Plot the Revenge

Rejected Mate

Author's POV
                  Minji's phone started to ring so she answered it while half awake.

Before she answered the  call, she smiled after seeing Kai's face just a few inches from hers and his arms wrapped around her waist.

"Hello?" Minji groggily said.

She heard Henry's panicking voice from across the line and she swore she heard Luna sobbing.

"Henry?! What's happening?" She started to get worried.

"Minji.....Sulli and Jinho are dead." Henry's voice broke.

Minji felt a sharp pain in her chest and she heard bells ringing from her ears.

"Wh-What?....what do you mean?....H-how?" Minji started to cry hard.

Kai woke up and he was surprised to see his mate crying.

"Babe? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Kai kissed Minji's tears away.

Minji couldn't answer Kai's question because she was too engrossed in waiting for Henry's reply.

"Hunters...Minji you need to come to my house right now." Henry ordered.

Minji wiped her tears away "O-okay." 

She dropped the call and she broke on Kai's arms.

Kai wrapped his arms around his mate and tried to comfort her.

"They're dead....Sulli and Jinho were killed by the hunters." Minji cried harder.

Kai's eyes turned red as they were filled with anger.

He might not be close with Jinho and Sulli, but no one has the right to make his mate cry.

"We'll kill them, don't worry. We'll seek our revenge soon." He assured.

Minji nodded and they went out to go to Henry's house.

When they arrived, they already saw all of the leaders of the alliance there.

Luna quickly hugged Minji and they both sobbed in each other's arms.

"What the happened? How did they die?" Kai quickly asked.

Henry attached what seems to be Jinho's phone to the flat screen tv and played it.

Jinho's broken look quickly captured everyone in the room.

From the back, you could see Sulli's already dead body.

"I want you guys to know that four hunters killed Sulli. THEY ING KILLED MY MATE!!!" Jinho started to sob on the screen.

That scene broke everyone's heart.

"Kill them please....get revenge for Sulli. The one that killed her is a guy with a dragon tattoo on his neck...make his death painfully slow. They killed my mate in front of me." Jinho never looked so broken and completely destroyed.
His eyes looked completely empty as if his soul left his body.

"I can't live without Sulli, I hope you understand why I need to join her. I have so many things that I need to say to her and that can never wait. I love her....I'd rather die than live a life without her. I did a big mistake and I'm going to make up for it. I love the entire alliance especially my pack, Henry my alpha, Luna, Minji and my family. I'm sorry..." 

The video ended with Jinho giving a small smile filled with sadness.

After the video ended, no one dared to speak for a few minutes.

It was such a heart breaking video that left everyone speechless.

"We need to move before they can kill more of us." Henry broke the silence.

"That's right, we are moving too slow and the hunters are always one step ahead of us. We need to train as much as we can since we only have 45 fighters all in all. Sunggyu, how was the negotiation with the neighboring packs?" Suho said.

"I was able to ask four packs, but only the Black Shadow pack and Midnight Sun pack agreed to give us some help and now we have a total of 60 fighters." Sunggyu responded.

"I asked the silver pack for some help too, but they said that they can't send fighters so instead they agreed to send 3 of their pack doctors." Kris said.

Henry deeply sighed "it's really hard to find packs that could help us. They are too scared to get the attention of the hunters." 

"Alphas, is there anything new with regards to myungsoo?" Luhan asked.

"Myungsoo was able to give us additional weapons that the hunters possess, but he can only tell us so much since he is locked up in the cell. Most of his infos are from the other wolf captives. He also said that most wolves that are with him are males, he is currently fearing that his mate might me dead." Henry sadly said.

"So what do we do now?" Kai asked.

"We will attack soon. All of the females and children must be in the town clubhouse and at least 5 -10 guards should be with them. So here is our plan so far...." 

The alphas discussed their plans for the attack.

They have never craved for hunter's blood in their entire life.

                  Minji looked at the Polaroid photo that is on her wall.

It is a picture of her being hugged by Sulli and Jinho.

It was the time when Sulli and Jinho still don't know that they are mates.

Minji can't help but to tear up with the thought of her two friends gone.

*How can someone be so cruel? They killed Sulli in front of Jinho....they killed my friends.*

Minji continued to sob until her eyes are bloodshot red.

She felt a pair of arms scooping her up and hugging her tightly.

She looked up and saw Kai looking concerned.

At times like this, she is very grateful for Kai being always there when she needs him the most.

"We need to kill them Kai...they are pathetic. We need to avenge Jinho and Sulli's death." Minji's voice cracked.

"We will attack in two days. I'll make sure that I tear them limb by limb in the slowest and most painful possible way." Kai said.

