Pine-Sol (1)

Wallflower's Diary


Dear Diary,


Today, i've started to hate the smell of pine-sol. The way it just consumes your nose and eventually make way to your other senses. I can't stomach it. And what's more worse than that? It's all over the room i where i am currently writing this diary. BTW, i'm sorry i haven't been writing to you these few days. I guess i just haven't got the chance to do that since i've been currently busying myself with this experiment we do with flowers.

Don't you think flowers are so annoying? It's so annoying because i just can't seem to get it's whole existence. Like it's taunting me with some kind of knowledge so obvious but still deprives me of it face to face? At one point, they help nature, they represent beauty. But then there are species of it that can actually kill.

I personally like those species. Their the type where they can attract someone or something but inflict pain otherwise. I love how they mask and arm themselves with beaty but poison anyone who approaches them. Kind of like me.

Anyways, right now i'm extracting this dark red serum out of a flower. Who knows what species it is. I was half-listening to the professor earlier and just sneaked in when everybody else had already left.


But wait.


Diary. I am hearing something.



What's this?


I position myself as quietly as i can and try to find the noise. I manage to find a dark spot so i can better view the situation.


But am i seeing things right?




Sharp Jawline.



Tan Skin.



Sweaty skin.



Heavy Breathing.






Lots of scars.



It's Kim Jongin.



The juvenile kid from school who's always quiet and never runs out of scars on his body.


And he's breathing hard.




And he's sharing kisses with a person with plump lips.



They're moving up and down and i can see the passion in their eyes.




It'd really help right now to have someone tell me if this deed is right or wrong.




I know it's very rude to continue staring at them from that moment on but i don't stop myself from staring at the other person he's kissing.





Pine-Sol (1)




Hi guuuuuuyysssss. Hope you enjoyed this short, rather not exciting story. Please tune in for more. Hihihi. -xoxo

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