
[HIATUS] Avatar: The Legend of Taeyeon


            The following day, Seohyun took another day off from her job at the clinic to look for Sergeant Keroro. It’s been a week since she lost her little green pet, so by now she was worried out of her wits. Even with all the lovely friends helping her, not a single one of them found at least a clue of where the bullfrog has leaped off to. Yonghwa said that he will surely find it for her, but his words are a bit too untrustworthy at the moment, considering the fact that he isn’t exactly the kind of guy who would know anything about tracking. Taeyeon promised to look for the frog too, but right now, she is more focused on practicing water bending with Sica again. She knew that trusting shootings stars to grant her wish won’t get her anywhere unless she actually puts out an effort to search better. So now, she decided to stop all other affairs to look for her beloved pet.

            Nobody understood why she loved that bullfrog so much. It wasn’t even that attractive in appearance, and it certainly isn’t the friendliest creature either. Its croaks sound like a scary giant’s burps, and its hideous body proportions make it look like a midget of a middle aged man. Some see it as something despicable, and others just found it too outlandish. Why would a pretty young lady such as Seohyun be caring about such a creature anyway?


Although nobody else knew, to Seohyun, that bullfrog was special. First off, bullfrogs absolutely do not thrive in the freezing arctic. Sergeant Keroro is probably the only bullfrog to ever survive in the relentless cold. Finding it there in the arctic was even stranger. What is a bullfrog doing in the North Pole anyway? Shouldn’t it be living down by the Earth Kingdom swamps or in the Fire Nation forests where it is warm? When Seohyun met the frog one fateful day, she was immediately fascinated by it. She swore to herself to find out where it had come from and why it was in the North Pole of all places. The creature also reminded her of her parents—living in a foreign land far away from its real home. Over time, she grew fond of that frog, mostly because it is the only living creature that lived with her until Taeyeon showed up. Now she just can’t let her dear little friend go.

“Hello? Hyun, are you there?” called out a deep voice.

Seohyun popped out of her thoughts and came back to reality. When she turned around, she saw Prince Yonghwa and Princess Krystal standing by the ice-fence entrance of her small house.

“Oh, Prince Yonghwa and Krystal, I didn’t notice that you were both here,” she shyly said. It always felt strange to her when someone suddenly catches her wandering off in her thoughts.

“It’s fine, we just arrived,” Krystal said with a bright smile. “Anyway, what are you so stressed about?”

            “I’m really glad you’re both here to see me. Taeyeon Eonni left so early for her training this morning that I did even get to say goodbye and good luck to her,” Seohyun said dejectedly. “Then Taeyeon Eonni forgot to bring some sweet potatoes with her too. Oh dear, what should I do now?” Seohyun ruffled her own hair in frustration and sat on the ground like a distressed child. Yonghwa and Krystal both know that she wasn’t really stressing about Taeyeon.

            “Are you still looking for your pet frog?” Yonghwa politely inquired.

Last night, he barely slept as he thought through the events starting from the moment he saw Kyuhyun. When Kyuhyun arrived, he thought he had no chance with Seohyun but he was wrong. Seohyun said that she wanted him to visit her more often and that she enjoyed his company. All his life, he had this delusion that Seohyun will never and can never have any feelings for him whatsoever. Yet, last night, he even had a chance to take her to a small seafood shack after the meteor shower. Now he’s here visiting her with a freed spirit knowing that he has a chance after all. Seohyun actually liked having him around. He just never noticed that until last night.

            Seohyun took a deep breath and slowly exhaled through her nostrils. “Yes.”

            Yonghwa slowly and awkwardly approached Seohyun and sat beside her. He looked into her eyes and promised, “I will find him for you, so relax and eat your precious sweet potatoes.”

            Sweet potatoes are Seohyun most favorite things in the world. However, this time, she doesn’t think that it will be able to easily cheer her up unless the sweet potatoes magically made Sergeant Keroro out of thin air. She also greatly appreciates Yonghwa’s noble effort, but she still highly doubts that he will be able to find the frog at all.

