Chap 3

I love and need you (Natsu Love Story)


:: Chapter three THE FAIRY TAIL WORLD::

You guys must be confused from the first chapter so here this chapter will explain everything in this chapter.   :D :D

Crunch crack munch came the sound as I dinned on a chicken bone for my satisfactory. "God what is taking Aou so long?!" Mom muttered angrily as she too dinned on a chicken bone. "AHHHHHHH" came a scream from upstairs. Horrified, mom rushed up to where she heard the sound. I sat there giggling like a madman (Oops! Madwoman). I clutched my stomach in vain attempt to stop it from hurting as I continued to giggle like crazy.

"Mom what will I do! I can't go to school like this!" I heard Aou shriek at poor mom who has to put up with this. As soon as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs I tried to relax and calm myself Aki relax deep breath they might suspect is you once you laugh. Deep breath Aki calm down. I told myself in my mind. Aou came down red in the face—Correction! Reddish green—I almost choked on my food! For the whole time at dinner I chocked about 5 times trying to hold in my laughter. It was only a tiny prank I just wanted her hair to be green honestly I didn't know that her hair and head would turn green but it was funny!

Yawn I yawned as I woke up early the next morning. I checked my time and it said 7:28. I groaned as I pulled my body—which seems heavier than usual—into the toilet. Unfortunately both my arms were still asleep so I could do nothing at all, NOTHING. I went downstairs cursing under my breath. "Mom" I whined "Both my arms are asleep!" mom sighed as she led me to my room and massaged it thoroughly. Soon my arms were fine and again I dragged my unusually heavy body into the toilet. "Mommy" I whined again "my body feels heavy". Mom groaned impatiently and came to help. "Aki, you see it's not you that is becoming fatter it's just your laziness. Your laziness has affected your body weight. You were lazy and you didn't want to get up you see but you forced yourself to do so therefore your mind made you think you were heavier so you would settle down and rest for it." explained my mom. "You kind of lost me there." I said with a blank expression on my face. Mom sighed and said "Cause and effect of laziness" I made and o with my mouth, meaning to say I understand. "I don't understand!" I screamed and pulled both sides of my hair.

Sighing my mom sneaked out of my room. I too sighed.

Guuuuu went my stomach. I clutched it and went downstairs to prepare a tasty meal, thinking only about my meal. I'll have French fries and fried fish to go with it. Then I'll make a fried but spicy chicken. I'll find some buns and salad dressings and make a burger with the chicken and salad and, and (Sorry if I made you hungry all of a sudden because I was hungry at that time too :D)

I quickly made my meal and settled down to eat. "YUM!" I exclaimed as I chomped down my fries and wolfed down the burger. Burp Oops sorry.  Suddenly Aou strode into the room and looked disgusted at me. Well she will always look disgusted with that green face. I cupped my hands on my mouth to keep me from laughing. "Aki!" she gasped "Do you know that if you wolf down that much food at once you might choke and die! Not like I care about you dying. And that burp argh how disgusting! Of course I care about that…. Blah, blah, blah" man she was annoying. Mom walked in to see what the commotion was. "Aki! You should really listen when other people is talking you know! And how… oh look at all that food you ate, blah, blah, blah."  -_- I pulled a bored face and muttered "Another weirdo, another talker." "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!?" Both of them screamed anime style (You know like when somebody screamed in anime with somebody their faces and bodies grow larger and I grow chibi size) "N-n-nothing" I stammered faking a smile. I sighed with relief as they both turned and walked away muttering and whispering about me.

I sighed and sobbed a little. Well you know WHY! I am angry, sad, rejected or dejected all that lot! Why can't my family be more like me, WHY!

Knock, Knock, I heard my bedroom door being knocked. "Who is it?" I asked trying hard not to sound like I was crying. "It's Aou. Mom says there's some mail addressed to you" a familiar voice replied. I was confused at first but then it all came back to me. I wiped off all the tears, and rushed downstairs. "Mom? Where's my mail?" I asked. "Over here! Come and get it." I heard a voice reply from the kitchen. Mom's voice just sounded a tiny bit angry so I tip-toed into the kitchen hoping that my mom would be too busy chopping carrots to mind about me. But no, she was sitting by the dining table with an unwrapped box beside her. "Uh… hi mom… so umm where's my mail?" I asked her both awkwardly and nervously. "AKI!" she shouted all of a sudden. "WHAT IS THIS?" she demanded holding up a round, orange and glowing ball. I gasped "U-u-uh t-t-that's my w-wish b-ball." I stuttered making it sound like a question. "What?!" she screamed and started talking rapidly in Spanish. Did I mention my mom's Mexican? I understood her a little and by her hand gestures I understood her a lot more. I think she meant like "Do you know how much hardship me and your father been through just because we wanted to send our beloved children to school?! DO YOU! …" then my mother started to talk more rapidly than ever and I couldn't catch up.

"WHY did you buy this junk?!" she shouted gesturing to the glowing ball. "For fun…." I whispered afraid and I mean really afraid. She threw the ball at me; I grabbed it and locked myself in my room.

I didn't like it when my mom scolds me. It gives me like an odd feeling a bit like guilt but not guilt.

I cried and cried. I grabbed my wish ball and squeezed it tight. "Travel wish, Travel wish

Let me make a wish, from the stars on the sky, to the ground beneath our foot; Let me go to where I want, Send me to............ the fairy tail world." I sang dumbly because I didn't know what to sing then I fell into a deep sleep.

"Huh? Where am I?" I exclaimed as I woke up. "Why you're in Magnolia!" I heard a boy's voice which I familiarly recognize but couldn't put my finger to it. I turned around and saw……….

(Hey this is it for this chapter sorry if it's too short for some people or too long for some: D bye)

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