It's You part 1



Eunjung is right. I should be able to resolved this. I deserve to be happy, and I have to open my heart again . Gyuri you can do this, you are brave enough to let a man come into your life again.

Gyuri there are already two men  who confessed their feeling for you, and both of them is nice. I mean, I knew Myungsoo for a long time right? I am  very confortable with him and he is so reliable. Eventhough he is younger than me, but I always feel that he is an Oppa.  He is certainly a good man. He always there for me, care about me and on top of that he such a gentlement.   Every woman would love to be with him, and I love to be with him. Wait Gyuri, you would love to be with him? What are you thinking? It's that means that you love him? Ough ...I don't know...I'm confused.

And there is Yongguk. He also a good man. Eventhough I barely knew him, It's just feel that I already knew him a long time ago. I don't know how to describe it, but something about him is so familiar. I feel so connected with him, just like a long time friend. I'm so suprised when he could calm me when I'm sad. I remember when he took me to his house when I had a fight with Eunjung back then and  He said something that calm me down, We even like the same food. It's feel like he is my soulmate.

OMG..what was that? My Soulmate...did I've just said that in my mind? Gyuri are you in your right mind? Yongguk is your soulmate. No this is not right.I'm getting more confused. I think I'm overthinking right now. I need some rest. Let's see what will happen tomorrow. Maybe after I have a good sleep I will found out who is the one I love. Oh God please let me know...I'm really bad at this.



I woke up this morning with a headache...a real bad headache and what make it worse is I still don't know the answer. After having a breakfast, I head to the cafe. Eunjung said she needs my help since there will be a party at the cafe. So with a heavy heart I'm heading to the cafe because I know I will meet Myungsoo at the cafe and still I don'thave the answer yet. OMG what to do?

On my way to cafe, I bought a magazine. I bought the magazine in order to keep me busy so Myungsoo will have no time to ask me about the anwer of his confession.  because I'm sure he will ask me as soon as he meets me Myungsoo I'm sorry, It doesn't mean that I hate you. Just give me some time.

When I take a quick glance at the magazine , I am surprised. Why is Yongguk doing in this magazine? It's a fashion magazine....Ough he is named as one of most wanted man because he is good in what he does. But why I bought this magazine? It's supposed to help me from Myungsoo but end up make me think about Yonggguk. doesn't help me. Then what will be just let it be. I threw the magazine and continue driving to the cafe.

Within 20 minutes, I arrived and to complete my suffer both of them is here. Yess Myungsoo and Yongguk is my very own cafe. I expect Myungsoo to be here because he works here but Yongguk? What is he doing here?'s perfect.

I looked at them and suddenly it hits me.....OMG it's YOU......yess the answer it's you...



# Sorry it took a long time to update...but i promise to finish this story so I can move to another one...

#sorry for the grammar and typo








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Chapter 12: gyuri is still confused....
yessssss! mamma mia is stuck in my head along with so gooood
Chapter 12: Who will she choose?
vinmya86 #3
Chapter 12: yeay update :)
i know what you feels Gyuri :) listen to your heart okay
GyuL team here >.<
Chapter 11: Urghhhhh, its a hard decision.... but I go for GyuL couple since I stan them more...
Chapter 11: omg both myungsoo and yongguk confessing to gyuri *m* !!!!!
gyul gonna be confused.
curious of next episode .
vinmya86 #6
Chapter 11: yeay update :)
cant choose :( Myungsoo or yongguk??
but my GyuL feels xD
SyazNies #7
Chapter 10: Omg!! Cannot wait anymore.. update soon authornim