            Seohyun sighed. “Oh well, at least there are people who want to help me,” she inaudibly mumbled. Then she looked up to the two Jungs with a smile, “Would you guys like to help me look for him?”

            “Sure,” they both nodded.


            After a few hours of training with Sica, Taeyeon felt an unusual vertigo affecting her entire body. She couldn’t focus and were splashing water in random directions. Her sweating was also greater than usual even in the cold temperature. Soon, she wasn’t able to control the water at all. Her sight was getting blurry and shaky. Sica noticed that something was off with Taeyeon so she stopped the training for a while and let Taeyeon sit down by the stairs.

            “Are you okay?” Sica asked. Even then she couldn’t hide the worry in her tone. “You don’t look so good. I hope I didn’t overwork you.”

            Taeyeon wiped the cold sweat on her pale face. A few moments later, she started sneezing uncontrollably. When a cold breeze blew in their direction, she began to shiver and tremble. “I think I stayed out in the cold too much last night.”

            Sica helped her up and asked Secretary Yoochun to prepare a bed and some warm soup for Taeyeon. When the bed was ready, Sica laid Taeyeon on the bed and tucked her under the thick sheets.

            “It was freezing and windy out in the tundra last night even with the gigantic bonfire,” Sica said as she sat by Taeyeon’s bed. “I guess it’s not that surprising if you get a cold since you’re not entirely used to North Pole temperatures.”

            “Ugh, this ,” Taeyeon mumbled through a nasal tone. Now her sinuses felt terribly constricted. She can’t breathe through her nose properly. “I hate getting sick.”

            “You’ll get better. It’s just a cold,” Sica said nonchalantly. “Now go and sleep for a while. Rest is essential to your healing.”


            “Gosh, where could that feisty bullfrog have leaped off to?” Krystal wondered as she was searching with Seohyun and Yonghwa out in the city. Since she knew every nook and cranny of the place, she tried her best. They were still unable to find a trace of the creature though.

            Suddenly, as they were searching the streets thoroughly, a familiar boy jumped off from a low rooftop, startling Krystal. It was none other than her friend Minhyuk with his adorable smile stretched across his baby face.

            “Hello Krystal!” he cheerfully waved.

            “Not now, Oppa; we’re looking for something,” Krystal coldly said in frustration. She had never shunned him like that before.

            Minhyuk brushed off her cold comment and brightly asked, “What are you lookin’ for?”

            She then stopped to look at him and said, “It’s Seohyun Eonni’s pet bullfrog. You didn’t happen to see it this past week, did you?”

            “Huh? Bullfrog? How strange…,” then he began to mumble to himself. Krystal can’t really decipher what he was saying.

            After they were done scanning their areas, Seohyun and Yonghwa came to Krystal and found Minhyuk in deep thought. As usual, Yonghwa felt a sudden burning feeling rising up his throat at the sight of Minhyuk conversing with his little sister. He is too overprotective about his sister also, considering that Krystal is just turning twelve later this year. Twelve is too young for boyfriends, he thought, even if he likes Minhyuk as a little brother.

            Before Yonghwa could reach up to yank Minhyuk’s ear, the boy suddenly spoke up. “I remember now!”

            Yonghwa cocked an eyebrow at him and asked, “What do you mean you remember?”

            “The bullfrog,” Minhyuk tried to explain.

            “Sergeant Keroro!” Seohyun exclaimed.

            “Yesterday, or wait, was it the other day?” Minhyuk started thinking again.

            Yonghwa massaged his temples and shook his head. Goodness, this kid is such a nitwit sometimes, he thought.

            “Okay, I’m not sure when I saw it.” Minhyuk finally straightened up to look more dignified. “But when I was playing with the otter penguins, I saw this strange frog in a cave outside town. Or wait…maybe it was a shallow crevice…”

            “Outside town? You mean at the tundra?” Seohyun’s paid her full attention.

