Chapter 1

My Life, My Choice

"Ughh.." I moaned quietly as I tried sitting up from my lying position, and unfortunately, I failed. 


Then, I felt this pressure lifting up from where I was lying down.


"MyungHee? MyungHee! You're awake now! Wait for me right here, let me go get the doctors!" A strange boy that is probably older than me yelled in joy. I watched as he exited, and I am now trapped into my own thoughts. 


Who am I?

Wait, I'm probably a girl named MyungHee since that is what that guy called me.

Where am I?

Probably the hospital, because again, that guy said he is getting the doctors.

Why am I here?


I looked around the room as if I am searching for an answer. Suddenly, that guy I just saw and four, wait no five other people walked in.


A guy that is probably in his fourties started asking me questions.


"Do you remeber your name miss?"

"MyungHee?" I guessed on that answer.

"Yes! Now it is excellent that you still remeber tha-"

"Actually," I cutted that guy off, who is probably the doctor, while pointing to the weird person when I first saw when I woke up. "I don't remember, its just that that person over there yelled that name out when I woke up so I am assuming that MyungHee is my name."

"Oh, okay." The doctor's voice now sounds dissapointed. "Do you remember anything? Or why you are here?"


I tried thinking really hard, but no memory popped into my head. I didn't want to dissappoint them again so I tried for the second time. As I was getting images of an old lady in a car, probably talking to me, my head started getting really dizzy and painful.


"Ahh!" I moaned while hitting my head. "My head hurts.."

"Miss, please stop thinking now and just rest. The headache is normal and just tell us when you do remember something, okay?"

I nodded my head as the answer and those people left except for that weird person.

"MyungHee-ah, just lay back down and rest. I will tell you everything when you get better. By the way, I am Kim Myungsoo, your older brother." Myungsoo sadly said as I nodded my head again.


Myungsoo.. Oppa





Author's Notes ~~


How was the first chapter? I know that its not that good because I'm in a bad mood right now... my dog probably got hurt and he started to limp X(

Probably - probably - update later but sorry, I'm just not in a very good mood right now... 

But anyways, hoped that you guys enjoyed it =)




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