C o n f e s s i o n s


Chat 3 


->WushuPanda poked Not.My.Style

Not.My.Style: What do you want Tao... 


WushuPanda: Why did everyone leave my chat room?? ㅠ.ㅠ 


Not.My.Style: Cuz no one likes you or your Gucci 


WushuPanda: D= 


WushuPanda: Really??? 


Not.My.Style: Yes really 


WushuPanda: *cries* 


WushuPanda: Do you hate me? 


Not.My.Style: Yes 


WushuPanda: *sobs* So cold... 


Not.My.Style: I speak the truth


WushuPanda: Why do you hate me? ;-; 


Not.My.Syle: Number 1: You friggin waste all my money and Number 2: Your is small. 


WushuPanda: My is not small!! >:( 


Not.My.Style: ....


Not.My.Style: Well it's the smallest out of Exo 


WushuPanda: You hestiated 


Not.My.Style: What? I did not hestitate 


WushuPanda: You hesitated 


Not.My.Style: I. Did. Not. Hesitate >_< 


WushuPanda: OMFG You're so cute Gege when you're blushing 


Not.My.Style: Da Fuq? I'm not blushing 


WushuPanda: Yes you are~~ 


Not.My.Style: Tao.. What the are you doing in my dorm? 

WushuPanda: ... 


WushuPanda: I share rooms with you Kris... It's been three months already =___= 


Not.My.Style: *blinks* 


Not.My.Style: I thought Lay was my roommate 


WushuPanda: *facepalm* Sometimes I wonder who is stupider... You or Chanyeol. 


Not.My.Style: My brain is actually BIGGER than my thank you >_>


WushuPanda: And that makes me disappointed 


Not.My.Style: ._. 


WushuPanda: I like a man with a big :'( 







I think I have very uneven line spacing in this update ;-;. What makes it worse is that my throat has some kinda animal inside that has tiny claws scratching at my throat 0-0... It hurts and itches like hell. Oh look... I can feel another cough coming =_= 


Post-it: Shh... Don't be afraid to sleep in the dark. Your teddy is gonna protect ya. Remember that... 

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Taoris95 #1
Chapter 17: Please please please do me next! With Tao or Yixing or Chen. Thank you!
Haha, I love Yixing"s intro...Made me laugh so hard!
Chapter 17: Thank you again for choosing me!! This was funny even though I got rejected by Kris. :( *Tears* At least I still have Suho Oppa! <3 Good luck to those who is applying to be the next girl friend!
blublue #3
Chapter 16: Good luck on your exam :)
6November1990 #4
Chapter 15: Pls update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! ^-^
Chapter 15: I want to make luhan date sehun cus they look cute together and i have upvote tgis story e_e >_< $_$
Chapter 15: Re-reading this whole fix again and it still makes me crack up hahaha. Can't wait for the update ;)
6November1990 #7
Chapter 15: Oops. Even though I didn't upvote (because I don't have any "karma" ), can you still write about Kristal???
6November1990 #8
Chapter 15: I upvoted. I would like to date Kris.
1) He has the same Bday as me (06/11)
2) He is cute.
3) He speaks multiple languages. 
4) I♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡KRIS!!!!!!
5 ) He likes art too.
6 ) We have alot in common.
7 ) He is my bias.
8 ) He is trendy.
9 ) He is adorable.
10)He is cute.
11)I have the ring necklace of him.
12)I would die if you do not write that I am his girlfriend.
Oh, and I already know our couple name... Since he is Kris while I am Xrystal, our couple name should be Kristal!!! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥
Pls. Pls. I would die if you don't..............Please:'(
6November1990 #9
Chapter 15: One problem: How do you upvote???
Anyways I want to date Kris .
1) He has the same Bday as me (06/11)
2) He is cute.
3) He speaks alot of languages.
4) I♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡KRIS!!!!!!
Those were my reasons. Pease choose me!! Please:'(
blublue #10
Chapter 15: Finally someone proud to Chanyeol kekeke ;D