            “Well, yeah. That’s where you find the otter penguins, right?” replied Minhyuk.

            Then Seohyun turned quiet and stared off into space. Caves, crevices, and tundra...that could only mean one thing: the dangerous glaciers. Apparently, the area far outside town filled with gigantic, moving glaciers was dubbed as one of the most dangerous places in the North Pole due to widening crevices and vicious polar bear dogs. It’s possible that the frog could still be out there in the cold arctic tundra. No matter how dangerous, she needs to go out there and look for the Sergeant. She can’t just lose a friend.

Yonghwa noticed it in her eyes right away. She was definitely up to something. Then he said to Minhyuk, “Dude, are you even sure?”

“I don’t know,” Minhyuk doubtfully replied. “I honestly thought I was hallucinating when I saw that frog. I mean, what’s a frog doing in the North Pole?”

“Look, man, just tell me, is it a hallucination or not?” Yonghwa was getting impatient.

“Okay, maybe my mind was making things up. Honestly, I don’t even remember much about the past few days. But it wouldn’t hurt if you check the tundra.”

“How is it even possible for that frog to reach the tundra? The frog couldn’t possibly scale the high city walls,” Yonghwa argued. “Plus, if the frog really was in the tundra, don’t you think it could have died by now?”

“To be safe, I think we should continue searching the city first until we’re absolutely sure that it’s not here,” Seohyun suggested.

All of them agreed, even Minhyuk. And so he too joined them in their little search party.

            Night came and they were still searching. Krystal was running out of ideas. She was absolutely sure that they already checked half the entire city. They were all tired and hungry, so it was best that they just go home for the night. Seohyun thanked her friends for all the trouble. She tried her best to hide her uneasiness behind her smile, but Yonghwa saw through it. Still, he tried not to show that he was overly concerned for her well-being. That might throw her off-guard.  

            When Seohyun got home, she saw a notice posted on her front door.

            “Seohyun, Taeyeon is here at the palace with me. She fell ill while we were training and slept all day. I told her to stay for a while since she was too dizzy and her fever was too high to walk back to your house. Don’t worry too much about her. It’s just a cold. She got it from staying out in the freezing tundra during the meteor shower. She’ll be well in no time. For now, take care of yourself without your Taeyeon Eonni, okay?

Love, Sica Eonni.”


            Taeyeon tossed and turned in her sickbed all day and all night. Her fever was getting worse. Sica couldn’t help but watch over her the whole time. No matter how many times she tried to assure herself that “it’s just a simple cold,” it still absolutely bothered her that Taeyeon’s condition was getting so much worse. If Sunny and Fany were here to witness Taeyeon’s progress, she’d be too ashamed. She felt somewhat responsible for adding to Taeyeon’s stress during their arguments weeks ago. Now all she could do is hope and pray for the Avatar to get better soon.

As the long hours of the night passed by, Sica laid her head on Taeyeon’s bed and drifted off to sleep as well. “Taeng, you better be well by tomorrow, or your sisters are gonna kill me,” Sica yawned. After that being said, she fell fast asleep.


            “Darkness, I don’t know why but you’re becoming a familiar friend,” Taeyeon’s voice echoed in the blurry nothingness.

            “Taeyeon, remember to save me from my coming doom when you become a great bender okay?” echoed a familiar voice of a man. Before long, he showed his face in front of Taeyeon with a crooked smile. Everything was still dark and hazy but his face can be seen in clear view. That face—she knew that face all too well.

“Jaejoong Oppa, stop talking about your ‘coming doom.’ You’re such a pessimist sometimes. Forget about doom. It doesn’t exist,” Taeyeon optimistically said to him. He did not reply though.

            “Help! Help!” a young girl’s voice cried out. Taeyeon turned around to see what happened. The scene was getting clearer now. She can see ice, water, and some crevices on the glacier. However, the she couldn’t see the girl anywhere.