"I want to avenge their death too. I want to see them cry and beg for mercy." Minji's eyes darkened.

"Minji....I was thinking maybe it's best if you stay at the pack clubhouse and guard the children." Kai softly said.

She looked at him as if he was crazy "W-What? I can't do that....I need to be there and fight."

Kai cupped her cheeks and looked at her straight in the eyes "I'm just worried that's all. The hunters are ruthless people and they will kill any wolf at their sight. I don't know if I can take it if ever you get hurt." 

Minji saw the over flowing concern in his eyes "I'm not too sure if I will be completely safe, but I really want to fight not just because I want to get revenge, I also want to be there to make sure you are okay. It will drive me mad if I stay safe and you are out there in a battle."

Kai lovingly sighed. How did he get so lucky to get such a beautiful mate?

"But it will also drive me mad to know that you could get hurt anytime. Please....please stay at the clubhouse with the others? I promise to be safe and I will get revenge for Sulli and Jinho." Kai pleaded.

Tears started to form in Minji's eyes.

"I'm a beta too Kai, so I need to fight alongside with my alpha. I don't think I can do what you are telling me." Minji said.

Kai closed his eyes and he sighed hard "Please don't make this hard for the both of us Minji. You will stay at the pack clubhouse and that's final."

Minji's eyebrows crooked. She didn't like Kai's tone.

She brushed Kai's hands that are cupping her cheeks and she stepped back.

"You have no right to order me. Just like I said, I'm a beta too so that makes us equal in everything. I want to fight and I will fight." Minji stubbornly said.

Kai frustratingly scratched his head and his eyes turned red "Damn it Minji! I don't give a if you are a beta too! You will stay at the pack clubhouse even if I need to tie you down I will!"

Tears bursted out from her eyes.

That tone and those was exactly the same when Kai had tried to hurt her inside the closet.

Kai's eyes went back to normal and anger was replaced by guilt.

He didn't want to make his mate cry...he just wanted her to be safe.

Kai tried to approach her, but Minji stepped back as if she is scared.

"You have no right....You have no right! Imagine if it is the other way around Kai! You are inside a room, safe and sound while I am out there in the battle having a high possibility of not making it back. Imagine if you can't do anything to help me....because I forced you to stay safe." More tears fell on her eyes.

That was a big slap on Kai's face.

His lips started to temple "I.....Don't cry please....I just want you to be safe. I don't know what I'll do if I lose you in that battle. The thought of you...dying scares me to death."

Minji wiped her tears away and she hugged Kai's waist.

She burried her face on his chest and kai wrapped his arms on her tiny body.

"Fine, I'll allow you to fight, but in one condition." Kai seriously said.

Minji looked at Kai straight in the eyes "What is it?"

"If anything goes wrong and I tell you to run, you run okay? Don't come back for me." Kai said.

Minji's eyes widened "You want me to do that? But....but..."

Kai pecked her lips to prevent her from speaking.

"No buts....that's my only condition. C'mon Minji, with you on that battle is like an instant heart attack for me." Kai childishly whined.

Minji smiled "Okay, I'll try"

Kai gave her a passionate kiss "thank you sunshine. I'll try my best to protect you so you don't have to worry."

"That's not what I'm worried about....I'm more worried about you. Just like you, I don't want to lose you so you also need to be careful." Minji softly said.

Kai lovingly smiled at her "I'll try my best to stay alive as well. I don't want to leave you alone."

Minji wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him a tight hug.

She thought of the possible things that could happen on the battle.

There is a high chance that either one of them will get severely hurt and that will internally hurt the bothe of them.

She tightened her hug, she just wanted to cherish peaceful moments like this, because in two days hell will break lose.

                       Myungsoo is silently playing with his fingers at the corner of his cell.

It was already midnight, but he can't get himself to sleep.

He was too pre occupied with the thought of having a war in two days.

Within two day, he can finally have the chance to reunite with his mate.

He heard footsteps from a distance and then he saw the other prisoners getting uneasy.

Myungsoo suddenly heard a familiar whimper that made his heart race.

Seulgi's scent suddenly attacked his nose and his wolf is leaping with happiness.

Then then he suddenly saw his precious mate in front of him.

She had a couple of bruises on her body and face.

Visible knife cuts can also be spotted and her busted lips looked fresh.

Myungsoo's eyes started to tear "Seulgi.....thank goodness you're okay."

She tried to cup his mate's face, while trying to avoid the silver bars.

"I love you myungsoo.....I love you...I love you so much." She started to sob uncontrollably which surprised myungsoo.

