Falling Out of Place

Let's Pretend We Never Loved
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Kai groaned for the nth time as he walked down the hall that had many dance rooms on both the right and left side. Searching for Seulhae was extremely hard, totally a needle in a haystack. He literally ran throughout the entire company and there was no trace of her. He was starting to worry that maybe what Chanyeol said was true.

Seulhae definitely was giving him the silent treatment and even avoided him when he came to SM this morning. He tried every possible way of contacting her but she just always found a way out. Now there was nothing that he could do, but to just wait until she was ready to confront him if ever.

"Well... I guess it's just Kris, Wenxin, and me today... or possibly for the rest of the month even."

Kai thought depressingly as he made his way over to the dance room that the group usually practiced together in. He opened the door, and as he expected Kris was already dancing to a random hip-hop music that they had found online and Wenxin, this time different from ious times, sat quietly on the ground at the corner.

“Hm… something is definitely different about this kid this time around.”

His eyes were full of admiration and super engrossed into his brother's dancing. Kai had to admit that he was, if not super, definitely jealous of his group member. He was envious that Kris had someone who looked up to him with full admiration even when he wasn't good at dancing. Kai, on the other hand, had no one even though he is one of the top five dancers in SM.

Kris was never a good dancer when he came into SM. All his moves never had any coordination with his foot work movements. His body was always stiff and caused him to be late on beats making his moves look funky when he tried to rush to the beat. Many laughed and even criticized him multiple times. But because of his determination, he gained a lot of respect from Kai.

"How many times have I told you that when you spin relax your body like your drunk so it'll look flawless." Kai said as he walked over to the stereo and pressed the pause button on Kris' phone.

Kris groaned as he stopped dancing and faced his group member. "I am relaxed."

"No you're not." Kai took off his jacket and dropped it next to Kris' phone. "Just because your legs and arms are limp does not mean you are relaxed." He walked over to Kris and crossed his arms over his chest. "Show me what relax is."

Kris took in a deep breath and shook his arms and legs to release the tension. He got into position and pushed off one foot to help him with starting the spin. After three spins, he landed on his feet; shoulder length apart and a fist punched vertically up into the air above his head simultaneously.

"No no no no no no." Kai walked over to Kris' side and grabbed his arm that was in the air and lowered it a little so that his inner elbow was at an obtuse angle. "Don't punch too high. You want it to look artistic not like martial arts." He crouched down and lifted Kris' leg and moved it over, horizontally, a couple of inches away from his other foot before letting it contact the ground again. "Far apart like this will finish the move more smoothly and give it a cool vibe."

Kai stood up and patted Kris on the shoulder. "The spin was almost perfect, but you were way too relaxed which made you appear lazy."

“Then what should I do?" Kris said turning his back to his friend while walking away. "It's either I'm too stiff or too relaxed." He threw his arms in the air for defeat.

Kai looked at Kris' reflection in the mirror and could tell that he was being trouble by something else, possibly a personal problem. "It's all about feeling the music, how you perceive it, what you hear, when the beats are going to hit, and where you want to direct your moves. You can't just imagine them. You have to create them."

Kris looked at Kai’s reflection in the mirror in disbelief. How was he going to do all that? Worse yet, Kai was giving him too much information; information that he couldn’t even comprehend.

"Wow..." Kris slowly clapped his hands in annoyance before sarcastically replying. "Your dancing terminology is really something." He turned around and placed his hands on his hips. "Easy for you to say… you were born with natural talent."

Kai raised an eyebrow at Kris' mocking comment. Kai was just merely teaching him. There was no ill intent in his voice. He wasn’t even yelling at Kris for not being able to perfect the spinning move like how most of their instructors did. It wasn't like Kai was rubbing his talent in Kris' face or anything. He was just trying to help him understand how dancing should be done.

"Born with talent?" Kai asked with shock in his voice.

He hated when people said he was nothing more than natural talent that just flowed where ever the river took him. But these people had no idea how hard his life was as a child. He had to struggle through many obstacles which at times seemed impossible to overcome, but he kept fighting, allowing him to be where he is today.

As a child his parents wanted him to learn taekwondo and the piano. At first he agreed to it because he was a child, but he quickly lost interested after watching the Nutcracker in his fourth grade class during the last week of school in December. Since then he wanted to learn ballet and dance in front of millions of people.

At first his parents were against it and really upset. They didn't want people knowing that their son was a ballet dancer, something they viewed that only girls should do and not males. But as time went on, they saw how determined and independent he was, so they decided to let him follow his dream and not force him to go along with what they desired for his future.

On his eighth birthday, his parents got him a private tutor for jazz dance and ballet. They felt that the dance class at his school wasn't focusing on the type of dance that their son wanted which affected his time usage at home. Instead of focusing on studies and sleeping, he would stay up really late and practice in his room in front of the mirror closet doors with his earphones on.

