don't have to add on to my pigging moment. You just want to fatten me up, don't you?" she said while crossing her arms, offended but touched at the thought of her best friend knowing whats the best of her. 

"Thank you minseokieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!~ you're the best." she said with a smile before Minseok could retort at her previous statement.

"Save it. You aren't thankful at all. Not one bit. You just want to enjoy my employee benefit and rip off information from me about that giant oaf of yours behind the counter. Nope, I'm not buying any of your s about being thankful." he replied with a scowl that looks so bad on his face that she cringed when she caught the glint of hurt in his eyes.

"Aww, you know I love you the best right? Besides, with my presence here almost everyday at the cafe is always burning a hole in my purse too! And I'm only ripping of informations, but it's not like I'm going to do anything about it. You know how much of a coward I am" Tee replied with a pout, and took a glance at Chanyeol, still happily greeting customers at the counter and scowled when she notice this bunch of girls who is obviously throwing themselves at him.

"Anyway, the latte and cake isn't from me. It's a courtesy of your giant oaf, on the house." MInseok said and caught your attention. A smirk on his face.

"W-what? Hahahahah very funny Kim Minseok, nice try but I'm well aware of my own league and he barely notices me whenever I'm here. Anyway, I'm late for class. Gotta go bro, enjoy your break and you can have the latte & cake to yourself. Try and eat something and really take a break during your break. You look ty the past few weeks and you are so skinny already. I'm very concern for your well being Minseok. And nice try in fooling me about the treats but I ain't falling for it." She said as she grabbed her belongings and stood up, ready to leave. 

Taking in her last sip and took a final glance at Chanyeol before proceeding to rush for the exit and heading for her class. She left the café without leaving any goodbye at Chanyeol. Besides, he was busy attending to those bunch of girls anyway. On the way to class while sighing to herself, she thought she must have looked - no she is - pathetic in his eyes because he never takes more than a glance at her whenever she visits café. But little does she knows, Chanyeol was watching her all the time. 

Minseok stared at the cup of latte and cake before deciding to pack it up and sending it over to Tee at the end of his shift that happens to be almost the same time as her last class ending on the day.

"Park Chanyeol, stop making me your middle man and go over to her campus and deliver these to her, in person." Minseok said with a finality that Chanyeol can't fight back.

"She didn't like them?" Chanyeol asked with his shoulders down and felt upset with the rejection from his non-so-secretive move.

"She didn't buy it when I said that it's from you and thought that I just wanted to prank her and feelings for you. Seriously, why are you two so dumb. And would you be a man? Would it kill for you to glance at her like you always do, IN FRONT of her and not by the kitchen? What is wrong with the both of you. You both make me very frustrated with this sad and non-developing love story. You need to to do something Park Chanyeol. So, be a man, grow some balls and SEND these over to her. They are from you anyway. She'd appreciate it, oh trust me, she will. You know the details of her class timing & campus location. I can cover your shift so long as you don't ditch me here and decide to have your first date after that. Got it?" Minseok ordered and shoved the nicely packed items in Chanyeol's hands.

"But hyung! You know I can't do that. I'll look so weird if I happen to know what time her class ends and even weirder to know where is her campus while I don't even go there. Hyung please help me. I'll treat you to anything you want. Please just help me this once." Chanyeol pleaded with his puppy eyes and Kim Minseok was, indeed a weak man for puppy eyes.

"UGH. Fine, just this one last time. You owe me three meat buffet." Minseok grumpily said.

Needless to say, at the end of Tee's class and while heading out from campus, she was deeply surprised to find Minseok standing at the front gate while holding the nice package of treats from the café. She bid your friends goodbye and headed over to Minseok.

"What the hell Minseok, didn't I tell you to eat those an hour ago?" she scolded.

"I was but then I decided since my shift ended early today, might as well pack these up and we can go back to your home and enjoy them together? It's such a waste for me to enjoy them myself when these are obviously your favourites. Now come on, stop lecturing me mother and let's go. I'm hungry & tired!" Minseok whined.

That night, Tee enjoyed the slice of cake and the cup of warm latte, having feeling they tasted better than the usual.

`Would be really nice if those treats were really from Chanyeol like Minseok said but harh, he's way out of your league. Wake up dear self!` Tee sighed at her own thoughts and decided to head to bed after a tiring day.



Note: So, what do you think?

And I've decided to name the OC as Tee because HAHAHAHAHHAAH i was gonna name her Tea but then it'd be too obvious. TEEHEE :)

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