"Babe, I love you too. I'll be able to get you out of here in two days okay? Just bear a little longer alright?" Myungsoo said.

Seulgi only smiled "I love you....but I think I won't be able to get out with you."

That sent a huge pang on his chest that increased his anxiety.

"Why are you saying that? Of course you'll be going with me, that's what I am here for. Tell me... What did they do to you? I swear I'll torture them just as much and it will be a hundred times worse." Myungsoo's eyes darkened.

Seulgi gave him a deep yet quick kiss on the lips and Myungsoo's eyes widened when he smelled something off from her breath.

His eyes started to tear and his body started to shake after he realized what smell lingered on his is wolfsbane.

Seulgi fell on the ground and she started to catch her breath.

"No...NOOO!!! They didn't....please tell me they didn't!." Myungsoo's voice broke.

He sat down to her level as he tried to reach out to her.

Seulgi weakly smiled and she reached out to touch his hand "They made me eat a food that is filled with wolfsbane. They sent me down here to say goodbye to you."

Myungsoo's eyes grew darker "THOSE BASTARDS!! babe please hold on....please don't leave me. I love you so much."

As seconds passed, breathing became harder for Seulgi and her vision started to become blurry.

"I love you too....please promise me that wou will get out of here alive. I want you to live for me." Seulgi's eyes started to close.

Myungsoo started to panick and he histerically said " don't close your eyes. Stay with me babe...please stay a wake."

She completely fell on the ground and with her last breath she said "I love you myung."

Myungsoo cried like never before and he screamed until his throat started hurt.

Woohyun looked at him with full of sympathy, he knows how hard it is to lose a mate.

A group of hunters approached Seulgi's body and they dragged her away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? BASTARDS LET HER GO!! STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" He shouted with full of anger.

When Seulgi's body disappeared from his sight, he quickly contacted the alliance.

"Hello? They killed her....they killed my mate. Please try your best to get me out of here. That's her last wish..." Myungsoo whispered the last part.

His head started to hurt and black dots started to appear in his vision.

He closed his eyes and he let darkness to engulf him.

Tonight had been very difficult and somehow he wished that he won't wake up tomorrow.

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31 streak #1
Chapter 38: Woah... so glad that found this and finally finished reading this amazing story.. the characters, plot, plot twist, all the events were so amazing, catchy and mysterious... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end.. worth reading... at first felt so bad and hurt for minji... the way kai behaved with her and handled things that was so heartbreaking... really broke my heart.. my luhan's entry and his character really amazed me.. loved the way he treated, comforted, loved ,cared, supported and understood her... I really shipped them both so dearly... but the plot twist changed everything... later really loved both luhan and specially kai's characters.. even though didn't want her to end up with kai cause I really thought he didn't deserve her not at all.. but his character and his love for minji changed so drastically and amazingly that it was impossible to not to ship them together..hehehe... also Henry and Luna, they were amazing.. jinho and sulli, myungsoo and seulgi's incident totally broke my heart.. TT TT TT... also the last incident with minji totally left me speechless...really thought he would fulfill her last wish...felt so bad for luhan but what happened to him later was beyond imagination and was totally speechless... unexpected but amazing plot twist.. that really changed everything... totally satisfied with the ending... so happy for the couples and yea with the new additions..haha... so happy for them... loved it so much..thank you authornim for writing such an amazing, interesting, mysterious, exciting and lovely story. 😍 🥰🤩👏❤️🫶🤗👍🙆‍♀️ it now really becomes one of my favorite story.
Chapter 19: This story is still good as ever
misinam #3
Chapter 38: No mater how many times i read this i still want the oc to be with luhan...i guess i am very vengeful type of person...and i sure as hell hold grudges...i just want kai to be alone and sad..damn i am such a bad person!!
Chapter 38: wtf i was really THIS close to flip everything around me because i thought she DIED HHHFGFGH ur mind....
Kpopinq #5
Chapter 38: This story was soo good! And definitely satisfied my werewolf fanfics needa ! Thank you!
Chapter 38: So good. Omg. Kinda twisted I think (or is it just me that wanting OC with the other kkk)
But I love this fic. So good. Thankyou authornim.
Phoneyy #7
Chapter 38: Thanks god its a happy ending XD
JackieZ #8
Chapter 38: That was a lovely story!! Loved it too bits! Great job!!
HOW and WHYY did i only find this masterpiece now???
first i was all about luhan but then... Kai... whyyy i was supposed to stay loyal to luhan *cry*
great Story! <3
Thank you for writing this type of wolf au , I mean mates and rejection it's very rare and to be honest it's my first time seeing this I can't tell how relieved I was :D