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It was dark outside, the rain was pouring not-that-hard while you were laying on your bed, lazy to get up. Well you weren't planning to get up for the next hours anyway.

Your half-lidded eyes were trying to stare intently at the wide screen not far from your bed. You just yawned for the seventh time tonight when you heard a loud knock on your wooden door. You didn't really noticed it because you were really sleepy at that time, but as the knock got louder, your eyes widened and it darted to the door.

You groaned a little before slightly parting your lips, "What?" You shivered at your hoarse voice, and you immediately glanced around the room to find something to drink.

"It's me." You heard a voice from outside your room as you picked up a half-empty water bottle from the ceramic floor and quickly drank it. As you remember, you placed that water bottle beside your phone, which is gone now. You grunted lowly, and quickly sat up, wanting to find your missing phone (which probably got slipped between your bed and the wall. yeah, that's why you hate your bed. It's right next to the wall). But being the forgetful you, you forgot that you placed a bowl of popcorns on your tummy hours ago and now it just scrattered every where.

"Dang it!" You rolled your eyes at your clumsy self. Shoving the popcorns out of your way, you stood up and started looking around your messy room. "Where's my phone, where's my phone." You wondered out loud.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" A knock was heard, you tilted your head and looked at the source of the sound.

"What is it?" You asked lazily, raising an eyebrow a little before looking around your room again. Your eyes lit up a bit when you found your precious phone. You grabbed it and placed it on your messy bed carefullly.

"Just open the freaking door." The man outside said impatiently. You sighed and walked towards the door, unlocking the lock and opened the door widely. "What do you want?" You instantly asked as you met your older brother face to face.

"What do i want?" Your brother scoffed, he opened his mouth, was about to say another sentence but delayed his intention as he saw your messy room. "Your room looks like a trash can!"

You cocked an eyebrow as you glanced at your room and looked at your brother again. "I don't think so?"

"It does!" He raised his tone a bit and rolled his eyes. "I bet you're watching that drama again."

"Duh?" You shrugged, rolling your eyes at him in return.

"You've watched it for thousands of times already!" He exclaimed. "Gosh, Yoseob. Calm down. And so what if i've watched it for thousands of times already?"

"Aren't you tired?" Your brother, Yoseob, asked. You quickly shook your h

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