will the truth be told? ctd.

my boyfriend.. the player :/


"It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place."


"o-oppa. What's the matter?" you asked him 

He stayed quiet and just walked towards the dining table and sat down. Without him asking, you as well invited yourself and sat down across from him, though having a different expression painted on your face

"~~~~-ah... Truth is..." he stopped thinking if he should go through with it or not.

Being a not so patient person you nodded your head as a gesture for him to go on, but seeing as his eyes stared into yours while the rest of his face looked blank like he was lost in what to do next, you cleared your throat.

"what is it oppa?" you asked yet again

This time, which of course surprised you.. Was that he smiled and caressed your cheek

"nothing. I just wanted to say how lucky I am to have a girlfriend so beautiful." he told you

You knew something was up. But didn't ask in fear that he might feed you more lies. And till now you had already taken so much.

"eiiii don't be so corny. " you told him He shook his head

"I'm not. I'm just trying to be honest."


After that day you had noticed Woohyun had changed. A bit of you was happy, and the rest was a bit concerned

"I'm happy that you're finally doing the right thing!" Hee Mi said 

He nodded "mm. This is something I should have done when after that first fling."

Hee Mi folded her arms "I wonder. What made you bang all those girls.

" Woohyun shrugged "me too."

Hee Mi mentally face Palmed herself and looked at him

"so you're going to tell her right??" she asked him, more like pestered anyway.

He bit his lip his eyes looking up at the sky as if he was deep in thought, then suddenly started to walk towards his next class. Dumbfounded by whether that was a yes or no Hee Mi shrugged and walked the opposite way 

*well if he doesn't tell her.. I gladly will.*

*but If I tell her... Will that make her let go of me easier?* he thought before bumping into someone.


"So how was your little talk?" Hoya asked after you guys were walking to your next classes together 

You shrugged "I actually need to thank you for dragging me there. His somewhat... becoming the 'woohyun' i first fell in love with."

He furrowed his brows "What exactly did you guys talk about?"

You looked at him and chuckled "Why does it matter oppa? .. Well since you really wanted to know, we talked about the future."

He raised a brow "bwo?"

You nodded "yeah. he was being unusually corny that day.. And kept talking about how we're going to have a happy family.. with a dog. named after me." You chuckled remembering

Hoya nodded... Sort of confused.. But what you guys didn't know was Hee Mi heard the whole thing... And being such an emotional person she almost cried "That was soo like those Tv dramas. omg. This is so sad.. Especially when she finds out the truth." She pouted and walked away


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great job!
aww thank you for reading!! haha ^^
timeofmylife03 #3
Read it for the 2nd time <3
woohyun such a bad boy!!!
hahaha i can imagine woohyun use his aegyo....
You probably just accidentally put my cover instead of the original song for Kim Yeo Hee's Half (CH30). Hehe. Well anyways, I think the story's interesting. Will read it later after I study for my exams :DD
the ending's so cute!! <3<3
awww it ended already?? but the ending is so cute ^^<br />
I really loved reading this :))