Chapter One

Wanna Play a Little Game

Chapter One : Let's Play a Little Game


“Let’s play a little game."

Baekhyun heard a voice echoing through the room causing him to wake up. He opened his eyes to a dark room, his vision was a little blurry but he could see his fellow members all tied up against a wall with a metal chain around their waist. Across the room he could see the figures of the exom members- they were lined up against the wall. Next to him he saw a tall figure, Chanyeol; he estimated. His other side was a door.

 "Yeol... yeol! "  He whispers aloud scared of being the only one awake, but only receiving a moan from the giant.

"Yeol! " He says a bit louder. Still it did not work.

After five minutes attempting to wake the other, the giant finally arose.

"B-baekhyun? "  He stuttered. Baekhyun could see Chanyeol looking at the metal chain tying his waist and having a look around the room. 

It took a while for the tall male to scan everything around him until he realized something strange is going on. "W-what's happening" he asked.

"I don't know either..."  Baekhyun whispers. 


They both stayed silent till they heard moans, probably the others waking up. 

"what's going on" Luhans voice was heard. Then  everyone starts to ask.

"Is everyone awake?" Suho asks. "Baekhyun? Jongin? Lay?" He listed, and everyone replied after hearing their leader call out their names, as if he was a school teacher registering the class.

Suddenly the lights activated, hurting the eyes of the members after staying so long in the dark. 

"Welcome" a deep voice echoed. There was a television in the center of the wall, where everyone could see. On the screen was a masked clown.

"I welcome the famous Exo group. You are probably wondering why you're here? Well this is a game. Not just any games you play on weekends, probably the last game you will ever play. And of course every games have instructions and you have three.

number 1.You will be separated into exok and exom. Exok will enter the door near Baekhyun while Exom enters the door near to Xiumin. 

Two. There will be six games for each group, teams have to decide who plays which game. Choose wisely cause if that person loses the game, there will be a punishment. But each members could only play 2 games and not more. Some of the games includes both groups to play against  or with each other.

Three. Have Fun. "


Everyone stayed silent. 

"Suho hyung? Should we listen."  Sehun asked worried.

Suho could not decide, but he suggested that they should just stay in this room until the clown let them go.

"But there is no food or water provided here, it's either we go and play , or die here like cowards" Baekhyun told.

"true" Suho replies, and everyone seems to agree. "we should play."


It took an hour for everyone to say their good byes, and give God their prayers. Exom lines up ready to enter the door. Luhan looked back watching Sehun who was clutching his fists. 

"Sehunnie..." He called out. Everyone had their attention on them.

Sehun turns around and viewed Luhan. His eyes were teary but had a smile on his face.  "Lulu.." he smiled back.

"Good luck " Luhan whispers.

Sehun just smiles and stayed silent. The air seems so dull and he didn't want his good bye with Luhan to be so sad. "Don't cheat on me with Xiumin" He gave a little laugh. Luhans smile widens and mouthed ' I won't ' and turns around to leave the room.


"Are you ready" Suho asks.

Eveyone nods. 

"whatever happens, just remember .. We Are One!" he smiled. 

"WE ARE ONE! " the others replied. 

"let's go in " 

Suho opens the door and the place was really big. It looks like a dungeon. Again they see a big screen tv and a table in the middle. Everyone entered and Kyungsoo, the last one in, closed the door behind them. 

"so what now?" Chanyeol asks.

The television screen turns on and the clown was seen again. "Welcome to Game 1. There is a card on the table, read the instructions and choose which member best fits this game. I could promise you that this game will not include violent, this is just a test game so you know how to play the next. But I won't promise any fair play. Good luck " 

Baekhyun went towards the table and holds the card. He scrolled through the text quickly then read it aloud.

" There is five cups on the table. All the liquids are the same except for one. There is one mentos. Keep that in your mouth and you only have one chance to pick which one of the cup does not contain cola. You know what happens if you mix cola and mentos together? Make sure you pick the right one.





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So interesting, I love these kind of genre's
Chapter 1: I definitely know what would happen if you mix mentos with cola.
Chapter 1: Ohhhhhh so interesting . Please update soon. Plus I love the Hunhan at the beginning.
Chapter 1: Oh. Haha XDDD I find this funny XDD
Chapter 1: I love Saw series so damn much and you made this fic makes me the happiest fangirl ever lol omggg this is so scary and i feel bad for them sobs you know how much terrible the games could be ><

Update soon anyway!