Does it matter


Once again he found himself lost in thoughts, thinking about the new employe. It really triggered his curiosity, trying to figure out who the nerd were. He felt himself drawn to the nerd and somehow it really bothered him, that he couldn't figure out if it was a boy or a girl.


Mi had been employed to improve YG's web resources, as the best at that field. Brought in from somewhere in Europe and given exactly what Mi asked for, because everyone in the business knew, when Mi was involved, it payed off.


This time YG wanted to do more to promote Big Bang and 2ne1 in Europe and US, and nobody cared if Mi was a boy or a girl, as long as the job was done.


When asked Mi just answered: “It really doesn't matter, but you can call me an it.” Nothing gave the gender away. Not the face, the body (that of it they were able to see), the clothes were always jeans and a hoodie. Only jewelery were a pair of earrings, and no makeup. The voice was soft and gentle, but even that could belong to both gender.


In a business were boys could look like girls and girls could look like boys, they were getting really good at seeing the difference, but Mi beat the odds. No one knew. Some had even tried to see the visa and passport, but even there it said nothing.


Suddenly he was woken up from his thoughts. “Hey, you're spacing out again” He turned his head and looked at the leader. “Sorry Ji, it just really bothers me” he said, Ji knowing exactly what he was talking about. Somehow Ji always knew when something bothered someone in their group.


“Yeah, Mi is a real mystery, I know Ri tried his best to find out, and Bom too. Mi flirts with them both, so not even there is anything to figure it out by.” Ji said smiling at his friend. “But somehow it seems like it bothers you more, the rest just accepted it.”


He felt a short sting in his heart, at hearing that Mi flirted with Ri and Bom, somehow he really didn't like that thought. Not that it surprised him, Mi wasn't shy and somehow just invited people to flirt. He quickly looked at Mi and then back at Ji, pushing the pain in his heart away.


“I-i just cant figure out how to talk correct to Mi, when I don't know” he stuttered. Ji knew his friend really had a hard time, because he always cares about being polite and correct. But somehow Ji still finds it funny, that Bae can get that upset about not knowing. 'Just one thing, Bae, what gender do you hope Mi is?”Ji asked and walked away.


Bae frowned at the question, somehow he didn't know the answer. If Mi was a girl, he would become shy and stutter, still having trouble talking with girls. If Mi was a boy, then... suddenly the weird feeling in his heart and stomach came back. If Mi was a boy then he shouldn't be thinking about how it would feel if his lips meet with Mis.


He walked over to the rest. Dae was rolling on the floor laughing, Ji had his arms around Ri, for them not to do the same, while they were watching Top trying to teach Mi some of their dance moves. Mi was really bad at dancing, at this moment Top looked like the worlds best dancer compared to Mi.


Bae smiled at the sight. Mi dropped to the floor laughing. “Maybe it's a good thing that I just stay at my laptop, and not performing like you guys” Mi said between the laughs. “I think I'd rather watch you guys dance and sing. But right now we're done for today and I think that I'll go to the gym and train a bit before finding some place to get some food.”


“Well I think Bae is going to train too, so why don't you go there together and we'll all go out to dinner after you're done.” Ji said. Mi looked at Bae and smiled. “Sure, lets meet up in 3 hours, that should give us enough time to train, shower and change clothes.” Mi took a bag with clothes and walked with Bae to the gym.


“Seems like we're the only ones here.” Mi said as they came to the gym and started training. Bae looked around and nodded. He was a bit scared to be alone with Mi. “Relax, I wont bite you... unless you want me to” Mi winked at him and laughed at his confused face. “Do you really think that I didn't see how you look at my lips...”


Bae blushed and looked at his feet. Mi just smiled. “I'll tell you if you really want to know. But first you should know why.” Mi took a deep breath and looked at Bae.


“It's no secret that I like both boys and girls, but I was to shy to talk to anyone. Even worse than you with the girls. Everybody had some idea on how I was supposed to act, and I really just wanted to be me. So I stopped as model and changed my style and name to be like this. I just found peace in not having to act as my gender. I got more confident and more relaxed.

And it made it easy to hide from my past, I don't want people all over me again. I'm sure you know what it's like, and I just couldn't live like that. I took a big chance to be friends with you guys, and if anybody finds you who I was before, I'll need to start over again. But I trust you enough to know you would never tell. So are you sure you want to know?”


Bae stopped working out and looked at Mi. “I think.. aah I don't know. But I know that I cant stop thinking about you and how much I want to kiss you. I love talking with you, like you're a boy, but when I think about kissing, I always hope that you're a girl.”


Mi walked over to Bae, leaned in really close. “Does it really matter” Mi whispered, their lips so close that Bae could feel the warm from Mis breath. “You're in love with me no matter what gender I am, and I'm in love with you too.” And then Mi kissed Bae, slow at first, but when he kissed back, Mi his lower lips asking him to open his mouth.

Bae felt like he died and was in paradise, Mis tongue entered his mouth, tasting every inch of him. He soon took control over the kiss and now he was in Mis mouth tasting Mi. They broke apart, Mi looked at Bae, who no longer cared about gender or anything else, but the kiss and the lust it made him feel.


Mi smiled “Good thing I said 3 hours to the others. Lets go to the shower.”


“I guess you found your answer, Bae” Ji said, when he came to pick them up for dinner. Mi and Bae red faced and holding hands. Love marks visible on both of them. “Are you going to let the rest of us in on it?”


Bae just smiled and said “Does it really matter?”

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Ahhh!!! What gender is Mi? I'm super curious... It's cute that it's still a mystery but anyone wouldn't be able to stop themselves to be curious, right?