Why do I have a weird love story ?

I wish I could have a decent love story

Lee Sungyeol , is a 19 years old kid who doesn't act like one. He's known as the choding in school who is also the son of the school's principle. He is a bookworm and socially awkward with other people except for his bestfriends. He rarely even talk to his classmate , the only thing he does in class is reading, reading and reading.

One day , a new transfered kid came to his class. Everyone in the class was so fascinated to know about the new kid. But Sungyeol doesn't even care, he is not even interested to know about him.

" Annyeong Haseyo , my name is Kim Myungsoo. I hope we can be good friends. Please take care of me" The boy said.

"You may go to your seat now. There's an empty seat beside Sungyeol" Mrs Park said. So the boy went to his seat and placed his things on his desk.

Myungsoo plopped to his seat next to Sungyeol's and looked at him weirdly. " Yah, aren't you going to greet me or something? We are going to be friends after all. Good friends, since we are sitting next to each other." He got no replies from Sungyeol so he decided to pull away the book that Sungyeol is reading.

"Yah, what do you think you're doing?! Give me back my book!" Myungsoo sticks his tongue out and said "Who asked you to ignore me? If you want this book, you have to show me around this school. Deal?"

Sungyeol got no choice but to follow as he said. "Okay!! Now give me back my book , you idiot" Myungsoo just laughed as he passed Sungyeol his book. 


During the break time, Sungyeol had to show Myungsoo around the school and buy him lunch. He didn't thought that Myungsoo would eat , that much. Despite the cute face that he has, he is actually a big eater. "Yeolie ah, can I have another ice cream? Pleasee?" Myungsoo gave Sungyeol the puppy dog eyes.

Sungyeol almost fell from his chair when he saw that face. 'He is actually a cute boy. Wait, what? What the hell am I thinking?' He quickly snap out of his daze.

"Yah, why are you calling me Yeolie? Who said that you can call me that?"

"Because I want to? Now can you get me another ice cream?" Sungyeol storms off from his chair and went to buy the ice cream. He came back and placed the ice cream in front of Myungsoo harshly.

" You... are so annoying! Do you know that?" Sungyeol said, clearly pissed off with Myungsoo. "Really? Well, I don't really care? Let's go now, before we run out of time." Myungsoo replied.


Sungyeol had promised Myungsoo to show him the basketball court after school . "So this is the basketball court?" Myungsoo asked as they reach there. "Yeah, FINALLY! Uhh, this is killing me! I don't even know why am I doing this for you" Sungyeol said, breathing hardly. Myungsoo has been giving him a hard time in only a day.

"What are you saying? We're friends, aren't we? Myungsoo said and winked. Sungyeol suddenly got a mini-heart attack. 'What is wrong with me?'

"Hey, do you wanna play with me? We still have time. But I should warned you, I'm pretty good in this" Myungsoo said while throwing the ball to Sungyeol. " Try me!" Sungyeol runs and tries to shoot the ball.


Thanks to Sungyeol's long legs, he could beat Myungsoo in this game. It's the last game, and Sungyeol is so gonna score this time to prove to Myungsoo that height is quite important in basketball.

Myungsoo tried to steal the ball from Sungyeol and an unexpected situation happened. He accidentally fell on top of Sungyeol and now he is facing him. He can't resist it when he saw Sungyeol's lips. It seems a bit dried and somehow he has the urge to kiss it. So he lowered down his face and peck on Sungyeol's lips. Sungyeol gasped, obviously shocked from what Myungsoo did. Myungsoo smiled at him while standing up and said.

"Nice game Lee Sungyeol" He pats Sungyeol and leaves the dumbfounded Sungyeol behind.

Sungyeol who's still in shock, slaps his face for a few time. Then he touches his lips 'Am I dreaming? Did he just .... KISSED me?' Just the thought of that make him go crazy.

"OMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he cries out loud. "How dare he stole my first kiss! Yah , Kim Myungsoo ! YOU ARE DEAD MEAT" He screams.

He runs outside of the school and saw Myungsoo sitting on a bench at a park near to their school. He runs towards Myungsoo and yelled at him.

"YAHH! You little .... How dare you stole my first kiss?! Do you know that I want to dedicate it to my love one?! Ahhh, there goes my innocence" He cries. Myungsoo looked at him with a smile. " Well, I can be your love one then?"

Sungyeol narrowed his eyes at him " What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm saying, I want to be your lover, Mr. Lee Sungyeol" Myungsoo is totally out of his mind, Sungyeol said in his mind.

"YAAHH! What kind of joke is that? We've only know each other like ... not even a day yet and you are saying you want to be my lover? Are you nuts?!"

"Have you ever heard of 'Love at the first sight' ? Well that is pretty much what I'm experiencing right now"

"Yah youu ..." Before Sungyeol could even finish his sentence , Myungsoo pulled him in for a kiss. Sungyeol had never know how a kiss is like, the feeling of a pair of lips brushing against his.

Myungsoo can't be any happier when Sungyeol starts to kiss him back, he secretly fist pumping before wrapping his arms around Sungyeol's waist. They stayed like that for a moment, till they're out of breath. Sungyeol pulls away, breathing heavily.

"Wow, Yeolie. I didn't know that you're a good kisser." Myungsoo said teasingly. Sungyeol can feel the blood rushing through his vein to his cheeks. Myungsoo laughed as Sungyeol jabbed him hard at his shoulder.

"I'd take that as a yes." Myungsoo said with a smirk. "Yes? What do you mean?" Sungyeol asked slightly confused, probably still affected by the kiss just now.

Myungsoo chuckles at the adorable confused look shown on Sungyeol's face. "Yes, that I can be your ONLY lover" Myungsoo could see Sungyeol's cheeks turned red.

"Well, I think so? Yah , am I dreaming? I fell in love with someone in just a day?" They laughed together and Sungyeol leans in for another kiss.

Love is crazy, yes it is. Who would ever thought, everything could happen in just a day? Now both Myungsoo and Sungyeol believe in love at the first sight.

The day, ends with Sungyeol offering Myungsoo a piggy back ride to his home. Well not really actually, Sungyeol is too tired for that. So they walk hand in hand , until they reach Myungsoo's house, which is not that far from their school.



A/N: im so lame , yeah i know that . sorry , this oneshot is kinda right ? sokay , i will try to write a better one in the future . myungyeol ftw <3

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Chapter 1: soo cute <3
lineth #2
Chapter 1: uhhh they are sooo cute!!! kekeke*_~
ppyonglove #3
and did you know that sungyeol actually tweeted "i like you" with a heart shape to myungsoo and MYUNGSOO TWEEETED "i love you too" BACK? x.x
ppyonglove #4
its so cute ;;~~;; #myungyeol <3
darkened_lights #5
Anxxhjsbxsbhxfbsbc So freakin CUUUTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! :DDDDD