My other half

My shadow and me  (highly recommended ost ^^)


Just like any other school day, soo jung got ready for lessons. She wore her white shirt inside, and since it’s autumn, she wore a thick navy blue blazer. These she paired it with a red plaited skirt and black knee high socks.

The usual way to school felt different.

The road is still the same old road, the road signs were still the old rusty road signs, but it had an unusual feel lingering around.

Something ominous is going to happen, soo jung thinks.

Suddenly, a familiar sounding voice called from behind her.

“Look out, there’s a cat beside you!”

Instictively, soo jung looks below her and there really was a black cat walking close to her. She had been caught up with her recent strange happenings that she had failed to notice her surroundings.

“Ahh!” soo jung let out a scream and falls towards the brick wall on the left. The cat ran away in the speed of light.

Instead of falling straight down, she was helped on to by somebody.

“Th—thank you…” she looks up and her eyes widened in surprise.


“KIM..KIM JONG IN?!” she exclaims in surprise and stood up immediately.

Jong in gave her a wide smile.

He looks the same as she saw him years ago.

Those eye smile, and even the way he smells.

She remembers them all.

She glanced towards his attire.

The…same uniform as hers?!

“ah, it was a surprise, “ jong in says while adjusting his black tie, “I moved to this city and since I knew you were studying here, I decided to transferred school to your school. At least I know somebody.  ”

“…Why? This is too sudden…” soo jung was still in shock.

Jong in hesitated, but he admitted, “something cropped up and I had to comeback, and I wanted to see you, ”

Soo jung’s eyes turned watery.

“I thought you forgotten about me,” she says.

Jong in held out his hands and wiped away her tears gently. His hands were as cold as ice.

“No I haven’t,” he laughs, “look, I still remember that you are terribly scared of cats.”

Soo jung laughs and they walked to school together, talking about how they were living their life.

She starts to remises her middle school period where she and jong in had spent together with.

On the first day of the first semester in middle school, jong in was walking behind her. Suddenly, soo jung stops walking. When jong in realizes she was afraid of cats, he helped chase the cat away. When they reached school, Jong in was sweating profusely. Soo jung realizes he had a phobia of meeting new people, and to return the favour,she helped him adjusted to his surroundings. And that was how they became friends.

From friends to good friends.

But soo jung had something more for jong in.

She loved him.

They were only 13, none knew what love was.

But soo jung does. Because she felt it. For jong in.

But she never told him.

Jong in once held her hand when they were crossing roads. This made her happy for weeks.

But jong in, unaware of soo jung’s feelings, had a crush on another girl.

Soo jung was disappointed and mad, even though it was her own fault that she didn’t confess.

She herself let him go.

“Let’s stop being friends,” she says one day and they both separated from middle school year 2 onwards. She couldn’t bear seeing the person she love be in love with someone else.

They were separated, but soo jung’s heart still remained the same.

She was pretty and popular, but had never loved any other guy.

Her heart was already taken.

And now, the person who took her heart away had come back unexpectedly.

This time, I’m not going to let him go without telling him how I feel, she says to herself.


                                                                                                              * * * * * *


As they were walking past the bustling road to school, soo jung happily chats with jong in.

However, she could feel the stares of many people.

Are people all looking at me? Why? Do I have something on my face?

The traffic light turns to a green man and everybody starts walking ahead.

Let’s go jong..” soo jung turns to find him, but he was nowhere to be found.

For some reason, she felt anxious. A different kind of anxious she had never felt before.

At the side of her eye, she sees Jong in waving to her across the street.

She smiles, relieved and dashes across.

You’re as slow as ever, what are you day dreaming about?” jongin asks while patting her head.

Panting, a wider smile spread across soo jung’s face.

You scared me,” she lightly punches jongin. “I thought you disappeared. But how did you walk so fast…”

“DING DONG” It was the sound of the school bell.

They both gasped and dashes to school.

Soon they arrived at the corridor.

Soo jung panted like as if she had never run before in her life. Her palms were on her knees.

Jong in takes out his unusal cold hands and starts wiping away soo jung’s sweat.

Unlike soo jung, Jong in didn’t break a sweat. His face was calm and peaceful.

“Your hands are cold, and how lucky, you didn’t sweat as much as me..” She says, and calmed down as she changes to indoor shoes.

Do you observe me this much?” Jong in asks while staring straight into soo jung’s eyes.

Flustered, soo jung hurriedly asks, “ which class are you anyway? I'm in class 2A..Uhm.. class..yeah..” she stumbled over her words.

“Oh, Then I'm same as you, “ jong in says as he changes his shoes.

“Really?” soo jung couldn’t hide her happiness.

This is fate. It really is. He transferred to my school and even got the same class as me. God is telling me to make up my mind and confess to him already.

Both walked silently to the usual classroom, but soo jung’s heartbeat couldn’t calm down.

Soo jung seats in her sit and jong in seats down on the empty one beside her.

Infront of her was seated Sulli, her chirpy classmate.

“Ya soo jung !” sulli says as she turns around and pats soo jung’s table.

“ah wae? ” soo jung asks.

“Past few days you skipped school, just like me. I went shopping at Japan.” Sulli says happily.

“Skipped school? I didn’t! Come on, I’m not as bad as you.” Soo jung replies.

“You didn’t? ah Song qian must have lied to me again. Geez and why is she the class president again!” sulli frowns .

Soo jung subciously kept turning to her right to steal a glance at jong in.

“What are you looking at?” sulli asks while she uses her whatsapp.

“He’s our class’s new student, Jong in, he’s from that seoul prestigious school,“ Soo jung says and blushes.

“You crazy?” sulli asks.

“what, he’s really from that seoul prestigious school, “ soo jung says smiling. She was also proud of jong in herself.

As sulli was about to reply, their teacher Mr Lee came in.

“Attention class!” says Song qian the class president.

                                                                                                     * * * * * *

“Pass the worksheets around,”

Soo jung felt a nudge on her right.

“Thanks jong in,” she says as she takes the copy of worksheets, but stopped and frowned.

It wasn’t Jong in who was siting beside her, it was Baekhyun.

“why are you siting here? Are you bullying the new student?” soo jungs angrily puts her arms on her waist.

He must have told Jong in to change seats with him.

“I didn’t see anyone here which was why I sat here, don’t accuse me!” Baekhyun says and laugh it off jokingly.

He must have left the classroom. Jong in must have difficulty fiting in to the class. His phobia is kicking in.

Soo jung raises her hands.

“Mr Lee, can I go out and look for the new student Jong in? I believe he went out without permission,” she says as politely as she could.

The class fall silent to listen to soo jung.

“sure….” Mr lee’s voice trailed off.

Soo jung bows and dashes out of the class room.

After some rounds of searching, she finds jong in siting at the stairs alone.

“Ya, why are you here!” she lightly punches jong in again before siting down next to him.

Jong in suddenly hugs her tight.

“You know I can’t fit in to new places well. I’m uncomfortable.”

Even though her heart started to race again, a worried look covers her expression.

“I’m here, oppa,” she says as she wraps her arms around his broad back. “Just like last time, you’ll help me fend off the cats and I’ll help you fit among the strangers. Just like last time, oppa,” her voice became softer.

At that moment she had a strong urge to confess to him. Right there. Right now.

Jong in’s grip softens.

“You know me well,” he says as his smile gradually came back.

I managed to make him smile, she says to herself, I’ll be here for you oppa.

That day, Jong in went over to soo jung's house instead of continuing class.

Just like the old times.


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completed in 2 chaps. not confident enough for a one shot so..... some side story as I continue my bigger ones heheehe


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