One: His Bestfriend

His Fiancée, My Wife [Discontinued]
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One: His Bestfriend


“Let’s break-up, Jongin.”


Jongin was momentarily pulled away from his trance when he heard Soojung spoke next to him. “Huh? Did you say something?”


Soojung gave him a flat look then sighed. “I’m breaking up with you and yet you’re still not listening to me. You’re really hopeless.”


“Sorry. I was just – wait, what? You’re breaking up with me?” His eyes rounded in surprise.


She gave a nod and forced a small smile. “We both know this relationship isn’t going anywhere, Jongin. I had fun for the past five months we’re together but I know you’ll never feel the same way that I do. I’m really grateful that you agreed to go out with me even if you barely knew me at first. But I guess it’s time that I move on from this one-sided love.”


“Soojung, I..” He was really at a loss on what to say. “Are you sure? Look, I’m really sorry if I haven’t been paying attention to you a lot these days. It’s just that –“


“You just had to look out more for Mira. I know that you can’t help but worry for her ever since Chanyeol started courting her. I saw that you were watching them at the rooftop earlier.”


Jongin averted his eyes in guilt. She was right; he had been watching Chanyeol flirt with Mira from above them. He was seething in anger that was why he wasn’t paying attention to what Soojung was telling him.


He sighed. “I’ve been such an . I apologize if I hadn’t been the best boyfriend there is. But I didn’t take you for granted. I.. tried, you know?”


“Yes, I know. But I can never compare to Song Mira, right?” Jongin blinked at her in surprise so she quickly added, “I have always known, Jongin. She isn’t just a bestfriend to you. You love her more than that.”


He felt his cheeks flush. He never told anyone about his feelings for Mira except for three of his closest friends. His older brother didn’t even have an idea about it. “How did you know?” He mumbled.


A small smile crossed Soojung’s face. She found him cute even though he was feeling flustered because of another girl. “It was pretty obvious, you know.”


“Really?” He looked alarmed.


“But I don’t think Mira has an idea yet, don’t worry.” She sighed. “So I guess it really ends here, huh? Thank you for taking care of me. I’m not mad at you, but I don’t think I can handle being your friend for now. Someday, maybe.”


“You’re going to find someone who really deserves you, Soojung. Thank you for bearing with me all this time.” He gave her a warm embrace as a sign of parting.






“Tell Mira you love her, alright? Don’t wait until it’s too late.”




Jongin entered Mira’s bedroom like he owned the place and closed the door behind him. He glanced at her; she was sitting in front of her study table. He plopped down on her bed with a heavy sigh. He just came from school and after changing into more comfortable clothes, he went straight to her house like how he did for the past fifteen years.


“You know, there are some things called ‘manners’ and ‘knocking.’” Mira stated sarcastically before she turned a page from the book she was reading.


“You’ll just waste effort to open the door for me when I can just come in myself.”


“This is still a girl’s room. Oh, whatever.” She fixed her reading glasses and focused her attention on the book again.


Jongin watched her from the corner of his eye. Her hair was tied up messily on the side and her brows were furrowed as she concentrated on her book. He loved seeing her looking so serious like that. Well, no matter what angle, she’s still beautiful to him. He let out another heavy sigh. He was hopelessly in love with her.


“Okay. That’s the second one.” Mira put down her book and looked up at him. “What problem do you have now? You’ve been sighing heavily since you came in.”


“I don’t have a problem.” Other than being stuck in this one-sided love, that is.


She got up from her chair and walked over the bed. She placed her hands on her hips as she looked down on him. “I know when you’re troubled, Jongin. What is it now?”


He let out a third heavy sigh. “Soojung and I are over. She broke up with me.”


“What?!” She sputtered in disbelief. “Why? What did you do?”




“Nothing? Soojung won’t break up with you if it’s nothing. She loves you.”


“But, I don’t.”


“That.. well..” Mira tried to look for words to counter back. She just breathed out instead. “You told me before you were starting to like her. What happened?”


“I can like her but not love her that way. I’m just –“ Jongin groaned. “Can we please stop talking about mushy stuff? It’s giving me the chills.”


She rolled her eyes. “Says the boy who cries over chick flicks.” He scowled at her. “But I guess it’s better this way than making her wait for something you’re not sure you can give her. I just hope Soojung’s fine. She’s a really nice girl, you know.” She dropped right next to him on her bed.


Jongin wished she didn’t because her close proximity always made his mind go haywire.  He became stiff as Mira turned to her side and propped herself on her elbow to look at him. “But I don’t get it, Jongin. You’ve been together with her for five months but you didn’t find yourself falling for her? Are you gay?”


He glared. “I’m going to push you off the bed.”


“This is my bed.” She pointed out. “If you’re not gay, then do you like someone else?”


Her question made him uneasy. He could just say ‘yes’ because he didn’t really like lying to her but then she would just throw him more questions. “No. You can’t force a person to love someone; the same way that you can’t stop yourself from feeling that way.” He reached out to take away her glasses and wore it on his eyes in fear that she could read what he felt at the moment.


“Wow. You could actually say something that makes sense.” She chuckled.


“I always make sense.”


“You’re the only guy that I know that doesn’t.”


“And Chanyeol does?” He grumbled. . He didn’t mean for that to slip out.


“There you go again with Chanyeol. He’s a nice guy, you know.”


“Really? Then why don’t you just date him?” He snapped sarcastically.


Mira just sighed. “You’re so childish. And I told you, right? I have no plans of going steady with him. I told him that but he’s just so persistent. And even if I would date him, you don’t have to worry because I won’t forget my bestfriend.” She pinched his nose.


“Yah! That hurts!” He swatted her hand away.


She laughed. “You’re so cute, Jongi

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[HFMW] Omo. Thanks so much for subscribing even though I won't be starting this fic 'til May! Saranghaeyo~


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Lapalissian #1
Chapter 12: omg up until the wedding, this story kind of reminded me of the wedding dress music video by taeyang!
autumntears #2
Chapter 12: I really really really love your writing skills.....

i really love jongin..

I wonder what's wrong with jongdae
Chapter 12: Is it weird that I ship Jongdae-Mira?
blueminion #4
Chapter 12: Please update soon!! Don't leave us hanging like this ㅠ___ㅠ
Chapter 12: Jongdae you better clean the mess!!
_queenyoona #6
Chapter 12: PLEASE UPDATE.........................
Chapter 2: I'm feeling sorry for Jongin because his attempts are getting failed and his feelings too
Chapter 1: I've already read it in wattpad, but i'm starting it again because it's sooo good............ :)
Chapter 12: Jongin is so sweet and perfect ugh I wish Mira could learn to love him. He will her husband after all