            “Help me, please!” the voice echoed louder.

            Taeyeon ran to find the girl as fast as she could. When the girl cried out for help again, she stopped and realized who it was.

            “Seohyun?” she thought.

            “Someone, please…,” at this point the girl’s voice was getting fainter. In a flash, Taeyeon saw Seohyun with a bleeding shoulder, lying down on the sheet of thick ice. Oh, no. It can’t be. Seohyun, what happened to you?


Early next morning before the sun rose over the wide horizon, Krystal got up and dressed extra warmly for a little adventure with her dear friend Minhyuk. He promised to take her penguin sledding this morning, and she wouldn’t miss it for anything. Everyone else was still sleeping, so she took her chance to escape with her friend out to the arctic tundra. If Yonghwa caught them going out together again, Minhyuk’s poor ears could have been dismantled from his head.

            “You ready?” Minhyuk asked. He’s pretty excited about it too.

            Krystal put her goggles on and clenched her fists. “Ready!”

            So then, they both set out to the cold arctic tundra for their little trip. Under broad daylight, the vast arctic tundra looked more leveled and flat. There weren’t any abruptly rising hills or mountains. Most of the raised land were gradually sloped and streamlined due to harsh weather conditions during blustery nights. Also, due to the permafrost ground, the place was almost barren of any plant life. The current spring season caused very thin sheets of moss on some areas, but other than that, the land was covered in permanently frozen ice.

            After walking a few kilometers away from the city, Krystal and Minhyuk scanned the place for any sign of otter penguins. Usually the otter penguins huddle together in groups to keep each other warm, making them very easy to spot even from afar.

            “That’s really strange,” Minhyuk said as he scratched his head. “Usually the penguins can be seen from here.”

            “Maybe they moved a little farther away,” said Krystal. “Let’s walk some more and maybe we’ll find the hordes soon.”

            After walking a little further, they finally spotted one otter penguin. Strange enough, it was all alone.

            “There’s one!” Krystal exclaimed as she pointed to the lone creature with a while belly and black back fur. “But it’s alone. Where are the others?”

            “Wait here and I’ll catch it so we can have a ride.” Minhyuk ran over to the creature and threw some sardines at it to show the he was friendly. Without hesitation, the five-foot tall otter penguin approached Minhyuk. It then laid flat on its stomach and let the boy ride on his back.

            “Let’s go, buddy!”

            With Krystal behind him and the otter penguin beneath them, they sled through the ice slopes and glaciers at the vast arctic tundra. The cold wind rushed against their pale faces as they sped through the ice. Soon, they reached the area far away from town filled with sloped and deformed ice-block glaciers. It was the place where penguin-sledding was most exciting and most dangerous.

When the sun was about to rise over the frozen horizon, they stopped to take in the amazing view. The purple skies slowly transitioned to a bright white as streaks of sunlight began to shine over the east. The frozen ice reflected all light, and soon it was day time.

            “Hey, where’s the otter penguin?” Krystal wondered.

            While they were so absorbed in the view of the rising sun, they failed to notice that their otter penguin had already left them. Now they have to walk all the way back. Krystal frowned at the idea of having to walk all the way back to the city but they really have no choice now.

            “Don’t worry. When we get back to town, I’ll treat you to some noodles!” Minhyuk said as he patted her head.

            As they were heading home, they stumbled upon a cold ice cave. Whining sounds could be heard from it, like a puppy.

            “What could that be?” Krystal wondered. Out of curiosity, she entered the cave with Minhyuk. There they found a polar bear puppy, bouncing up as if it was happy to see them.

            “Whoa, hello there little guy!” Minhyuk ruffled the dog’s fur as Krystal carried it in her arms.

            “Aw, you’re so adorable!” Krystal squeaked as she held the puppy before her. “Let’s take it with us!”

            Minhyuk hesistated for a moment, “Um, aren’t those little rascals usually accompanied by, you know, the big scary ‘parent’ ones?”

