It's not me!

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Kai's POV:

The girl ran away while crying. She was pretty and nice, but for the moment. She isn't the one. Even if she cries, she knows I am not the one for her either. But she doesn't want to believe it. I walked around the school feeling quite... meh. I didn't feel good breaking her heart but I wasn't sad because I wasn't in love with her. 

Some would call me a player, but I call it looking for the one. I don't want to let my soulmate leave me just because I snatched her too late. 

The aftermath is all the same. I watch them leave me in tears, and when I look around, I'll always manage to see that girl. The girl that watches the girl I had broken up with with pity in her eyes, before her gaze turns to me to catch me staring at her. Then she turns away, out of my sight. Then my phone would buzz. And I would recieve a text that the blog has updated. Then I would be faced with the news of my own break up. And how I was a heartless jerk.

Tao's POV: 

Sweat trickled down my body as I swung my wushu stick with a jump. I wish Luhan and Xiumin were done with soccer practice. I'm so lonely. I should join the girls' soccer team. I don't really have friends besides them. Because even though Xiumin and Luhan are friendly and popular, I'm popular but people fear me. All because of that blog. Rumors about my past. My favorite is the one where I only came to Korea because no school in China would accept me since I beat up every student that went in my way. 

I go to the locker room to see the few girls that eye me in fear before scurrying away. 

Great luck to me. I wanted to start again. Fresh and clean. But I guess this is better than talking to unnecessary people. Sigh. Stupid blog. 

Suho's POV:

There are people who hide their secrets in fear that the world may know. Why? Because once the world knows, they aren't secrets anymore. Once these 'secrets' become known, they are more like facts. Of course there are always the lies that go around.

But as my job as student president, I will ensue that the students are okay. Even the ones hurt from the blog. I try my best to be there for anyone victimized but I don't have that much time. But I'm glad Kyungsoo and Chanyeol help me with the exposed people. I know they care about others, but I feel bad that they have to go out of their way to comfort people that otherwise won't bother with them. 

If only I could stop these anonymous bloggers... They cause too much trouble for my already busy year. 

Lay's POV:

What class do I have now? 

What time do I have to be there? 

What blog is everyone talking about? 

Where am I?

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yumilicious7 #1
LOL, look forward to your work
faraaaaaahemilia #2
I'm looking forwards your story :)
And your picture for the characters are really nice. I couldn't recognize Tao and Baekhyun. Baekhyun really looked like IU and Tao looked like someone else.
Update soon :)