Lesson #6: Forgive and Retreat!

How to Fall in Love

As soon as the mist was removed, Sungyeol sat down beside Se Na, who was shedding tears, so he hugged her and comforted her.

"Don't worry. I won't let her destroy this wonderful world like what she did to mine." Sungyeol promised to Se Na.

"Gamsahamnida, Sungyeol-ssi. B-But where is the book?" Se Na was curious as she looked around.

"And the mirror?" Sungyeol also looked around.

"She must have stolen it." Sungyeol worried.

"Now what do we do?" Se Na was already losing hope, when she felt something on the floor.

"W-Wait. It's the mirror!" Se Na found the mirror, which she was sitting on all along.

"It's good that we found it!" Sungyeol was relieved.

"I think you must return home now." Sungyeol informed her.

In Se Na's house

"Se Na-ssi.Omma wants you to help with the chores." Sun Yae told her.

"Why don't you? You're playing video games, though." Se Na replied as she took the glass, put some liquid in her glass and entered her room upstairs.

Se Na sat on a chair and layed her head down. 

"I'm so worried that I won't get the book again." Se Na talked to herself.

Somewhere in Earth

"Our mistress has returned!" A woman rejoiced.

"Nae. Nae. You don't have to do that. Anyway, bring me breakfast, Ba Myu." Queen Mi Hye ordered Ba Myu, her servant.

"Waeyo, Mistress Mi Hye?" Ba Myu asked.

"When it's morning, of course, it's ordinary to eat brekfast, you fool." Mi Hye told her.

"Arasseo." Ba Myu prepared the food. Mi Hye sat on her throne-like chair in the dining room.

"I remember..." Mi Hye started  to have a flashback.

When Mi Hye was looking through a black crystal, she saw Queen Lu Na putting the stones on the sides  of the mirror. 

"Those mystical gems from the other realms are so powerful that you, Lu Na won't even recognize its power." Mi Hye told as she walked to a big mirror.

"Mirror. Mirror. Let me pass through the barrier." Mi Hye entered her mirror and passed through the barrier surrounding the Crystal Fortress.

"The yellow gem.  The stone from the light realm. A powerful stone created from the light of the sun. By the power of my darkness, I corrupt you. Let the moon's light dim and the shining light of the sun blind you, my queen." Mi Hye cast the spell on the yellow gem, which cast an eclipse. The moon got dim and the sun flashed a light.

"Dark shadows of the queen. With my power, I command you. Push her to the terrace." Lu Na's shadow dragged her down and fell.

"Flowers turn into shards. Pierce your queen to death."  The crystals started to grow and pierced Lu Na. Blood dropped fro her body and the mirror fell from her hand.

"Mirror. Seven gems from seven different realms. You didn't count my realm. Let me put this eighth gem." Mi Hye dropped her gem on another side. She was about to put her hands on the mirror, when it burned her.

"Lu Na. My moon. I want you to feel the cold and hard stone in my heart, when you left me all alone." Mi Hye turned her into stone and teleported back to her realm.

"You'll be a good statue for my palace. And as for your lovely mirror... The man with a great desire. Let him have it. Desires are the greatest temptations."  Mi Hye unleashed a strong wind and blew the mirror away to a young lad, who wants to be an alchemist.

"Queen Lu Na. Always the same.  Don't worry. I created an anti-aging spell and put it on me, so I won't age just like you, my pretty little..." Mi Hye stopped talking to the statue when Ba Myu returned to put her breakfast on the table.

Next day

In Sungyeool's class

"I want you all to prepare for our class field trip. We'll be going to the oceanarium. I think it's your first time to see it." Sungyeol said.

"And hear it, sir. What is that? Seonsangnim?" A boy asked.

"It's something like a marine-animal park." Sungyeol explained.

"You will take notes and you must jot down how marine animals live according to your oservation. After that, write an essay about it." Sungyeol informed them.

"Seonsangnim! When's the trip?" Se Na asked.

"Tomorrow. Bring your pens and paper. After the trip tomorrow, I will also take your essay at the same day." Sungyeol informed them.

Back at Mi Hye's realm

"Cyan gem. Stone from the water realm. I summon the monster within you. Make a disaster in the ordinary world." She chanted as she ordered the cyan gem.

Next day

In the oceanarium

"That's a Great White Shark. And those over there are Humpback Whales. You cn look around and write your essays. Introduction, Body and Conclusion. DOn't forget the title. It must be catchy. I deduct every wrong spelling, erasure and wrong grammar. So be careful." Sungyeol said.

Sungyeol's POV

Mi Hye's power is getting greater. I feel her power.

"Sungyeol-ssi. Look at that!: Se Na told me when she saw the dophins.

"Nae. Write your essay, quickly." Se Na started to write her essay.

"Who's that guy, seonsangnim?" She asked when she saw a guy swimming in the big tank of the small fishes.

"He feeds the fishes." I informed her.

End of POV

Suddenly, he was by a a whirl pool that is so strong to destroy the tank.

The water formed a young girl with a body of water.

"Yaahhh! How dare you pollute my realm!" The girl screamed as a tidal wave slammed the floor. Good thing the class already got evacuated but she wrapped Se Na in a ball of water.

"My water energy is so strong, you won't even be able to breath." The water spirit said as she locked her in the water. Suddenly, she saw Sungyeol.

"Bwoh! Handsome!" She was struck by his looks.

"Handsome? If I am able to fool her, she might let Se Na go." Sungyeol whispered to himself.

"Sungyeol. Save me." Se Na whispered to him. Her breath was slowly going out.

"Water Spirit. I apologize for our mistreating your realm and polluting the waters. I am Sungyeol." Sungyeol introduced.

"Drip... Drop... My Water, so deep... Will be locked within my gem." The water spirit trapped the water trap on Se Na as she put it back on her gem hanging on her neck.

"Since you're the one who talked to me, I will give you your second chance. But I am not yet done with my vengeance." Sungyeol instantly hugged her.

"Even though you did that, I will return someday to see the results of stopping my vengeance. But if I see your chance was not used wisely, then you'll see my wrath." The water spirit faded along with the gem.

"Wait! When will you return?" Se Na asked while catching her breath.

"Tomorrow!" The water spirit said as she completely faded.

"What are you going to do, now Lu Na? I am already destroying your most protected world, the ordinary world and its people. What are you going to say  about my plan, my sister?!"  Mi Hye scratched her sister's face.

Annyeong~ Mi Hye have created a disaster by using her dark spell on the second gem, the stone from the water realm. Now, you know that she murdered her own sister. What might be the cause? Thank you infiniteSJbap for the comment and your constant support. I appreciate your comments, my dear readers! Thank you!


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Chapter 6: ooohh Luna and mihye are sisters. 진짜 대박. 와아~~~ mihye is a nappeun yeoja to her sister unless she got reasons ><
Chapter 5: does Sungyeol likes her or se na likes him? do both of them likes each other? Hahaha. I don't know why se na acts like that, she kissed Sungyeol. and she's a student. not saying that it wasn't good since most drama/fiction have those peck/kiss scene. But Sungyeol is her teacher,right? I just cannot >< oh my gosh. my feels~~~
They aren't even in an arranged marriage or any other relationship ^^ waiting for the update author-nim```~~~!
Chapter 4: Sungyeol and se na are <3
WELCOME BACK AUTHOR-NIM~~ will be lookin forward to this infinite fiction.