Flipping Sheets

Piano Piece

Your POV

Pit-a -pat, the rain drops kept on falling endlessly from the sky as the wind strongly swayed the trees the grew right in front of our house. I slowly placed my head on my pillow, I wanted to break away from this realm that I am in, I want to escape to a place where someone would understand me. Everyone around me thinks I'm crazy, they think that I am out of my mind since I don't really mingle with everyone in class. They think that I am weird plus the fact that I always carry my inhaler wherever I go.

"You really are something huh?" one of my classmates said as she slammed her hand on my desk. "Acting so kind in front of our teacher when in truth you are just a useless person!"

I don't want to talk back, I don't want to fight, I just want to end my day without me looking so weak, but I guess even words can harm my health, whenever my heart beats fast due to pressure or even nervousness I usually hyperventilate making me use my inhaler in front of everyone.

Days like these pass by quickly, me being the center of mockery at school, I deliberately escape to the music room and let my tears fall silently as I played in the old piano, indeed this is my haven, this is the place where I can actually set myself free.

Tracing the piano keys one by one my heart felt light, music can indeed calm me down. And with some unknown reason my ever so clumsy hands released my inhaler causing it to fall on the floor and went rolling under the old piano. Releasing a heavy sigh I knelt down and tried to reach it from every angle possible.

'Just a little more' I thought as my fingers almost touched my inhaler, 'Just a little more' I repeated. As I strongly grabbed my inhaler, while I retracted back my eyes landed on a tiny slit under the old piano, a light colored brown folder was hidden under it and out of sheer curiosity; I took it out and opened it, revealing an old music sheet.

"Secret" I mouthed as I traced the letters that was written on the cover, "an odd title for a musical piece"..

As I flipped the folder open, old fashioned hand writing took my attention,
“Follow the notes upon the journey,
At first sight marks ones destiny
Once the voyage comes to an end
Return lies with hasty keys”

Another flip of the page revealed a carefully written musical piece, the notes that were written in a way that even just by looking your heart can be at ease. I carefully placed the music sheet in the stand and sat down on the chair in front of the old piano. I was focusing all too much on the music with just a thought that it would be great if I’d meet someone that will actually appreciate and understand me, I did not realize that while I was playing a sudden change in my surroundings was happening. The walls inside the old music room started to tear apart, the photos were gradually moved as the seasons started to change. Right when I stopped playing, I felt relieved of being able to play another piece and as I looked around I realized that I was still inside the old piano room, but things, I mean everything changed, from the arrangement of the seats to the paintings in the wall, everything was different. Seeing that everything is true, that I have indeed traveled my heart felt at ease, at least now I have found another place where I can be myself.

I have been to that place a couple of times and I tried to talk to other people, but still no luck, they can’t even see me. I was free for the very first time in my life, I was free from all those mocking stares from all those ruthless words. And even though no one can see me, I felt happy.

This was my fifth time to travel in this realm, and as I stood up and tried to hide the music sheet, there I saw him for the very first time, the boy that was constantly in my dream, I was way up in the ladder case when he entered the room looking so confused and surprised at the same time. He was the only person that I wanted to see and because of that only he can see me…..
I have attended their classes and walked from room to room as if I was one of them, as if I’m also a student at their time. And on the last room, I found him once again, listening intently at the teacher. I wanted to see him, I wanted to get to know him so I acted as if I am normal, that I belong.

LuHan's POV.

I entered the school where my father is currently teaching, I took up piano major and started attending class, but today was not like one of those days that I have experienced.

The piano keys that kept switching from black to white and white to black released a soothing melody across the hallway towards the old music room as I slowly entered the room there I found her standing way up on the staircase like she’s organizing something on the shelves. 

“Excuse me, were you playing?” I asked as she looked at me.
“No.” She answered in a weak tone but as she ascended down from the staircase I heard her laugh.
“But you’re the only one here” I said.
“Okay, it was me..” She said with a small smile on her face.
Her smile made my knees weak and without me realizing it I actually gave her a compliment. “It sounded beautiful” 
“Thank you” she answered as she still smiled at me. 
I wanted to say more but I can’t, I just don’t know how I can look at her and talk to her while I try to satiate the fast beating of my heart.

“During the 19th century..” the teacher kept on saying as he pointed on the blackboard behind him, “there was a musical genius later known as the piano poet..”

“Sorry, I’m late..” that voice sounded so familiar that caused me to look at the back and stare if my instincts were right.

“That’s Chopin” the teacher continued as if he does not see her, she slowly made her way towards her seat, “Why was he a musical genius?” the teacher still continued. I followed her with my eyes as she sat down on her seat.

“Hey! Pay attention to class” the teacher said as he looked at me sternly. Obviously I was embarrassed by the fact that the teacher caught me not listening to him and looking at a classmate, but an unknown force made me steal glances at her.

As the class ended, I followed her outside, not minding those stares that my classmates were giving me. I lost track of her.
“Hey..” her voice suddenly appeared and as I look back her finger was in my face lightly poking my cheeks.
“What?” I said as I tried to sound indifferent.
“Why are you following me?” She asked as she smiled.
“I’m not” I answered as I stared at her.
“No?..ok..bye then..” She said as she skipped away from me.

Another thought came into my brain, this is my chance to actually talk to her.
“Hey,” I called her as I tried to catch up with her, “What was the title of the song that you played, it sounded so beautiful?”

She tiptoed as she whispered in my ear, “That’s a SECRET”, and with that she left my heart racing once again.
“Why are you so secretive about it?” I asked in a pitch higher than my usual voice.
She just answered me with a shush sign and continued walking away.
I smiled with her action.
“What’s your name?” I shouted hoping for her to hear and to answer.
“I told you already..” Hyemin, another classmate of mine answered, and the fudge happened? I did not ask for Hyemin’s name I asked for hers.
“I hear you from far away, this is a school and not a place where you can pick up girls!” my homeroom teacher suddenly sprang into action and scolded me once again.

It was raining again and it was probably my luck that I saw her. She was taking shelter under an old tree. And being the gentleman that I am I offered her a ride home.
“Want me to give you a ride?, your home must just be along the way to mine” I said as I got down from my bike.
“How did you know that it’s along the way to yours?” She asked as she wiped her forehead.
And because I just don’t know what to answer I abruptly changed the subject.
“You don’t have an umbrella?” I asked.
She shook her head as an answer.
“Let’s just wait for the rain to cool down and I’ll give you a ride home..” I offered and showed her my smile.
She smiled back, and again my heart raced.

As we were travelling to her place, she was the one who broke our silence.
“Why are you so quiet?” She asked.
“Because every time that I ask you something you just answer me that it’s a secret.” I answered.
“Which musician do you like?” I added, I wanted to know more about her but I don’t want to force her to tell me.
“All of them..” She answered with a smile.
“Do you like the sun or the rain?”
“I like them Both”
“You play the piano well”
“Very well” She answered in a playful tone.
“Very well” I copied her, which made her laugh.
“Will you play for me next time?”I asked once again as I felt that we are heading once again in that awkward silence.
“No.” She joked.
“I’ll hear it sooner or later..” I answered as I pedaled faster.

“My house is near..” She said as she lightly taped my shoulder.
I slowed down allowing her to go down from my bike.
“Hey…” I shouted in a soft voice, “What’s your name?” I asked and this time I really hope that she’ll answer.
“I’m ______” She answered.
“I’m LuHan” I said as I waved my hand and left as soon as she entered her house.


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