After a couple years with the private tutor, his parents decided that it was time for the tutor to go because Kai's behavior still did not change. Instead of enrolling him for public school, they enrolled him into a private school that had performance arts as the main focus. Since then he worked hard and graduated and also recognized as one of the school's best dancers.

Kai pointed a finger at his own chest. "Why would you say something like that to me?" He looked away and shook his head. "You think I would still be standing here with you if I was born with the talent that you claim I have?" He ran a hand through his hair and looked to the side. "You have no idea how much strength you used to hit a nerve in me."

Kris mentally slapped himself on the face and looked at Kai when he realized what he had said. “Come man. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just… frustrated right now.”

Kai walked over to the stereo and picked up his jacket without giving Kris a glance as he forcefully put his arms through the jacket. “Frustrated huh… Hm… I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone take out their frustration on someone who was just trying to help.” He walked out of the room slamming the door after when his figure passed through the door frame.

The noise echoed throughout the dance room as well as the hallway. Kris sighed in frustration as he ran a hand through his hair. He kept his hand at the back of his head and rubbed it in irritation as he walked over to the stereo and sat down.

"Tsk! Argh! I should have never said that to him."

He knew that Kai was hurting right now. Everyone in the company knows that Kai is the hardest working trainee there ever was. He always went to the dance room to practice for fun during breaks and even practiced when there were no events scheduled, something you don’t find a lot of trainees doing.

"Aish! You stupid stupid idiot. You should have thought first before you spoke." Kris tsk and rubbed his head with both hands in frustration as he scolded himself.

He harshly sighed seconds later and yelled out frustratingly not knowing any other way to handle this frustration of his. He looked at his reflection in the mirror as the echoes of his voice, bouncing off the walls of the dance room, died down after several seconds.

Kris grabbed his phone and pressed the button at the top of his phone and the screen lighted up mini seconds later. He looked at his lock screen picture and breathed through his nose. It was a picture of Kai, Seulhae, and him with their arms around each other's shoulders during the beginning of their trainee life. Kris was in the middle, Seulhae was at his left, and Kai was at his right. The smiles on their faces were unexplainable. Just one look and one could tell how happy they were.

"Where have the good old days gone to?"

Kris rubbed his thumb back and forth on the screen picture as he reminisced about the time when they barely just came into SM. They were instantly glued onto each other and promised that they would debut together even before they were put into the trio group project. It was a miracle that the three were chosen and their promise was just steps away.

"Yifan-ge..." Wenxin spoke as he walked over to his brother and sat right next to him copying his sitting posture. "Are you currently hurting?"

Kris looked away from his phone and to Wenxin. He smiled halfheartedly as he set his phone back down to where it was before he picked it up. He turned his body to face Wenxin and grabbed his shoulders to turn him around to face him.

"Hurting? Big boys like ge don't get hurt." He said as he ruffled Wenxin's hair.

The little boy looked up and smiled at his brother. He was sure that there was something bothering his brother but he wasn't old enough to understand what it was. For now, all he knew was that it was his job to keep his brother happy and healthy.

“Uh…” Wenxin paused as he fidgeted with his fingers not sure if it was a good idea to bring up a topic that had been troubling Kris all weekend.

Kris gave him a side-look as his eyes squinted. “W…h…a…t…?” He slowly said as his head inched closer and closer to Wenxin.

“Um… I saw… um…” Wenxin hung his head low with his shoulders rising; feeling intimidated by Kris’ authority like action.

“Saw what?” Kris reached his arms over to Wenxin who closed his eyes in fear of being hit by his brother for not speaking up about what he saw.

“Yoonnae.” Wenxin quickly said as his eyes shut hard and his hands were up defending himself.

“What?” Kris flatly asked as he stared at his little brother in disbelief. “No way. No you didn’t. If you did then I would have seen her too.”

Kris was definitely sure that he did not see Yoonnae this morning when they have arrived around seven. Usually she would either come at the same time as them or even earlier. If Kris had saw her, he would have gone over to her right away and start a conversation or even tried flirting with her if that was possible as she always rejected his failed attempts.

“Are you sure you saw her?”

Wenxin shook his head in a sideways motion. “No. Not Yoonnae.” Wenxin said taking back his word about seeing Yoonnae as he covered his mouth with his hands.

He had no idea why he had said Yoonnae’s name. Ever since that day he had met her, he felt that her name was the key to get out of Kris troubles. But right now, Yoonnae wasn’t the name that he was looking for. He meant to say handsome guy that was on top of sister-in-law’s name, but he had no clue what his name was.