            “I don’t see the ‘scary parent ones’ anywhere,” Krystal said nonchalantly.

            “What if it shows up?” Minhyuk gulped. “Besides, we’re already far out here by the glaciers. People say that this area of the tundra is especially dangerous.”

            “You worry too much, Oppa. I’ll have you know, I’m the second Ice Princess.”

            Although Minhyuk felt terribly uneasy, he couldn’t stop Krystal. And so they went off back to toward the city with the adorable little puppy in hand.

            “By the way, did you really see a bullfrog out here by the glaciers?” Krystal asked. “If you did, how did it get here?”


            That morning, when the sun had finally risen, Seohyun packed her bags and prepared to head out to the arctic tundra to look for Sergeant Keroro. She did not want to bother anyone anymore about her lost pet, so she decided to go on her own. She packed a lot of freshly baked sweet potatoes, just in case the search would take a little longer than expected. She also made sure to bring some warm tea in her water pouch in case she would get cold. She even packed flint spark rocks for building a fire. Little does she know that Yonghwa was also preparing to do the exact same thing: search for the bullfrog in the vast arctic tundra.

            Yonghwa brought his snowboard along for his own trip. He may not be a very good bender, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was snowboarding. In fact, he considers himself to be a professional.

            Later as Seohyun was searching for her pet frog far out in the tundra, she found Yonghwa already ahead of her—looking for the frog in a particular cave far out by the glaciers.

            “Prince Yonghwa?” Seohyun called.

            “Oh, Hyun,” he greeted. He already made up his mind to call her that so he can feel a bit closer to her. He used to call her “Hyun” when they were kids.

            “What are you doing here?” Seohyun asked.

            “Well isn’t it obvious? I’m looking for your pet frog. You should head back. It’s not safe here at this part of the tundra. The glaciers have plenty of crevices to fall in and vicious animals lurk around too.”

            “If it’s dangerous, why are you out here by yourself then? You’re not even a bender,” Seohyun shot back.

            “Whatever. Just do what I say,” he said coldly. “I’ll look for Sergeant Keroro for you. Just go back to the city and stay there where it’s safe.”

            “No, I can’t leave you here alone. I’m a pretty decent bender, I’ll have you know,” Seohyun said proudly.

            “I’m a prince; you should listen to me.”


Taeyeon suddenly jerked up from the bed—her eyes wide open. Even after blinking a few times, this strange vertigo still gave her a terrible headache. But wait. Seohyun is in trouble. There was blood. There was screaming for help. Pain surged through Taeyeon’s head once more. Burn in hell, cold fever.

Sleepy Sica slowly lifted her head from slouching on the bed and saw Taeyeon sitting upright—dazed over nothing. “Oh, Taeyeon, you’re awake,” she groggily mumbled. “How are you feeling?”

Oh right, Sica is here. Taeyeon did not notice her from the get-go. When she took a look at her shaky surroundings, she realized that she was not in Seohyun’s house either. Then she remembered—Sica let her sleep there for the whole day.

“Where’s Seohyun?” Taeyeon asked. Her voice was rough and low.

Sica did not expect that to be the first thing Taeyeon would ask in the morning. Anyway, Sica just shrugged and told her, “I don’t know. I just woke up. She’s probably doing whatever she usually does in the morning.”

“Is she safe?” Taeyeon turned to Sica and waited for her answer.

“What?” Sica yawned. Then she continued rubbing her eyes.

Even with a high fever and a runny nose, Taeyeon got off the bed and trudged to the coat rack to grab her thick fur jacket. After sneezing a few more times, she headed out of the room.

Sica followed her and wore her coat too. “Hey, Kim Taeyeon, where do you think you’re going?”

“I need to make sure that Seohyun is safe,” Taeyeon sharply replied. Her blood-shot eyes clearly showed that she wasn’t thinking straight.

