
Crowded future
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Words: 31xx       What the hell is this guy doing here?! he stand out like a freaking sore thumb... Kyuhyun internally curse as he tries to work out the best way to sneak quietly through the front gate of his school without getting caught by said thumb.  To which currently being crowded by one too many groupies trying to get a glimpse at the new idol star: Choi Siwon.  Its ridiculous how Kyuhyun the Ace student have to succumb to such stupid method to dodge his ex-bf. 
As much as Kyuhyun likes to pretend he isn't in a relationship with the sudden pop star anymore, he couldn't much control his hatred to all the gals and guys wooing, awing and drooling at every movements of his ex.  

Grumpily chanting nasty curses at those shameless fans, Kyuhyun could still clearly remembers their first WonKyu  encounter.     18months before
Kyuhyun wasn't expect this, really, he totally didn't foresee any concept of such.   I mean, come on! this isn't some kind of a tv drama.  This is real life, better yet it was just another normal, boring, quiet school day.  Kyuhyun was studying peacefully in the library while suddenly a gently hand touches his shoulder, obviously asking for his attention.  He stood up as he didn't want to talk over his shoulder, that's when he notice the guy, his brain concluded that the new schooler must be lost and needed help.  Being the absolutely nice guy Kyuhyun is, he merely pointed towards the information counter boredly before sitting his back down without a second look. 
Little did he expect that wasn't really what the guy needed help with.  The hand return back on his shoulder, now, no one likes to be touch by strangers.  Although this newbie isn't much of a stranger.  He's pretty popular and Kyuhyun has been pretty much force feed his information such as background, hobbies, likes and dislike by his annoying best friend Changmin after the first few days of his arrival.  But still, it doesn't mean he could openly and willingly touches Kyuhyun whenever.  Besides can't he speak?!
Sighing a little loudly Kyuhyun was just about to turn away from his text to face the guy, again.  Little did he expect some very soft and terribly addictive lips comes crashing onto his just as he turn his head.  With a light, soundless muff, Kyuhyun blinked roughly 10times before he could really convince himself its really happening.    ChoiSiwon, the hottest guy on campus is currently kissing him.  And its not one of those light, feathery touch, shy peck kisses.  Within the next 4seconds it turns into some desperate and nibbling passionate kiss, that Kyuhyun have never experience (he's still innocent in that field).  Their body was twisted in an awkward positions, just when Kyuhyun was thinking his next move, somehow his body came around to face the hottie more comfortably.  While Kyuhyun was totally convince his body was acting on their own, cos, no way!! as in no fxxking way he wanted to give Siwon aka: the ert, to have a better grasp of his body...right?!    Then Kyuhyun's natural instinct was to push the stranger away, right? WRONG!  So little did the Ace-student could make sense of why he end up finding his own arms (as in, his very own arms), went rounding the taller's neck and pulling him lower and closer just as he deepen the kiss.  omo omo omo~~   Neither of the two keep track of their make out session, it wasn't till both needed some air in order for the two to pull away.  Kyuhyun swear that Siwon was blushing way heavier than him, but he couldn't find a single person that'll agree with him without his powerful glare.    Thinking back, Kyuhyun would never admit to such behaviours, making out openly.  He'll only willing to recall being molested in the library.  He's convince that, himself, Cho Kyuhyun the 'perfect student' was only being considerate when he pull Siwon down before the librarian would tell him off and kick him out the place. 
And that's how their first kiss and smile was share together without any word ever being exchange. Perhaps its for the best, when in actual fact that Siwon is a stutter.  Something not many people knew, due to Siwon's extremely cool and charming aurora, people find him saying a single word in response or nothing was more than enough.  Plus Kyuhyun find the stuttering to be absolutely and utterly adorable, since the man could never win in a verbal war with him.  And whenever Siwon is too stuttery to argue, Kyuhyun would find himself push down or up against the nearest surface and hush in a totally awesome mind blowing way.  And who is he to complain.    Everything was text book perfect for the two lovely dovey love bird.  Until Siwon's fame-dom went national.  Siwon's mom has a florist in gangnam district and Siwon occassionly will go and help out.  On one particular weekend, a talent scouting team ask if Siwon was willing to fill in for a poster ad, and then one thing lead to another.  With Siwon's innocent and perfect smiles (match with those king size dimples), his face was soon covering the whole city.    One may wonder how a stuttering model turns into a super idol.  Well, its kinda work out amazingly, the only time Siwon could control his stutter is when in front of a filming camera.  Something about being watch plus the pressure calms his mind, giving him the ability to deliver lines after lines.  The only thing Siwon can't handle is 'interviews', because they're non scripted, he has trouble accurately convey his thoughts in words.  His manager once thought that it won't sit well with the media and public for keep rejecting interviews.  Little did they expect the added mystery has been such a big hit.     Within six months, Siwon became the national favourite modelling boy, staring in many commercial, being the perfect poster boys, yet the only thing his mom is firmly against, was acting.  Which was a big 'dump' for Siwon, considering he was really into the whole performance thing.   Especially when Siwon could openly speak out loud, but being the ideal son he couldn't and wouldn't disappoint his mom. 
Kyuhyun took everything very well, he didn't mind the endless hours of not seeing Siwon due to work or the mindless and flirtatious comments actress, models or random people leaves for his Siwon.  The last straw was when Siwon forgot about this musical Kyuhyun was dying to see with him.  The taller promised him that he'll accompany Kyuhyun to watch at least one session of it.  Being the bossy one in the relationship, Kyuhyun gave Siwon countless nights of non-responsive messages and unanswered phone calls.  Until Siwon set in stone a date and time for him to be with Kyuhyun for that musical: The three musketeer. 
It isn't a must-watch, classic musical that Siwon gotta see for his own benefit like Kyuhyun make out to be.  Where as in reality, Kyuhyun just couldn't wait to introduce Siwon to his appa: Sungmin, whom star in the show as one of the main.  And no-one know of this, cause who would like to broadcast his own appa impregnated his gf when she was only 17 and he was 16.  And Siwon was gonna be the very first person for Kyuhyun to share that knowledge being taught ever since a toddler to keep this secret. 
But the guy missed it.  And Kyuhyun swear he didn't break his hand-phone when he listen to Siwon's stupid, stuttering e
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game-chingu #1
Chapter 1: wow it seams a good one
wanna read it
uwiekyuwie #2
Chapter 2: Wuaahhhh ... nosebleed .... stuttering MaSi and Kyute Kyu ..... ^-^ loveeeeee it
Chapter 1: stuttering wonnie so adorable.
Chapter 2: Wonnie who is stuttering is kinda cute. :)
Chapter 2: It's so cute imagining Siwon stuttering in front of Kyu! XD
These two r simply meant to be together no matter where or who they are! ^^
Chapter 2: Sweet....wonkyu.....moment.....gyaaaahhhhh love it very much....XD
yeppeun_rusmi #7
Chapter 2: ooboo...
awwwww so sweet babykyu :)
Chapter 2: i thought kyu would be the stuttering idole but i like better your way :)
nice and cute and fluffy <3 thank you
Chapter 2: all of the above thankyu for sharing this wonkyu love story great and amazing idea you have author dear <3<3<3 comeback soon take care and stay healthy ok <3<3<3<3 :-*
That was great......I guess I can forgive you for another week of hiatus....
Stuttering Siwon never stutters when it comes to kyu....<3