Chapter 1

In Denial

Luhan tossed in his bed, knowing that tomorrow is the 'grand' day. It wasn't all grand and nice. It was something he dreaded. Going to Camp Summerway isn't something he wanted. He is in complete denial of what he is, a fallen angel. He wished that he was like his 'fortunate' brothers. They all had angel blood in them, but its dorman and therefore they survive like any other normal human beings. He on the other hand, had angel blood in him and it is active, causing him to hunt down 1 human and the mudane creature dry every full moon. He completely detest doing that. 'He wasn't a vampire so why must he consume blood?' he wonders at times.


Hyuna opened her door and plopped herself on her couch. She had been training for the Hunger Games themed competition that is ocurring tomorrow.

'Go to sleep Hyun. The competition starts at 10 in the moring,' Ilhoon, Hyuna's bestfriend and flat mate said.

' Go away~' she whined,' City hunter is playing and Lee MinHo is in it,' she continued. Ilhoon glanced at the starstucked girl as he sighed. He pulled out a packet of blood, type AB, and started to chugg it down. Hyuna and many others vampire have prefered blood type O and have always wondered why Ilhoon loved drink blood type AB for a long time.

'What so nice about that? It so bitter,' Hyuna asked.

' I like bitter blood, at least it isn't all sweet like type O ' Ilhoon explained, throwing away the dry packet away. As he walked into the corridors, his eyes gave off a blood red glow. It scared the crap out of people at times but Hyuna have gotten so used to it, she doesn't even care.


' All contestants present, here are the rules,' Mr White said. Mr White was a centaur. He was a gentlemen and always had women chasing him. However, he kept his eyes on his wife for 50 years, and only his wife. Mrs White was an angel. She had fluffy white wings and was a really elegant lady. Its no wonder why Mr White fell for Mrs White.

' You have exactly 72 hours to get to the top of the mountains. All participants are to wear the dart on their body at all times. To win, you can either reach the top first or elimate all of the other participants with this,' he said, pointing to a water gun. ' The water will react with the dart and the dart will turn green, notifying that one is eliminated. I hope you have done your reading on the Hunger Games Trilogy as this game will be based solely on the 3 books. I wish you all good luck and you may start at the whale horn.' 


Hyuna pant as she quickly slurped up the water infront of her. It has been 4 hours and 8 out of 20 participants have been eliminated.  ' Ahh, ' she heard a familar voice scream. Using her vampire sight, she saw that in a distance Minah was barely hanging off a cliff.

Minah was a really pretty girl. With a slim figure and long black hair, guys are always all over her. However, she, for whatever reason, bears a gudge against Hyuna. She hated Hyuna guts but seeing that Minah would drop into a endless pit, Hyuna used her abillities to aid to get to Minah. Within seconds, Hyuna had Minah in her arms on a safe place. Minah stood up as she dusted herself. ' I'm grateful to you but,' Minah said as she shot Hyuna a smirk, 'goodbye.' Minah finished as she pushed Hyuna down in to the endless pit.

' Ahh~ ' Hyuna screamed. The last thing she saw was 2 pairs of black wings before she passed out.



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