Sica was getting more worried. Taeyeon doesn’t sound like herself at all. “What in the world are you talking about?”

            Taeyeon quickly headed out to waterfall-side house where Seohyun lives. Sica went to chase after her all the way while constantly trying to tell her to calm down and rest. Her fever was still too high, convincing Sica that the Avatar is probably in a state of confusion. When they arrived at Seohyun’s house, Taeyeon called out to her but received no answer. She wasn’t home.

            “Where is she?” Taeyeon grabbed Sica’s arms and pleaded for an answer.

            “Taeyeon, you’re burning up. You need to go back to bed,” Sica said as she tried to stabilize the tottering fellow. Taeyeon’s blood-shot eyes were still unable to focus and her head was throbbing with pain. “Taeyeon, please rest. Come on. For me? Please?” Sica practically begged her.

            “No. I need to find her.” That being said, Taeyeon ran out the streets. She had no idea where she was going, but she had to find Seohyun. Sica, of course, ran after her. When she reached the city borders that lead out to the arctic tundra, she saw Krystal and Minhyuk coming home from their penguin-sledding trip together. Recognizing Krystal, Taeyeon asked, “Where’s Seohyun?”

            “Oh, Seohyun Eonni? We passed her as she headed out to look for her frog,” Krystal told her. “It looked like she was heading to the glaciers. We just came back from there too. I even got his cute polar bear puppy from one of the caves.”

            “You did what?!” Sica exclaimed—the pitch and volume of her voice was deafening. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to go to the glaciers?!” Sica was unconsciously sounding like a frantic mother right now. “And this polar bear dog, do have any idea how vicious its mother can become when it finds out that her pup is stolen?!”

            Taeyeon has not time for this. She ran off toward the glaciers, leaving Sica to scold Krystal and Minhyuk for their recklessness. Suddenly, she saw a lone otter penguin and grabbed it by the neck. In no time, she was speeding towards the glaciers with it.

            Noticing that Taeyeon had gone ahead with her, Sica quickly left the two children and continued running after Taeyeon. However, Taeyeon was too fast as she sped through the tundra with the otter penguin.

            “Taeyeon, wait!” Sica cried. She did not give up though. Using her water bending, she made herself and ice sledge to try to catch up to Taeyeon. Still, Taeyeon had a significant head start so Sica was not able to catch up to the sick Avatar as quickly as she wanted.


            “Seohyun, I’m telling you, get out of here,” Yonghwa said as he forcefully carried the girl over his back to take her out of the cave.

            “Ah, put me down!” she yelled and struggled to get out of his grasp.

            When they got out, he gently set her down on the ice and said, “Go home!”

            “I’m not going home until I find Sergeant Keroro! Look, I’m not completely helpless! I know what I’m doing!” she insisted. “Besides, I can’t leave you here. Like you said, it is dangerous out here.”

            Suddenly, they heard a low growling noise coming from one of the caves. Both were startled and began to tremble in fear.

            “What was that?” Seohyun looked over to the direction of the caves.

            “Oh no, this is bad,” Yonghwa mumbled. Then he immediately yanked Seohyun up and told her to get on his back. “We have to leave. Now.”

            Seohyun stood her ground. No way was she getting on the Prince’s back for a piggyback ride.

            “Hyun, get on my back, quickly!” Yonghwa demanded. “They’re agitated polar-bear dogs; we need to leave as soon as possible!”

            Putting all dignity aside, she hopped onto Prince Yonghwa’s back and held on to him tightly. He then quickly fastened his snowboard and started to trudge out to the downward slope.

However, they were too late. After a second, two huge wild polar-bear dogs came rushing out from one of the caves. It gritted its teeth and viciously snarled at them, showing off its sharp incisors and canines. Since Yonghwa wasn’t fast enough to escape, they were both cornered by the polar-bear dogs at the edge of a glacial fjord. Then one of the dogs headed straight for them to attack. Yonghwa had no choice but to throw Seohyun aside to keep her from being attacked.