He had seen him this morning and the look on his face wasn’t too pleasing. Wenxin looked at Kris and gulped as his brother’s figure towered over his.



Kris looked at his little brother’s cute and innocent face and couldn’t help but pinched his cheeks hard. “Ah~ you’re so cute.” He moved his hands up and down in opposite directions still pinching his cheeks.

“AH~” Wenxin screamed due to the pain as he tried to pry his brother’s hands off of his face. “Yifan-ge! Stop. Ge! It hurts.”

Kris smiled as he let go of Wenxin’s cheeks. “Why are you even talking about Yoonnae right now anyways? Do you like her or something?”

Wenxin thought about the question for a minute then said nothing as he shook his head up and down. He really did like Yoonnae. She was definitely someone special to him.

“Why? You know that ge likes her. Are you trying to start a competition with me?”

The little boy shook his head sideways with his eyes closed whilst bubbling up his cheeks that took the shape of a steamed bun.

“Hm…?” Kris gave him a side look not understanding him at all. “Then why?”

Wenxin gave him a toothy grin and pat Kris’ upper arm. It should be obvious why he liked her just as much as his brother did but only the affection was different. She was like a sister to him, not someone that he wanted to fall in love with. Where there some things in this world that even adults yet to understand?

“I like Yoonnae because she can bring a smile on ge’s face. When she makes ge happy… she makes me happy too.”

The little boy’s brother couldn’t stop himself from smiling. He was happy that Wenixn was able to tell when he was mostly cheerful. He gave the kid a scary stare as he inched his own body closer. Wenxin gulped but then smiled when he recognized that strange looking stare.

Kris reached his arms out to him and started tickling him. Wenxin hated when people did that because it was one of his weaknesses. Wenxin giggled out loud as he fell back on the ground. He tried to cover his stomach but it his little hands were no match for his brother’s. He rolled over to his sides and suddenly no voice came out of his mouth as he continued to laugh.

Kris knew that Wenxin was just trying to make him feel better by mentioning Yoonnae to him, and surprisingly it worked. For some odd reason, her name was just enough to make him forget about his problems for a while, something he found to be quite strange. Maybe he being attracted to her at first sight wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

He stopped tickling Wenxin and pulled the kid back up into a sitting position. “You sly little brat.” Kris said as he playfully knocked his forehead softly. “Go grab my duffle bag. We’re going to fill out your application in the lobby.”

Wenxin nodded and stood up immediately. He walked over to the corner where he was sitting at earlier and grabbed the bag. It was a little heavy so he decided not to carry it. He grabbed the handle and started to drag it slowly on the ground.

“Yifan-ge…” Wenxin struggled with the bag as he turned his back to his brother and started pulling the bag with two hands, walking backward. “It’s too… too heavy.”

Kris smirked at the lad and stood up. He bent down and grabbed his phone and tucked it safely into his pocket before walking over to Wenxin. He stopped just steps before his little brother and stood still watching him struggle with the bag.

Wenxin continued to pull the bag when he didn’t hear a word from his brother. He pulled it with all his might and was actually getting tired. He stopped pulling when his back hit something. He looked up and was surprised that his brother was standing behind and looking straight dow

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Oh my god! Are you really not coming back? I really need Krease and Seulhae TT _ TT
Chapter 7: Sorry I never has the chance to read. It good. Oh I sub to it.
Chapter 7: So Yoonnae know's Chinese. Cool.
Chapter 7: Oh my God! I had no clue that you updated. But that was a while ago. It's so good. Are you still going to keep writing because I noticed that your updates were a couple of weeks back or months even.
Chapter 7: Finally woman. I've been waiting for this update for a long long long time. Oh my gollyjiwilikers. Krease cares so much about Yoonnae. Dang where's Seulhae? So much Yoonris. Anyways looking for other pairings as well. Update!
Chapter 6: Love the story so far. Made you a poster. Sent through message. Update soon!
When the hell are you going to update woman? It's been two weeks already. Where are my Sunday updates huh? OMFG!!! ! It's Seulris. It's a damn poster. Finally!!! OMG!!! *fans self* ASDFGHJKL Gosh IIIII I CAN'T *dies* I guess that poster freak'n makes up for the no updates these past weeks. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING AUTHORNIM. Please don't mention anything about Krease and his depression departure or I'll literally cry. I'm just going to fantasize with your story and many others on aff that Krease is still here for the time being until an official announcement has been made.
Chapter 6: I love how the guest appearances cares about the girls. Update!
Chapter 6: Ooo~ one big bro missing and another big bro present. Interesting. There should be a Yunho vs Kibum kind of thing. Update.
Chapter 6: You really threw me off with the guest appearances author-nim. I totally forgotten that those people existed in sm ent. Update!