Species: Lycan

Impavid Roleplay

Lycanthropy is the professed ability or power of a human being to transform into a wolf, or to gain wolf-like characteristics.



The main members of the pack are the Alpha, the Beta and the Omega. This does NOT however mean that the rest of the pack are not important, for they are in their own right and will be treated no differently than the Beta or the Omega by the Alpha.

Alpha: The leader of the pack and paramount for the whole packs survival. He or she is in control of wherever their family of wolves move to and live in and they will do anything in their power to protect the wolves they run with. They are also the strongest lycans in their pack and will fight for their friends, territory and their mate. All in pack differences are settled with the Alphas permission and their say is final, go against them and face expulsion from the pack or be prepared to either beg to remain with your new-found family of wolves or fight. Remember though, taking on the Alpha is never a smart move, they are the Alpha for a reason and they have a Beta along with the rest of the pack to back them up.


Beta: The second in command and the Alphas right hand man/woman. Usually the Alphas closest friend (but not always the case) and confidant. They are almost as strong as the Alpha and therefore, fit to fill their shoes should the leader need to take a leave of absence for a while or upon their death.


Omega: The weakest of the pack physically but almost always the strongest mentally. They have healing and calming abilities that is a necessity to every pack, although not all packs are lucky enough to have one. The Omega will be claimed by the Alpha of the pack once a months or so to ensure that other packs don’t try to claim the wolf. Claiming consists of a bite delivered by the Alpha before they rub themselves against the Omega to cover the wolf with their own scent. They can do this in human and wolf form by either hugging or rubbing up against one another. This is not a ual act and serves only to advertise that the wolf belongs to a specific Alphas pack. Biting the Omega is something only an Alpha should do, although their mate may also mark them in this way, however, only on the right side of their neck. The left side is how the Alpha stakes their claim and if another bites the Omega here, they are challenging the Alpha’s authority and face being ostracised by the pack.


The wolf’s eye colour reflects their rank within the hierarchy of the pack:

Alpha; Red

Beta; Amber

Omega; Blue

Rest of the pack; Green

The lycans vision switches to monochrome when he/she is shifting or when just their eyes change to that of their lupine counterpart. 

The lycans have three forms; human, half-wolf, half-man and full wolf form:

Their usual form is their human one which they use to blend into their everyday surroundings. Changing into wolf form, is not painful for the lycan, not once he/she is used to it. Pain only occurs when it is their first time ever changing and maybe a little uncomfortable until the person is used to switching form. Being when changing is preferable, if the wolf doesn’t wish to end up tangled in a bundle of their own clothing upon completion.

Their half and half form is saved for when they are angry, afraid or aroused, in which their eyes change to the colour of their rank whilst their teeth elongate. Their claws only grow with the other changes when needed, like if the lycan is scared or angry, ready for fight or flight.

The full wolf form is saved for full moons when the packs get together and go hunting or for whenever the lycan feels the need to wolf-out completely. Lycans eat the prey they catch on their hunting gatherings, but please bear in mind that they also live on human food too and thoroughly enjoy most of it.


All wolves have the natural ability to heal themselves and their wounds will vanish over a matter of hours. Only the Omega has the ability to heal another almost instantly.

The only thing that is fatal to a lycan is silver bullets.

If shot in the head or heart, the wolf will die immediately, however if the bullet strikes them elsewhere, they can be saved, provided they extracts the bullet from the wound quickly enough. Leaving the lycan with a severe and unpleasant case of silver poisoning. This will also go away within a week or so and they will he will be back on form.

Lycans have mates:

Mates; the strongest and most important bond to the lycan and/or human. Lycans, although sociable by nature, will do anything in their power to protect their mate and will become possessive over their partner, which can lead to them being aggressive, even towards their own kind if they feel another is a threat to their mate.

A lycans mate is their destined partner but not all wolves are lucky enough to find them. Lycans mate for life.

If however they do manage to come across their other half, they will feel instantly drawn to that other wolf, vampire or human and slowly but surely become unable to shut off their feelings for the other, as the pull will be too strong.

No matter how much the pair attempt to deny their feelings, it will be beyond doubt that the other is their soul mate through these factors:

The scent of their mate and the unmistakable whiff of arousal that is not easily hidden. Especially if both beings are wolves with extra sensitive sense of smell.

The strange draw to one another, coupled with the overwhelming physical attraction both feel towards the other.

Biting is not pertinent to being mated; people will know either way by the way the two mates’ scents cling to one another and almost meld into one. Biting is only a means of physically showing that a wolf is mated and will fade over time so the action must be repeated.

Lycans have the ability to sense the emotions of their mate as his or her scent will change with whatever they are feeling. Their usual familiar aroma will be tinged with their current emotion and their partner will become incredibly protective if their mate is upset or distressed, therefore becoming dangerous to approach without extreme caution when they are caring for his mate. Even against their own pack.

Lycans have the ability to change at will, except on the full moon when they change whether they want to or not.


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