“Seohyun, run away!” he frantically yelled. “Run away and don’t come back!”

No, I can’t just leave Prince Yonghwa here, she thought. Just before the wild beast reached Yonghwa, Seohyun was able freeze the animal in ice right on the spot with her water bending to keep it from moving. However, the animal was too strong. The ice immediately shattered to a thousand pieces. One of the sharp shards fell directly at Seohyun’s shoulder, cause it to bleed severely.

“Ah!” Seohyun cried in pain.

“Seohyun!” Yonghwa’s heart broke. If something terrible happens to Seohyun, he will never forgive himself.

The ferocious canine heavily struck Yonghwa with a headbutt, sending him flying out into the cold arctic sea. Seohyun, though almost lifelessly lying on ice, saw Yonghwa fall into the water.

“Prince Yonghwa!” she screamed with tear-filled eyes. I need to save him. He can’t die. He’s supposed to become King. Better me than him.

            Taeyeon finally reached the glaciers. She slid down slopes went through tunnels and stopped up at an open face of a glacier. High up before her were solid caves in rocks. At the edge of a cliff, she saw two huge snarling polar-bear dogs surrounding Seohyun, planning her in their rage for losing their young.

            With the last of her energy, Seohyun called out, “Help! Help!” Soon, even her voice began to fail her. “Someone, please…”

            Avatar Taeyeon, seeing the danger in the situation, hastily shot a massive fire toward the huge dogs. She was able to singe the creatures’ fur from a distance, sending them scurrying away in fear.

            “Seohyun…,” Taeyeon said as she tottered toward the bleeding girl who was about to fall unconscious at the moment.

            “Prince…Yonghwa…fell…,” Seohyun breathed out as she pointed to the water.

            Without thinking straight, Taeyeon jumped into the bitter sea. After one big splash, the piercing cold felt like a hundred sharp knives were into her sick, weak body. Why did I have to jump? Soon, she was starting to fade off to unconsciousness too. Yes, why not just die to end this miserable existence? Then she saw Yonghwa floating off in the deep blue. With all the energy she could muster, she took Yonghwa by his arm and…......


            “Darkness, hello again,” Taeyeon’s voice echoed in the haze. Then in the nothingness, she could see a blurry figure of a man. “Yunho Oppa?” she thought. No wait, that’s not Yunho. Who is that? In all her dreams and nightmares, she has never seen this man before.

            “Who are you?” Taeyeon called out to the man. “You look somewhat familiar.”

Author's Note:

Yeah so I basically made my bias' (Seohyun's) shoulder bleed and caused the guy I ship her with to be attacked by savage beasts so I'm pretty traumatized right now...hahaha jk.


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Baekhyeol123 #1
Have you forgotten about this story? Still hoping you'll update this ?
HiroTakahasi #2
Chapter 25: Authornim pls update soon.
Chapter 24: too bad you stoped it :/
it was so good
i hope you'll change your mind and continue this
Jae-Eun #4
update plwase!! i'm still waiting!!! it's almost a year now. don't you feel embarressed that you made us wair? :(((
KrisTine09 #5
Chapter 25: Please Update~~
KrisTine09 #6
Chapter 25: Please Update~~
dancingmachine09 #7
When will you update again? It's been months since the last update...its REALLY GETTING INTERESTING AND THINGS ARE GONNA GET DOWN!!! Anyway, I will be anticipating the next chapter, so if you are not busy and have time please update this (if you even remember this story :))
Baekhyeol123 #8
Chapter 25: Update soon please. I want to know what happen next. Will avatar Taeng ever meet with her family?
Jae-Eun #9
Chapter 25: want an update! Please hurry! Can't wait!!!
ddtankers34 #10
Chapter 25: Holy. Cow. Mother. Of. What??? I don't want to see the princesses die and Taengoo :( But seriously tough - you write one of the best fanfic in AFF